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Everything posted by outcast

  1. They dropped the Ellis Barnes tools, along with some other good stuff.
  2. I use 5-6 oz on top, & bottom if I use Davids method. If I wet form it I use 5-6 on top, & 3-4 for the sides. You can find tutorials on both ways here. Davids is called "Jesus seat one day at a time" I think, and involves a more complicated lacing. Beeza did a tutorial on wet molding a seat also. Just do a search & you should find both tutorials. Steve
  3. Wow! That is a very nice sample of your work. I love it. Steve
  4. Very nice work. I like it. Steve
  5. That's an awesome job for your first seat. Very well done! Steve
  6. Funny you mentioned Hidecrafters. I talked to them today on the phone to place an order. They have my FIN, and were quoting me business prices. Almost everything I was ordering was higher priced than the retail listing in their catalog. I asked the guy on the phone if he made a mistake maybe, and he said those were business prices that a lot of their prices went up. Can't wait to see what their 2008 catalog, and prices look like compared to TLF. They'll probably go up too. Steve
  7. This is what I do. Option #1: dye the entire background to match the dot. Even if that would make the project one color. Option #2: make a whole bunch of little dots all over the entire project to make your mistake look like it was an intentional stippling effect. Option #3: tack it on the wall to remind you to be more careful next time. Steve
  8. You can put me in for an order of both the splitter, and the lace cutter. Very creative Jim, & I love homemade tools. I'm just not good at it myself. I'm sure you're gonna get a lot of replies on this. Steve
  9. Awesome job on the tooling Sawyer. Looking foward to seeing it completed. Hey, is you first name Tom?
  10. Alcove Leather & Crafts. 65A West State Street Newaygo, MI 49337 Toll free (877)887-9188 Steve
  11. Dave, looks great as always! Love to look at your work for inspiration. Steve
  12. Here's the contact info for OTB. Quality hardware for sure. They advertise in the Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal also. OHIO TRAVEL BAG 6481 Davis Industrial Parkway Solon, OH. 44139-3547 Phone: 800-800-1941 or 440-498-1955 Fax: 800-989-5559 or 440-498-9811 E-mail: info@ohiotravelbag.com
  13. Nice! I like the faded dye job, & the stitching. Nice edge work too.
  14. It has a skull tooled onto the leather, fab kevin bracket, and I think it's black, or really dark choclate. The bike is an 72' FL rigid Jeff built for himself, sold to Christian Clayton, and now there making production bikes modeled after it. I looked on your website, but couldn't find it, or I completely missed it. I looks like either a single or double loop lacing. Steve
  15. Don't have a scanner, or I would. Dave prolly has better pics of it anyway. I'll look on his website, & see if it's there. Steve
  16. Picked up the latest Street Choppers rag today. The cover shot is a bike from Sucker Punch Sallys', so I wondered if it had one of Daves seats on it. Sure enough there is a pic of the seat included in the article, and Dave is credited in the spec sheet for doin the leather. Congrats Dave! You do great work, and it deserves more attention. Steve
  17. Gee, they all do have mamas don't they? I grew up on a small farm in Michigan. Everyday I milked cows (by hand), and pitched shit into the spreader. We ate as much beef, venison, & pork as we wanted. When I was about 8 my dad took me to the slaughter house, and we watched one of our cows as it was killed, skinned, & hung. I didn't really like watching the killing, but as soon as it was hung I seen it as food. Now that I'm getting older (57), and have killed many, many deer, and tasty creatures, I realize that I still don't like the killing. I do still enjoy going to the market, and picking out a good steak though. Even more so I like working with #1 grade veg tanned leather. Steve
  18. Nice seat johnny. Keep doin what yer doin. It's looking good. Steve
  19. Awesome bag! I really like the contrast between the dark & natural colors. I have the same trouble with those type of dye jobs. Care to share your secret recipe for resist? outcast
  20. Killer work as usual Dave! Yer boss is wrong. I think alota ppl would dig havin that on their scoot. If it was on a sucker punch bike anyway.
  21. That's cool Matt! Looks like it puts your nose outa joint tho, or was it that way already? I checked out your website. Nice paint work. I live in MI too. Aint we lucky? We got all four seasons, and our own little economic depression goin on. Never a dull moment here. Steve
  22. Great work Johnny. Tooling, fitment, everything looks perfect. That's gonna look really nice on someone's scoot. Steve
  23. David, I have a West Eagle catalog. Which model pan do you use? Steve
  24. Very nice David. I like the blue ribbon & 1st place document in the background. Your work is always an inspiration. Keep um coming. Steve
  25. Seat looks great Roger! Sorry to hear about the $ thing. That sucks. I hope it picks back up for ya soon. There's no better way to pick up that extra $ then to do what you love, and excel at, and you definitely got it goin on with the leather thing. Steve
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