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Everything posted by Timd

  1. Is your wife screening your mail? lol I think I got it in mondays mail
  2. Buy him a basic leatherworking kit for Christmas (or just to get him off your butt), and encourage him to figure it out. Tell him everyone learns differently, and you don't want to teach him your(snicker) bad habits. Then start distancing yourself from this guy.
  3. I got a coupon in the mail for 40% off your purchase friday and saturday. The Harrisburg TLF is also having their open house both days, with everything in the store on sale.
  4. I was just there 3 weeks ago, everything was fine, don't know, Holly. I think I'm going up this saturday, I'll try to find out.
  5. Timd

    custom stamp

    That was my thought too, Russ, but i thought it was in a woodworking magazine. Google custom wood branding iron, there's a bunch of sites that make them
  6. Dang, Kate, you rock! I just printed your pattern last night, and was scratchin' my head on some of it. I sign on today and there's the tutorial!!! Looks like it's going to be a good day, lol.
  7. Josh, you totally amaze me. You've come so far so fast, it's unreal. Beautiful job!
  8. Timd


    Y'know, that may be the reason they're not doing so well, everyone's so eager to dump on them. I haven't seen any other supplier offering 25% off your order with any regularity, seems to me they're eager for business. I don't use them as often as I should, but it's still nice to talk to Ron and get exactly what I order, in a timely fashion. I'll give them as much business as I can, gotta help the little guy out.
  9. We're gettin' quite a collection of Tims here, Welcome! Just be careful, this site can be very addicting.
  10. I tried to post a link, but THAT didn't work, so google bassett hound line art, there's some simple drawings there
  11. I'll be 50 on the 20th of this month, and sometimes find it hard to believe I'm not 18. The brain says you can do that, and the body just starts laughing!
  12. I feel you can learn from everyone you meet. If not how to do something, then how NOT to do it.
  13. Timd

    not getting replys

    Well Mike, I myself know nothing about saddles, so I'll always look at the saddle posts, but rarely comment, because I really can't offer anything other than "that looks nice", which, by the way, your saddle does. Don't let the lack of feedback deter you from posting, I think alot of us just look and move on.
  14. I was thinking Easter-Roo. He could carry easter eggs in his pouch!
  15. We use Kydex as a wall covering at the hospital where I work. I haven't really had a reason to use it in a project, but I definately see the potential.
  16. That looks really good, Tim. Any chance of seeing the inside?
  17. You're going to have to change your name, because that ain't no rookie belt! Great design and finish.
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