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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. No not serious maybe tin foil hat is on a little tight today, but over dependence on technology is one reason people are losing interpersonal skills in the workplace.
  2. Just a personal observation, there are some things that just shouldn't be messed with. Books should be paper and ink. It is bad enough that in the workplace if the computers go down no one knows how to do their jobs manually. If the kindle goes down, will they still remember how to read. I think it is just one more piece of technology to mess things up and dictate to people what they can and cannot read. Don't own one never will unless the government finds a way to force me. Maybe they will inject a chip or something while I sleep.... where the hell did I put my tinfoil hat? those microwaves are working overtime today!
  3. Have not seen hide ner hair of beaverslayer, hope he is ok maybe I missed a post or two of his, anyone hear from him? I miss the hat and vest toots!. Jordan
  4. Should known you would be the first to respond to my roach trivia Ray! LMAO
  5. Actually the drawing looks like Leggings worn with some type of sandals ala roman legion. Western boots have heels and soles designed to stay in the stirrups, tops to protect from chaffing and generally pointy toes to get at lacucarachas in the corners at the local watering hole. Motorcycle boots are more for preventing road rash, have flatter heels and soles to resist oil, stay on the foot pegs, squarish toes for kicking butt, and usually have reinforcement over the top on the boot used for toe shifting. Anyway thats my take on the differences.
  6. Guess some of us ambassadors fell "asleep at the wheel" (they make good music) Welcome to the best dang leather site in the universe! Lots of pictures are a good thing and as you probably already have gathered there are some outstanding artistic types hanging around and willing to share their knowledge. had to add some dancin naners
  7. It looks huge, probably used to set grommets in tarps or sails.
  8. Yes, I noted there is no actual knob, the shaft was not long enough to exit the body of the motor. The part of the shaft that broke off is one of the sides of the slot that the screwdriver blade would slip into. In looking at it the shaft is just soft pot metal like I have seen on volume controls and such, they do eventually break so I am going to remove it and go to an electronics supply place and see if they can match it up, or possibly get one with a longer shaft so I can put a knob on it. Thanks for the help. If it doesn't work out I will give you a call. It is set at the slowest speed right now which is great for me anyways. Jordan
  9. Tag indicates Family Electronic Servo Motor Model # FESM-400 RPM 0-3300. and yes it is the speed control shaft that a knob slip fits on, that has broken off. Located on the end of the motor opposite the shaft and pulley. Has 2 wires connecting it and looks like a standard pentometer if my spelling is correct. Jordan
  10. I have a model 5 that needs the pentometer? replaced on the motor, the pot metal shaft has broken off preventing speed control. Is this an item I can get at radio shack and/or do you know the part number? Thanks for any info you or others can provide. Jordan
  11. adding the embellishments (rocks n bubbles) filled it out nicely
  12. I think it is because tools r cool, hand work is great, but so is making your own mechanical contraptions LOL. I do most of my leatherwork manually but sometimes the right tool makes it so much easier.
  13. Have not seen that before, my guess is it is slightly padded but seems that it would protect the top edge and face of the soundboard from sweat stains and such. I noticed discoloration and finish damage in that area on my gibson recently. My sweat is like acid rain eats right through my shirt collars. LOL
  14. I noticed in the 2009 Tandy catalog they offer a makers plate service, probably a special order from a sub contractor that works through them.
  15. I posted a couple of photos awhile back of a cuff I made sitting next to a ruler if you do a search you may find it. Hope it helps, I found them, if this is what you had in mind pretty simple other than placing the slots correctly so the watch face sits in the right position on the wrist.
  16. Just a bit of an update! No luck selling yet, lots of looky-loos but they all think everyone will just give away their houses. Anyway our financial status has improved somewhat so I decided to unpack all my leather stuff and get back to work. Now that we are not under the gun so much, we can wait for our price. It will just postpone our trek to Arizona by way of California by a few months, besides I am really missing the stress relief of smackin some leather.
  17. Screws and barrels seemed to be pretty soft metal to me, so I just place them in a small machinist vice and lightly file them down with a fine tooth metal file, couple of minutes and viola! short chi screw set.
  18. Looks perfectly functional to me, reminds me of the type of press luthiers use to build guitars of the acoustic persuasion.
  19. Funnnnnny, Nice work, I think the front is the part that heads to the barn first.LOL.
  20. They kind of look like camouflagers that have been filed smooth? Just a thought.
  21. Speaking of traveling here's a story I cam across the other day under the title "You could have heard a pin drop" Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by plane. At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his carry on. “You have been to France before, monsieur?” the customs officer asked sarcastically. Mr. Whiting admitted that he had been to France previously. “Then you should know enough to have your passport ready.” The American said, “The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it.” “Impossible. Americans always have to show their passports on arrival in France!” The American senior gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained, “Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in 1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show a passport to.” . . . You could have heard a pin drop.
  22. LOL, they must have changed the tests since I learned about them way back in high school. I was just thinking about some of those people Jay Leno interviews on the streets, some of those answers are hilarious, bet some of them couldn't find a hole in the ground if they fell in it.
  23. Ain't it the truth. How many natural born americans could pass the exams to become a citizen of this country? a sparse few! myself included. I am in my fifties and was lucky enough to be taught our history even though I am still finding out how watered down it was. I watched a show the other day and was absolutely amazed at the biblical roots the founding fathers were inflenced by, in the formation of this country, that by not teaching it has been hidden from us. Never been to D.C. but apparently our national monuments are overflowing with these references by inscriptions and the museums and libraries are full of documents that most never see.
  24. I agree, some wavy kelp, bubbles, and coral would look way cool, in moderation of course, you would not want to detract from the fishies.
  25. If you contact a vintage BMW club in your area I'll bet there is at least one member with a BMW/Sidecar rig. In my experience BMW riders are some of the nicest people anyone is likely to meet. Thats not to say that there aren't plenty of great people out there, just that a vintage club would be the more likely place to find a a member with a sidecar rig.
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