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About Feraud

  • Birthday July 1

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Long Island City, New York
  • Interests
    Leathercraft, reading, classic film, motorcycles, pugs, handmade goods, and my family! I enjoy learning new skills.

LW Info

  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Researching learherworking

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Member (2/4)

  1. Really beautiful work.
  2. Thanks for posting that. I enjoyed reading it.
  3. I too find a small pair of smooth jawed pliers helpful with snug needles.
  4. Gorgeous work on the car and trunk!
  5. This thread is full of great and inspirational ideas!
  6. That is a fantastic item to make with leftover scrap leather! Thanks for posting it.
  7. The resolene shouldn't be making the leather brittle. It's just an acrylic finish. Perhaps the dye is causing it. After dyeing and before the resolene, try a conditioner on the leather.
  8. Nice work. The natural finish should age nicely and look distinguished with time.
  9. Claire, your comment about standing in goo reminds me that mode and prop makers have a variety of ways of making body casts. Do you have any experience or know anyone who has done life casts? It shouldn't be too hard to create a pair of very solid rubber casts of your feet. The link below is a shop that sells casting products. http://www.smooth-on.com/gallery.php?galleryid=088
  10. Nice job. I like the mix of embossed and tooled leathers. It screams "one of a kind!"
  11. The collar looks really good! I hope it does the job of fending off those bullying dogs!
  12. The Slim Jim style is my favorite of the old west holsters. You did a great job on that rig! I'd like to know what dye and finish you used.
  13. Solid construction and good styling. Nice job
  14. Ha, awesome!!
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