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Everything posted by nrk

  1. nrk

    Shell Cordovan Italy

    Tops, if not mistaken, following description of the shells, you can provide any applicable thickness. can you please clarify for us this moment? basic ( from stock) shells-they are 4/5 oz? do you split down till what thicknesses? while you split down, do you paint and refinish the 'flesh' side? is it for free?
  2. nrk

    Hermann Oak

    copied. it's always better to order directly from source(tannery)- if the budget is on hands ))
  3. not sure about texas.. but SLC have had rattlesnake skins in stock check it
  4. nrk

    Hermann Oak

    JLSleather but that looks pretty much as the prices they had before u'r message, no?
  5. nrk

    Shell Cordovan Italy

    that's great step forward. Is there anyone from here using this shells?
  6. Wickett/Craig leather? are the straps also 4/5oz? don't they stretch?
  7. nrk


    yeah, they all gooood )
  8. use kang lace - more durable and lasts forever )
  9. nrk


    cool) what did you order? show some pics
  10. I wonder, if there is someone, or maybe you, who could help me to get few shoulders? cause there is a huge minimum order directly from them in q-ty and money (
  11. check out lekoza - they got a new italian threads, which look pretty good. haven't tried yet, but will order soon )
  12. well.. i did have negative experience with them. couple of my friends did also. to be fair, you have to look on entire forum for the real feedbacks (both negative and positive). that's not a point. maybe i had a miswording, but already mentioned - one item is rised up, another one hasn't - how is it possible? aren't they from the same manufacturer? aren't there taxes, transportation etc expenses?
  13. No, don't want to know actually. I do understand why they could rise in general, but don't, when there are 'specific' rises. On instance, same B grade , but Culatta, have the same price of 10,49$
  14. emm, maybe. there is a huge BUT - if they try to accumulate expenses over 'free' shipping(which we, as customers have not been asked for), they have to go rising prices all over their items, and not specifically on B grade HO backs. Even if i call , what do you think they will tell me? )) they will find dozens of reasons, to tell the customers on why they rise up the price of an item (one item for the moment)
  15. Hi all. was a while logging into my account in SLC. Just got in, and i see that the price for Hermann Oak leather B grade Backs has moved from 10,49$ (was) to 11.79$ (now). Have checked on HO website, and seems no price shifting there. What is the reason of SLC prices to rise? anyone aware? or it's just my account?
  16. http://www.buckleguy.com/
  17. guys, do you see photo ? i assume there is a photo attached by topicstarter - but can't see anything is that because of forum update??
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