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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Are the Paul Long style pocket clips still available?
  2. I am in UK but this is the one - 3M™ 9088-200 High Performance Double Coated Tape
  3. I have looked on the Marcus Gear website, they have something similar.
  4. Thanks for your help I will follow up on your suggestions
  5. Thanks for that reply. You could well be right, the seller mentioned that he sourced some of his supplies from Italy. Do you know of any saddle grade leather suppliers in Italy? I will try to check myself, but it will be a future project due to all of us getting through the Covid nightmare. Stay safe
  6. Does anyone recognise the mark on this leather? I bought a couple of butts from a retired saddler (in UK) and would like to obtain more. These particular pieces were supplied to UK for using in dressage saddle making and makes very nice belts. The leather is about 4.5mm thick with a heavy emboss "Jumbo" pattern and distinctive orange ID marks printed on the back. Does anyone recognise either the leather or the marks? Any help will be appreciated.
  7. Is there a protocol relating to hammering flat finished stitches? I don't usually flatten mine on belts or wallets, but i am coming round to hammering the stitching on bags. Should it always be hammered or is it personal/customer preference?
  8. Please let us know what method you are using, I would rather not spend money if I don't need to
  9. Thanks a lot Rocky, that helps me a lot So much for my research
  10. I have been looking to improve the appearance and durability of the edges on my work. I have done some research and find the required equipment varies tremendously in price. Are the cheaper (Chinese made) ones a viable choice costing less than £100? Also, could a variable temperature soldering iron or pyrography pen be adapted to use creasing tips? Thanks in advance for any advice
  11. Was the one in Manchester one Joseph Segal (Buckles Express)? You can get Chicago screws and Sam Brownes from Green Grizzly
  12. Thanks for your helpful replies. I am going to go along with the drill press suggestion.
  13. According to the machine description, it has s variable speed function. That's what interested me. But it does seem to be too cheap to be any good??
  14. I have just seen this https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183418944943 What do you think?
  15. I am considering either buying a machine (https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/153186676769?chn=ps) Or, possibly converting a bench grinder that I have. The question I am asking, is about the RPM. Both options have a RPM of about 3000, which I thought was a bit high. Is it possible to burnish safely, without generating too much heat with 3000RPM? I notice that the Cobra machine has a speed of 2-3000RPM Can the high speed be compensated for by reducing the pressure applied?
  16. That is a beautifully made wallet. The attention to detail justifies the price tag
  17. Ah, now I get it! I didn't order the trial pack, I went straight in with an order for 3*125ml bottles hence the post cost
  18. Yes, I am in Derbyshire, England, but never saw any offer of free shipping.
  19. You must have been lucky I placed an order to UK and paid €9.92 Still not bad though
  20. Having read through this thread (thanks for the info) I think I will get Giardini product. I am mainly making wallets and knife pouches by hand, and will be using a conical hand applicator. Do I get the the dense or semi dense?
  21. Using a wooden strap cutter should give a neat, square edge providing that you use a sharp blade. Also, adjust the cutter to the thickness of the strap. To avoid the wood edge from marking the strap, you can glue a bit of thin leather inside.
  22. Hello there, Do you buy your Giardini product in UK or import it? I have looked for it without success
  23. Thanks for that - some really nice tools on display
  24. I dropped on this Instagram page https://instagram.com/carstylist/ Whether this refers to someone who makes tools or sells them I have no clue, but the tools illustrated look amazing. The web site does not work for me.
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