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Everything posted by arashikage

  1. My first attempt at a clutch for my fiance. The leather is some stuff I got at Weaver Leather auction last year. The liner leather is some purple pigskin from Tandy. The thread is Ritza Tiger .8mm.
  2. These all look amazing! Gives me ideas for my 1911 now.
  3. Thanks! That makes a lot of sense now. I never knew there was a term for that.
  4. Fantastic! Love the color combo! The one thing i'm not familiar with is, what do you mean by with and without "cast"?
  5. I know this is a little old, haven't been on for a while. Have you tried Soletech heels?
  6. bikermutt07, There is also https://www.cordwainertools.com/ This guy makes a lot of shoes and has some instructional videos for sale, along with tool and supplies. It's not much cheaper. Skyrme's book is pretty regarded in the bespoke shoe community. I plan on getting a copy someday myself. A good book for education purposes is "Handmade Shoes for Men". https://www.amazon.com/Handmade-Shoes-Men-László-Vass/dp/3848003686/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1520968724&sr=1-1&keywords=Handmade+Shoes+for+Men . It does not have patterns but is great on history and understanding the process. And inspiration for your own designs.
  7. I know it's been 4 months, but did you ever find a supplier?
  8. I like the design and layout! I've been thinking about making one myself. Only thing I would have done differently is have a couple more hole options for the closure. That way if I overstuff it I can still latch it. My only question is what is the large circle on the post side?
  9. If it hasn't completely hardened you might be able to save it with cement thinner. Pour some in and let it set for a while.
  10. It appears that they got rid of the option. It does not show up for me either.
  11. Is that a pigskin liner? EDIT: Never mind! I reread the description. Great job! Love the outside color!
  12. The 29k is a great patcher but may not be the best choice for what you're doing. Most everyone I've seen making or reconstructing shoes use a wheel feed. The wheel feed will offer constant pressure which might help with the straight stitching. Depending on what type of shoes you'll be remaking, a post bed may be more useful too.
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