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Everything posted by Timd

  1. That looks pretty cool, Kimber. Ingenious use of those arrowheads.
  2. Timd


    Count me in on this. I realize patience is a virtue, though.
  3. Timd

    Grange Fair Time

    Gettin' to be a regular Tim-fest around here, lol. Thanks, Tim
  4. Timd

    Grange Fair Time

    Thank you all very much. Tim, like I told you, I'm in no hurry, just feel better.
  5. Timd

    Grange Fair Time

    I've been in a huge leather working slump lately, in fact, the only leather related thing I've been doing is hanging out on LW way too often. Family and friends were bugging me to make something for the Grange fair, so I half-heartedly slapped together some roses, wrapped a vase with leather, and entered that. here's the results. The blue ribbon was actually earned this time, there was another entry! I was very shocked to get the Best of Show ribbon though, like I said, I slapped it together. The pictures aren't the greatest, still figuring out the new camera.
  6. Dang, Russ. I'd say you scored!
  7. That would probably be best. I made a bunch of support ribbon pins, and used pins with double sided tape already attatched. After a few days, I was getting them back because the tape didn't hold. I gave them a shot of super glue, and that seemed to work. Hot glue is the way to go, though.
  8. Timd

    Old Tandy Kits

    That place scares me...lol
  9. Timd

    Old Tandy Kits

    Still available: Casual living, suede'n'leather, fashion look, roundup, 2 pioneers
  10. i've tried using the self-sticks on cell phone cases with the same results as Russ, but to salvage them I hit them with some crazy glue and that seems to work.
  11. Y'know, guys like you really tick me off. Second wallet my a$$! Seriously though, that is one sweet wallet.
  12. Looks like a WCC kind of day. That came out real nice, Rickey.
  13. Hey, who's the new guy? Looks real sweet, Kevin!
  14. Timd

    Old Tandy Kits

    GONE: 2) Tiffany lamps Ventura Masterpiece New Dimension
  15. Timd

    Old Tandy Kits

    Sorry, put up some doubles, and forgot one. Someday i'll figger this puter stuff out....lol
  16. Timd

    Old Tandy Kits

    Have had a few requests for pics:
  17. You can get them from the scouts- http://scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail...17472&us7=Y
  18. Try here- http://www.royalwoodltd.com/cat14-17ar.htm
  19. Timd

    Old Tandy Kits

    I was at a flea market with my Boy Scout troop, when an older gentleman came up and asked who the leather guy was in the troop. Of course I stood and shook his hand, and he said, "I have something for you, give me your address and I'll drop it off." Turns out he had a mess of handbag kits that he thought we could use. After talking it over with the Scoutmaster, it was decided that the kits were above the scout's skill level, and maybe we should try to get some money for them and finance other leather projects. Here's what I have: 2) Dimension #4363 1) Masterpiece #4281 1) Casual Living #4359-01 1) Suede N' Leather #4296-03 1)Fashion Look #4295 1) Ventura #4311 1) Round-up #4312 2) Pioneer #4342 2) Tiffany Lamp Kits #4470 I'm thinking $40 a kit sounds right, but I may be off, so if you're interested, PM me with an offer. I don't have the capability to take any kind of payment but checks. Hope to hear from you. Tim
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