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Red Cent

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Everything posted by Red Cent

  1. DavidL, this is what you need. Chuck Burrows suggested it to me and it is great. I use two 4' x 8' tables and there is one on one of them. Chuck said he has been cutting on one for years. I definitely like mine. http://www.tractorsupply.com/en/store/rubber-horse-stall-mat-4-ft-x-6-ft
  2. Thanks Glockanator. There is a guy locally on another forum that might do it with a laser.
  3. http://www.walmart.com/ip/MOP-and-GLO-Triple-Action-Floor-Shine-Cleaner/27674770 50/50
  4. Refresh it. Throw a steel wool roll in. If it doesn't go away in a few days add vinegar and/or water. Mine is almost clear. Unless I stir it . Then we get brown. You can pour the stuff through an old T-shirt.
  5. I believe the Royal Meadow goes about $10.00 per sf?
  6. Hey, I have all that stuff. Swivel knife, stamps, hot knife, soldering guns with burn tip, etc.....As a matter of fact, I was given a lot of this stuff by a friend and cowboy who moved out of state. But I ain't ever tried that stuff. I guess now would be a good time to learn.
  7. That belt loop will allow the handgun to set out from the body. I sometimes sew on a "patch" belt loop to orient the holster and it will bring the gun in close to the body. I double sew the top of the patch and mold the patch to the size of belt used.
  8. I have committed to make a holster. The holster will go to his son, a United States Marine that is on embassy guard duty somewhere. He will be given the holster when he returns to the States. Now the problem. He wants the initials SMB in English script on the holster. Did I ever get a surprise when I looked to buy a "set". The price is around $70.00. Does anyone know of an inexpensive set of English script stamps? Or will someone loan me the three letters? I am not trying to impress but I gave him a price of $20.00 and I hate to spend the $70.00. Or should I buy the set and wait for the orders to roll in?
  9. First I use a machine with smaller thread. I like the neatness of the look. The view from my saddle says the thread is too big. Maybe if the thread was "lined up" in the holes and made tighter, it would look neater. Personal taste. The belt holder/clip is usually affixed to the holster by trapping the lower stem with leather and the screw. As it is, the handgun may rotate to an undesirable position, front or rear. I wear IWBs sometimes. They are in an appendix position with a radical grip cant to the rear. They won't rotate. Holster design is very good. What kind of screws did you use?
  10. I was told the 8-9 on sale was Herman Oak.
  11. An airbrush and dark brown dye and it would make great "fade" project. The holster looks very good.
  12. Asbandr, you are not the only one who got the shaft. I recently purchased two sides from a Tandy store. I was told the 8-9 ounce was a well known brand and it was a good price. And I purposely bought a craftsman grade in 5-6 ounce. Very clean and good looking side. At home I glanced at the sales slip and it said Oakleaf (WTH). So I called the store and a person told me the manager was not available. I asked her about the "on sale" sides up in front and beside the check out counter. She told me it was craftsman (WTH). She asked me if I wanted....to call me. I told her I don't ever want to talk to.......... Tandy no more.
  13. I thought Maverick Leather was relocating out of the country. ThoroughBred Leather http://www.sheridanleather.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1829
  14. Is there a difference in size that would matter if one has a rail or not?
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