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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. you could, depending on their quality, take them apart and use them as patterns or maybe mount them on a garden fence for the birds to nest in, or just set them aside and eventually a purpose will present itself, usually when you least expect it.
  2. Recently loaded up a bunch of tools mallets and leather strips went to sunday school and let the kids have at it, the general idea was bookmarkers but once they started stamping they did not care what it was. All had a blast and services were a little quieter that day, guess they worked out the ants in their pants by pounding on some leather with hammers!LOL
  3. Being in the same type of boat, I tried motorcycle repair, woodworking fun but hobby work, as speed is an issue, Leatherwork, absolutely wonderful but very hard to make any money, etc. Tried school but could not seem to apply myself or concentrate enough. I am now contemplating gunsmithing but cost is an issue thru AGI. That may be an area to look at for you, given the mechanical background, or maybe machine shop stuff. Good luck and try to do what you love and you will never work again, you will be having to much fun.
  4. You might try some diluted vinegar, it works with pet urine smell in carpets, try it on a small piece before possibly ruining a work piece.
  5. Same price with clips or without, you might mention, since they already have the clips they might as well go ahead and make their own holster to go with them!
  6. Interesting concept, you might look at the business model of that on line company that rents uncommon how to videos, their name escapes me at the moment, to see how they do it.
  7. If it is the old style that tandy used to sell chances are the emboss will not be as crisp as when done prior to dyeing and the crosshatch of the lower wheel will imprint the back of the belt but other than keeping the belt straight as it goes thru the rollers it should work fine. If it is the new style machine I havn't a clue cause I don't have one of those.
  8. Those flashlites are real cool. You should sew the creditcard in between the leather it would make a good backer for the screws, besides there is not much use for that overpriced plastic anyway. LOL
  9. Perhaps those thin flexible cutting boards that are available at cooking supply stores would work, sewn in under a liner if they are large enough. They are some sort of plastic material. Metal would probably wear through the leather eventually.
  10. Welcome, enjoy the site and add pictures whenever you can, we are very visual round here.LOL The wife and I are also moving to SoAz, asawcai (as soon as we can afford it) Sonoita/Elgin area.
  11. Sorry for the delay, been visiting relatives is hemet ca. for the last week. I have not had much wear time due to snow and now rain, but they are holding up good.
  12. Lectricity is a dangerous thing! I had an incident in socal where county maint. backed into a power pole and live wires hit our service lines just right to cause the electricity to flow through our house blew out every appliance every lightbulb exploded fried the service panel and most of the wiring! worst was that in the old days they used the gas line as a ground! being so old the power surge put pinholes in the line all the way to the street and the gas company sniffers were going bananas a block away! It was a week before xmas and we had to stay in a motel a real drag. Dang county was not held to account due to some fancy lawyering even though county inmates were driving the truck!
  13. Look excellente to me, good job, which one is the copy?LOL
  14. BUT: I am NOT going to tell you where I lovate ....!! Is that Lyle or another lovate? even if it is a typo
  15. or the one about the burglar that sued a homeowner for shooting him in the foot. It seems that since the thief fell out of the window after being shot the jury felt the shooting was not justified as the creep was surely trying to run away and was not a threat. Moral of the story... if the bum falls out the window pull him back in and shoot him again so he can't sue you!
  16. If you are using microsoft products it has been my experience it will be a never ending ordeal and that changing to an open source operating system like Linux (free) will take care of 90% of the virus problems. Ubuntu Linux works pretty good for me, is easy to use and if you run it off the dvd you can try most of it out without installing it on your computer to see if you like it. Avast is an addon superduper virus killer (free). I don't use it though as avclam seems to work ok for now. There are copious amounts of software (free) available that will do everything ms and other windows programs will do and sometimes better after the learning curve. Then of course there is always a mac. which also has much less viral issues. Seems like ms attracts virus attacks like flies to the proverbial pile, guess it is the challenge of taking down the man!
  17. Apparently all that is needed is a holster that loses it's weapon when you hitch up yer drawers after mother natures call.
  18. Sad thing for all concerned, I am struck by two things, first, it seems the last few incidents with weapons happened here (Utah) ie. accidental restaurant discharge of a gun, an equally disturbing shooting of a toilet and now a knife death. And second, The article does state the knife was homemade, so chances are the sheath was also. It behooves everyone to consider both public and personal safety whenever and wherever potentially dangerous tools are carried or used. I agree that the details are sketchy and perhaps more than meets the eye is in play here.
  19. Congrats on the increase in business, sounds like your still having fun doing it too.
  20. Try the following magazines.... Home Power... available at most large book stores like barnes and noble in the us..... Backwoods Home also available at large book stores. Both have web sites to peruse and order subscriptions, BH site has articles on alternative energy by an author named Jeff Yago, very informative. While the up front costs of home wind,solar,hydro etc. seem expensive, the long term cost savings makes it a bit easier to swallow.
  21. Ray you are absolutely right that the people at the hands on care level are a highly dedicated and fiercely loyal bunch. That I believe is a worldwide trait of a caregiver. Speaking from my own experience it is when the dolts that don't have any contact with patients get involved that things go south. Usually money is involved somehow. LOL, I was a licensed mental health tech for what seemed a lifetime in southern california. (for those of you that suggested therapy your not far off the mark, you'll notice I said licensed not certified! LOL) Most of both sides of the family are currently or have retired from the medical fields and I can honestly attest to thier patient care loyalty. The ones that didn't, became bankers..... go figure.
  22. Health cost is a misnomer it should be called insurance costs or legal extorsion by the insurance industry, as they are the ones that profit and dictate health care in this country. As an example Mr. Perot made his gazillions in medical billing the government plans like medicare/caid etc. Most small business owners opt into large pools to afford coverage by an insurance company but it is still very expensive. You should be able to find adequate coverage but it will take a whole lot of investigating to sift through all the plans. I don't envy you on that, the profiteers make it very confusing with a lot of hidden costs and they design most to cover the common cold type stuff, but god forbid you have or develope something serious or long term. As far as the reformers out there not one is willing to address the elephant in the room ie. insurance companies, as either they are owned by them, do not have the political will, or just do not have the cash to fight them. Good Luck in your plans and I think you will not regret moving to the US. I may be biased (lol ya think) but even with all its warts it is still one of the best countries in the world to live in.
  23. I was wrong I made those bags almost 2 yrs ago never did finish sewing them though. The bike is going with me, it is a nice one, Phat cycle, I sold my old atlas lathe and got it and a delta band saw last fall. Always wanted a beach cruiser, reminds me of the Schwinn I had as a kid. It will have to do until I find the right 50's or 60's BMW motorcycle to restore, I might sell it after that but it will be awhile until the money tree grows back.
  24. Since I have packed up my tools in prep for the sale of our abode (no luck yet but alot of lookers) I have not been doing any leatherwork except a class at sunday school making bookmarks and bracelets. This morning I was looking at sample stuff I had made for sale and figured I should repurpose some bags I made last year so I could carry home some groceries once in a while rather than waste gaz. Getting a little excersize too helps relieve the stress of trying to sell the house and packing all the junk we have accumulated.
  25. I was thinking of the removable zippered liner like the jacket I have, it is well hidden by a flap and I didn't even know it was removable until a few weeks after I had bought it.
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