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Everything posted by Zilla

  1. Johanna, LOVE the pop-up preview windows! Keep up the good work! Kev
  2. So I've been surfing eBay for fun "vintage" items to play with. I pick up this OLD Tandy Auto Trash Bag kit for $3.99 WHAT a steal right? Ok so with all the Oak Leaf pics and How-To's I tool a nice little oak leaf corner on it. I'm pretty impressed with it then I basket weave the rest of it. NOT ONE screw up on the basket weave! I'm even more impressed with myself. Now I HATE doing that double loop lace stitch but I spend the better part of my day off going around this little trash bag. Oh daymn I started in the wrong place. Oh well I'll just weave in the end and finish the pocket. No big deal for me seeing I have a big back ground in fiber crafting. 2nd stitch in my hole breaks. No clue how to fix it so I take a bit of black duct tape and fold over the edge and put in a new hole for the lace. I get past the couple hole of the duct tape fix and the next hole breaks. GRRR *insert rude and crude language* I mean I'm pretty damn impressed with the whole tooling, carving, stamping I've done on this. It's been dyed a nice warm medium oak color, antiqued and then dark brown dye around the oak leaves. My beveling is smooth and I even took a black Sharpie around the bevel. Sealed it all and then this "Vintage" item starts falling apart on me. I guess I was just to excited with the kit to remember vintage means old and I should of re-conditioned the leather before ever starting to work on it. If nothing else I have a nice hard pattern for making a few for Christmas gifts this year. Kevin
  3. Awesome site Clay. Thanks for posting it!!! That 2nd course about beveling really did help me. Kevin
  4. I guess I'm lost as to the different styles. Do any of you have links or pics you can post showing these styles? Kev
  5. Zilla

    elk & oak

    Totaly awesome work
  6. Have you try'd doing it in that Wild Things pattern maker? I downloaded it and theres lots of things that you can do to your hats and bags with it. Just a thought. Kev
  7. Anyone going to this event? Fedco Trade Show I am thinking about it. Anyone up for car pooling, splitting a room? Kevin
  8. Well between Kate and Clay I had to run down to TLF and buy myself some Oak Leaf Craftaids today...Lets see what I can come up with. So very inspirational!! :dribble: Kevin
  9. I would agree with the rest here about the type of buyer you would find on eBay. As a 2nd pick...what about Etsy? I have listed stuff on there and had pretty good response to it. www.etsy.com Kevin
  10. :book: Very COOL. Thanks for the link! Add that to my list of "Must haves" Kev
  11. What about using a pattern tracing wheel? The type they use in sewing. Just my $0.02 worth. Kev
  12. Way cool link! So now lets see...I have to buy a leather sewing machine and those way costly Pro Tools. I need a sugar daddy or a 2nd job to support my hobby addictions. Kev
  13. I do have to agree with you. Seeing the last time I tooled leather was 20+ years ago and just this month got myself the Deluxe starter kit from Tandy. I remember the kits being much thicker and the leather in them darker. I just picked up the Roper Wallet yesterday and the leather was parchment paper color and if you ask me pretty dang thin.
  14. Zilla

    Panda Bear

    Awesome job! I could never do anything like that! Now what would you sell that for? Just being nosy and you can tell me nonya. How many hours do you have in it? Kevin
  15. Way To Go!!! awesome work! Kevin
  16. Very awesome ideas guys and gals! Thank y'all so very much. *yes I said y'all...I spent the last 7 years in Dallas Texas* I'm going to run to the Dollar Tree and pick myself up some of that floor tile and might even go get myself a square of plexiglass at Lowes on the way home! Kevin
  17. I'm currently doing some smaller items and getting the movement when I am trying to tool...so being the smart person I am I referred to my "how too" book. They suggested gluing the leather to Hot Pressed Cardboard. I guess I'm not so smart cause I don't know what that is? I am guessing it is heavier than poster board. I did google the term and about all I could find was mat board. What do you folks use or do you even do this trick? How do you keep your small work from walking across your work bench when you are tooling? Kevin
  18. Zilla

    Freak's Koi

    WOW!! VERY VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! I love the colors you used and the shading work on the water is just WOW! Kev
  19. I had the pleasure of learning to tool leather in my art class in High School. Most of it came from books but with a lot of encouragement from my teacher. After a few belts, wallets and a few purses I dropped it for the last 20-25 years. After a move back to Oregon from Dallas TX, I have to drive past the TLF store on my way to work every day. After a few looks at their new catalog I noticed that the nicer starter kits were 50% off SOOO I picked up one. Come to find out tooling leather is one of those art/craft forms that if you don't use you lose. I am highly embarrassed by the couple items I've done so far but it is getting better the more I do. I must say I am very, VERY impressed by the work I've seen here and by the works on the links that have been provided. Kevin
  20. Do any of you folks know where I can get this kit or do any of you have the pattern for this purse that you are willing to share. Kevin
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