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Kevin King

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Everything posted by Kevin King

  1. That looks very nice Steve. You definately have a very disinct look to your work.
  2. I've been feeling a little left out, so I whipped up a little black card holder. I have been thinking this tri-fold idea out for a while, and decided to give it a shot. This is the first of many to come. There are a couple of minor changes to be made, but overall, I think i like it. Sorry no fancy schmancy graphics on this one. I wanted to keep it simple since it was experimental. Let me know what ya'll think.
  3. Ya, i did have them on, but I am rearranging stuff and still havn't found a good place to stick em. I'll probly do a misc. page, I have a few more (misc.) items also.
  4. I havn't posted anything in a while. Still deep into a few diff. projects. So I dug this pic. up from a while back. I didn't make the pegs, just rplaced the rubber with leather.
  5. That just might be one of the coolest darn things i've seen.
  6. I dont handstitch the wallets, but I do alot of projects that require hand stitching
  7. wingtips are useful for many things. In the case of your card holders, i'd use them to mark my stitch line by running them along the edge of the piece. Then i'd use them to mark my hole spacing. I have one of those wheels, but i have found the wingtips to be much more accurate.
  8. lookin good so far. One thing i'd recomend is a small set of wingtip dividers. If i had to go without mine, i'd quit.
  9. I got nuthin on advice, but, i do agree, he looks a little pissed.
  10. Thats very cool, he'd be crazy not to like that.
  11. Thank you very much for the kind words Currently, I am still working out details with a dealer in Hawaii. Japanese tourist go crazy for this stuff. This one however, I have listed on ebay along with the "Siik" wallet. Your right about giving these things away. I havn't gotten alot of good response on ebay, but am trying to find an audience.
  12. Thank you Warren, I hope your son likes it. JustWakinUp, when is your site going to be up and running?
  13. Thank you all for all your compliments. This one is my fav so far. I've got some other ideas rolling around up there though, so stay tuned, should be cool.
  14. Lots of dead animals in this one. Shark skin wallet with cowhide overlay, lambskin binding, kidskin interior pockets. Thanks for looking
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