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  1. Not sure but give them a call or email, they are vary helpful John
  2. I use Vacel Leather, Owner is vary helpful with any questions you may have.
  3. I use Barry King for my thinner leather and Osborne for my thicker leather. I think its mostly just preference. Osborne are cheaper so I can get several sizes but they need to be sharpened. ;The Barry King are sharp and polished when you get them. John
  4. Take a look at ( American Tanning & Leather).
  5. Uhyuy wT5/# , and I
  6. Try going to a knife show in your area. There are usually knife makers that need someone to make their sheaths. John
  7. I use an air brush with a .5mm needle which is not as finicky about the paint consistency as a gun with a smaller tip needle. I do not thin Pro Oil Dye. Make sure you run the dye through a filter to remove any large chunks in the dye bottle. That's all that's to it. John
  8. If you plan on doing this for a while try airbrushing the Fiebings oil dye. I've had nice results. John
  9. Not sure about the Buckle Guy snaps, Click the contact tab on romefastener.
  10. try https://www.romefast.com/Snap-Fasteners.asp
  11. Barry King sells Wyo sheen Springfield is vary helpful if you call them John
  12. "Shop Talk" magazine, its a Leather Retailers and manufactures journal. Lots of great articles and how to features. Published monthly. John
  13. If the time comes that you need to sell a professional quality knife, should be able to recoup a good portion of what you paid for it and it will be a quick sale. John
  14. Finished my sheath and posted it in the Critique section John
  15. Also ask Hide House for their catalog, has their hole line of leathers in it.
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