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Everything posted by Frederiek

  1. To replace the one in kydex. On request inspired by Randall Sheaths. 4 mm veg tan, dyed in mahogany, off white stitching and brass rifle button. I went through an awful lot of puzzling for this design but I think it turned out nice. Hope you like it! Frederiek
  2. It looks super clean, nice job!
  3. Hi Red, The narrow end of the strap usually has two holes. Thsi one went to someone who's really tall (nearly 2 metres if I'm correct) so I did not bother with that second one since it would make it too short anyways. Then the narrow part has a broader ending with a slot, it sort of makes a loop and then you can weave the rest through the slots in the main part of the strap. If you want to have a longer or shorter strap you simply move it up or down. It looks like this: I'm 6' myself and I wear this strap at the lower hole and at it's shortest setting (how high or how low you carry it is a matter of preference), so you can safely presume that the standard size will do for your nephew If you send me a pm I'll send you a pdf with the basic template.
  4. A little rough maybe, but very nice overall and certainly very good for a first project! I like those handles. Maybe use pre-dyed veg tan?
  5. If I'm correct there's buffalo and buffalo - American buffalo and Indian water buffalo. First is nice but not what you need, second is just the crappy version of normal veg tan, and possibly that's what you have. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of shoe making at all but if you like a smooth surface from stacked leather I know from knife and sheath making that you need good quality, dense (for soles maybe even compressed) vegetable tanned leather that you can burnish and polish. The shoe in your pics looks really nice Maybe the looks of the heel improve when you use a bar of saddle soap on it.
  6. Thank you all very much for your kind words, it's much appreciated Joe; something in between. I took measurements from my own strap, looked at an old Stohlman design for inspiration and then just went with the flow. I don't like to work completely unplanned but a bit of freedom often works well Bob; I first thought of dyeing the roses red (to match my guitar), but to me the 'white' stood out so nicely I kept it like this. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder But it is certainly something to think about, what to colour/emphasise and what not.
  7. Hi everyone, I thought it was about time to post my first topic here From knifemaking I got into leatherworking by chance about 1,5 years ago and this is, apart from some smaller decorations, my second carving project. I started working on this strap in December already, but we all know how 'priority' works. I really enjoyed making it but I had a rough time making proper pictures, it's really hard to catch the colours and I still think it looks better in reality. Here it is on my strat: Some pictures with my charming assistant ^^ I really hope you like it of course, but comments of any kind are most welcome! Frederiek
  8. I LOVE IT! A little glad you got the inspiration elsewhere so I don't have to feel if I steal it :D
  9. Frederiek

    Marlins Basball

    That's really cool, nice job!
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