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Everything posted by LoneWolf1973

  1. I know have 2720 but still looking for the other two. Didn't realize there was a size difference in 2710/2720 compared to 3267 so now I want all three...lol. Bear...I'm not sure what to offer on price...
  2. I sent that pic to my daughter awhile back and she had a few selective words for me...lol
  3. If you go on youtube and search for Tandy you can find all their videos.
  4. I am lucky...I had the bug when I was a teen and just a few years ago got the bug again...my wife is fully supportive and helping me get a business going. I had a few shops try to get me to buy them out but they are 80% chinese made products and only 20% leather craft...I want to be mainly in the craft.
  5. I had a friend contact me and was wondering if I could make her husband a holster for a 1911 and how much. I told her I will get back with her after I do some research when we are done with the vet reunion this weekend. What I was wanting is some opinions as I have never done this sort of project. For one, is it a big pain in the a$$ to make? I love challenges but don't know if this is a challenge or a headache. Also, if I can get some advice on making one if I do it. She is supposed to send me some pics of the gun and what she wants on it. I am supposed to get with our commander Friday at the reunion to check measurements on the 1911 he has.
  6. Looks good...that's what I tell people about Wal-Mart stuff (1 yr usually) compared to 10+ yrs handmade.
  7. Mora and her new "pants" look good.
  8. was just messing around and come up with this. I ain't no painter though...lol
  9. King X I appreciate it but I've got it downloaded from Tandy...I was hoping someone knew where I could get the actual craftaid from.
  10. Reading thru this I see allot of good advice. On the note of Tandy, I myself have talked to them and was told that once you bought the item (kit, craftaid, ect.) it is yours. There is no trademark on those kind of items. The guy that told me that may have been wrong but he has worked for Tandy for many, many years so I assume he knows what he is talking about there (plus he has given me plenty of good advise on the craft).
  11. Sorry I meant to put this in conversation...not show off
  12. LoneWolf1973


    I have been looking for some craftaids that are discontinued...I can find them on ebay but I either don't have the money at the time or they go for an outrageous price...they are numbers 2710&2720 or 3267. They have the military logos on them. I downloaded 3267 from Tandy's library but would prefer to have the actual craftaid. If anyone can point me in the right direction to get these I would appreciate it. I have attached what 3267 looks like...I only attached the main picture as not to violate copyright. 2710&2720 are pretty much the same but the military logos are split on two and there is a few other logos.
  13. Thank you for the info...now I know why and how...which to me means allot.
  14. LoneWolf1973


    Lol...I didn't realize they were upside down.
  15. LoneWolf1973


    Just finished this set of coasters.
  16. Thank you winterbear...usually we we out there 6-10 hours a day.
  17. That is a good idea...at the moment I used all the straps I had. I am fixing to order some more. Found a guy in Indiana I can get them pretty reasonable.
  18. I have found a rotary cutter works good. You can buy them from Tandy but they are cheaper in the crafts section at Walmart.
  19. What NVLeatherWorx said is how I come up with allot of mine.
  20. I don't have any advice but reading these posts I am l try.earning. That is how we learn...either read or do. Never know if it is going to work until you try.
  21. LoneWolf1973

    Bucket Holder

    I work with an organization helping disabled kids and we do allot of collecting donations outside of stores. The buckets get rather heavy. This past weekend I had some teenagers walk over and drop about $30 in change...well that gets pretty tiring on the arms to hold so I decided to make some holders. I made this one and my boss is going to take it out this weekend and see if it works as I will be at some vet functions the next three weeks. Then, if he says go, I can make some more. This ain't nothing fancy but functional.
  22. Looks good...that is a great idea about the tilt clamps.
  23. That is a good idea. I have thought about that myself but to work out of...not necessarily for shows...as I am working out of my shed for now.
  24. terrypen that is possible...like I said I wasn't sure but knew it wasn't for leather. cem...I looked that company up...couldn't find these tools but sent them a message. I am a very curious person and will keep looking till I get answers...lol
  25. Thank you King X
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