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About nrk

  • Birthday 05/28/1985

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Leatherworker (3/4)

  1. oh, man, this leather su**s (pardon my french) feel sorry for u i have always purchased directly from WC, never had such issue if there are only few black dots, not an issue, just saying
  2. check out the buckleguy.com they have korba buffalo calf vegetable leather in 2/2.5 and 3/3.5 oz
  3. nrk

    Couple of belts

    looks cool good job
  4. leather type, making process, gluing/not, sewing/not, one layer, two, three, etc. - it all affects
  5. years ago i started the same way, but quickly found out that reaching a colour uniformity requires some practice and methodology. dip dying is one of the ways to reach uniformity in colour compared to daubers. this has 3 cons imho: 1 - requires more dye, 2 - it gives all the pigments into the leather, 3 - a limitation in process - you will get one colour (no antiquing or playing around with colour combination - exclusion is paints, such as angelus). did not work for me most times. so i came up with getting hands of using sponge technique (you can control the sponge size and surface square). personally never liked the idea of dilution (just because it is not a wood/metal paint which is required to be diluted), but it works of course. now working on airbrush technique
  6. in a room, a paint/stain/dye will dry faster than a wet piece of leather using a vacuum for wet forming will increase drying process, no matter the weather outside shiny or rainy
  7. not enough of sugar ))) is it paint dipping?
  8. how exactly do you apply a dye?
  9. maybe someone with a lathe can hep you (metal turning)
  10. Parker had a review on consew have a look
  11. sad they have only 0.8 and 1.0mm. I would give it a try
  12. weaver leather has also got one https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/products/border-stamping-tool
  13. cool, thanks Chuck
  14. skiving machine provides uniformity and speed. it all depends on your tasks and load
  15. looks cool did you just polished leather or used some chemics?
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