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Everything posted by Pip

  1. Ive got one pearlised ink, white - pink and some real nice metallics (purple, blue , tourquiose, green, silver) i will take a look when I get home and post what they are called they were £4.50 a bottle but the bottles will last a lifetime (for me anyway), I got them from Rennies an art shop in Liverpool the lady there and i had a chat about them then i went back and said they work nicely on leather, she is the kind of person to remember. if you need it before I post again Rennies number is Tel: 0151 708 0599 I don't know about airbrushing I will have a look what is says on the tin.
  2. Pip

    papier-mache masks

    Hi helen beautiful stuff, nice to here from another uk'r.
  3. thanks rawhide, I will dye blue next time. First time using a gusset on a project and wasn't quite sure how to do it. I will run round next time and rather than dying myself may buy in some dyed through hide for black projects as this maybe easier.
  4. really nice work. Love the two tone and the flames. Thanks steveb for the tips on the tool bag baks I am in the process of designing mine and all help puts me a stepin the right direction. I think it will be a few years before I get nas good as you guys. great to see your stuff!
  5. here goes, made of 4mm veg tan carved lightly with simple design, dyed black (which didn't take to well). What do you think?
  6. Pip

    Basic knots

    I find the larks foot knot really useful especially with kids projects making pendands etc. To use it is dead easy, punch your hole in the leather. Fold your thong/twine in half, grab the bend in the middle and push through hole, pull through 1" and pull loose ends through the loop and pull the loop tight by pulling loose ends. Ta da, pendant stays facing front.
  7. Nicely done, I keep finding that I really strggle with the last bit of the braid. neat closure idea never used that, I have always punched and thonged before, how secure is the fastening?
  8. Dried walnut husk crushed added to alcohol, great brown add steel wool for black. Careful as you gather the husks as they will pit and dye you knife and fingers just as well as leather.
  9. I don't have a horse, because everywhere I look (over here) they have supply problems with them. I may make my own! it doesn't look too difficult what is it like at the point that grips your project? is it textured? i am guessing not as the may mark, covered in material? The needles (although they were called leatherwork needles) I have been advised were the wrong sort and since I got better ones the project went just fine. The stitching awl I just don't know how I managed that, i sharpened it up and was running fine, then the blade just kinda exploded into about three peices. Maybe a fracture on the shaft? Or I may have twisted it too much I don't know, i hadn't really got the feel of how it feels right before I busted it. I will post a bigger pic soon.
  10. Leather sheath for one of the most awkward knives my friend owns. The knife is good the sheath it came in was absolute rubbish kydex, and the slightest hop caused the blade to leap out and pin your foot to the floor. My friend wanted no securing strap, just friction so design on the front is really desguising the wetforming. He wanted an adjustable ride hieght on his belt, and this system seems to work really well. I have seen it before on some custom knives, and it looks great (i think). What do you guys think? Be Honest Please any helpful criticism graciously received! The stitching on the back starts a little wobbly until I get the hang of it, then straightens out nicely (only after breaking five needles and a stitching awl). Thanks for looking!
  11. Pip

    Oak Leaves

    I have been given one of them, but is it meant to be sharp at the tip cause i Just seem to make a mess with it !? I can't get no lift!
  12. Thanks for the help guys, I plumped for saddle stitch with two needles in the end for this project but used the auto awl on another project it worked ok and I now see the stitch is as John D drew, and it seems to slip between one side and the other depending on how tight you pull it in which direction. I think it is really important to get it balanced and pull both strands in different directions equallyso the lock of the stitch remains in the holes or it makes it much weaker. I was a little paranoid at it being a weak stitch so a drop of superglue (thanks for the tip) in every 5th hole sould stop it unravelling. thanks again!
  13. Pip

    Oak Leaves

    IF the tutorials will help anyone!!!! ha ha that is the understatement of the centuary, Rest assured they already have!! Your tutorials have/and will be an inspiration for as long as we all can see them . The work is exquisite, I can almost classify to species the leaf you have chosen (Quercus coccinea - Scarlet Oak). Congratulations on a fantastic tutorial! I am off to try my hand...... What shape is the end of that petal tool ?please I need to get me one of them.
  14. Here!!! Thanks guys!!!! Everyone i ve met who does leather work seems to have been salt of the earth..... Is it something to do with the almost meditative nature of tooling leather. I have been given tools, some of which I don't know what they do! given leather for practice and great advice at every turn. I have been really lucky, and try to give it back by introducing it to younguns, learning as i teach.
  15. I add my congrats to the list, really great work and you deserve the coverage!
  16. I use blue tac (the stuff you attach posters to the wall with) get it warm roll it out onto a semiporous hard surface flat but not to thinly that it rips. Slap project on top off you go, it gives a bit of grip no good if the flesh side is wet.
  17. The handle end of this is a fantastic horn folder but I am at a loss as to the other end other than you could shave with either edge and the point has and odd half curved flattened s shaped. confused me to and couldn't get a better photo either!
  18. Thanks guys I will know for next time, I just found knots do spoil the look of a project. i need to dye and finish then I will post, if you'll forgive the tatty first 10 stitches I ever did, which are pretty bad!
  19. Now I really really want to see some of your stuff! Can I help with the posting pics problem? i am a little computer literate?! Pip
  20. it makes sense to me, now I just need a few spare minutes to give it a try, combined with the ClayB tutorial I think I have it sorted........ kinda! Just need practice .... hmmmm
  21. Sweet, I really like that carving does it come in a 36" variety?
  22. Pip


    Nice pair of cases, how about magnetic clasps? might be an option if you want to loose the vecro. or a loop toggle might be a bit forked tongue like with the right knot/twine? Only suggestions, I think they are cool.
  23. Best steak I ever had, I couldn't tell you size but I only just managed to eat every agonisingly good bite. I got it in porta Rico on Gran Canaria. I have always loved T bone but this was something else, the biggest steak I (in my poor english steak upbringing) ever saw. The platter had no room for veg or chips/potatoes or sauce, and I couldn't have eaten them even if it had. Good and juicy, us Brits really do overcook our meat and rarely let it rest. For that reason I very rarely eat steak when I am out it needed no accompanyment a huge slab of bovine perfection...... mmmmmm ....... I can almost still taste it!
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