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    almost anything, it's the part of my AAADD (age appropriate attention deficit disorder)

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    drooling over everyone else skills
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    Sheridan and then everything else

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  1. Here's a P Port cover from your pattern, slightly modified. Thanks for all the patterns (yep, got a file full of them) BF
  2. A friend of mine has just about destroyed the card sleeve I made him last summer so I thought maybe a little more effort but not really might fill the bill. 3 oz veg tan Kansas gator gel antique for color and just a little more effort than minimal and viola!
  3. I "borrowed" this pattern from JLS Leather's treasure trove of help a while back. Finished it up this weekend and hopefully it will make it to it's new owner in time for her birthday. 3oz (this was that black Friday Tandy stuff from 3 years ago) all the way through. The slick finish on the 3oz means you had better de-glaze the hell out of it. I like how it takes finish uneven, but that's me. All dye work is with Gel Antique Briar Brown and Saddle tan. Great stuff to work with (well, I like it). If you want it to look washed out just flood it with water and dab away. The new owner is a pink kind of girl so off to (hands over man card) Johann's. The Pink is a polyester fabric held in place with headliner glue. I was surprised but there was no bleed through. Paints are all Angelus, 5 to ? number of coats, and over brushed with glitter lights glitter. Looking back I should of rotated the compass 90deg and I will watch out for that next time. Yes, I know, it's upside down, the catch should be at the top of the side but the reality is I did it just to make people go "why did you put that there?" Saddle stitched with 1mm waxed thread, Purple (I like purple and I didn't have any pink), John James #2 needles..... this is the 2nd item I have sewn with JJ needles. They are AWESOME!
  4. Checks in the mail maybe
  5. I haven't taken the time yet so I will now. Yeah, I snagged em! All of EM! Some of them I think I got more than once (the haze got to me and clouded my eyeballers). Great stuff for my library of patterns but mostly they really help me when I draw my own patterns, which I prefer to do but it is nice to have a reference. I promise to not blatantly copy your patterns and pawn them off as my creations (at least as far as you know). Now where was the guy that wanted to buy some 1911 pancake patterns? Gracious B (and yes, that is about the extent of my Latin skills)
  6. Thanks! Going into my files for later.
  7. Thank you for the pattern and insight. BF
  8. https://www.menards.com/main/search.html?search=hdpe Not as expensive as you think
  9. You the man!
  10. My grandpappy told me to never trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders, the man can't even trust his own pants (and no, I didn't get it from the movie, gpa was saying this back in the 60's)
  11. Very well done. I learned some new techniques. Thank you for the insight.
  12. Big Thanks
  13. I personally hate flip flops (always feels like my big toe is being singled out and excluded) but I have lots of victims to practice on in my neck of the woods!
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