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Everything posted by Johanna

  1. Washroad's remarks made me think of a quotation, and I hunted it down: "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." -- George Washington I own guns, and I know how to use them. I was in a bookstore yesterday, and my 8 year old found a big illustrated book of weaponry. He's been fascinated with military subjects for two years. I agreed to buy it for him. In the check out line, a middle aged lady asked me if I thought that book was appropriate for him. I stared at the book in my hand, a collection of pictures and captions of museum pieces, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of various knives, swords and not-very-modern guns, and said, "Yes, it is." She began to give me a speech about guns make violence, blah blah and I cut her off short. My son is reading, and I don't mind if he can intelligently discuss Roman swords and Revolutionary War muskets. Johanna
  2. Here's another one, more moderately priced. Three days left. Johanna
  3. Does time working on leatherworker.net count? Zero, otherwise. (Good topic, abn!) Johanna
  4. Here are the 2007 IFoLG Competition (hosted by Lone Star Leathercrafters) results: IFoLG Awards
  5. Google Docs is the easiest way to do what you describe, Bill. If you really trust these guys, you could use your ftp account, too. Mozy.com also permits free online file storage. Johanna
  6. The zipper keeps notes and cards and miscellanous papers from falling out. An inside pocket is a nice convenience. The bible cover is beautiful. I like the way you make the leather look so rich in the natural colors you choose. You can just tell thatthe older the item gets, the better the leather will look. Johanna
  7. I tried to fix it yesterday, wonder if I broke it a little more? I have a support ticket in for tomorrow- with luck, I'll get it squared away. Hey, Jordan- avatars and stuff should be immediate. Press the F5 key to force the page to refresh. Johanna
  8. Good description/illustration with pattern here. Johanna
  9. My daddy always said, "A blind pig gets an acorn every once in awhile!" If profanity brought relief from technical glitches, I'd have it made. It's working right now... Johanna
  10. On Upholster.com, scroll down past the links and there are a number of "How-to" tutorials and videos. Johanna
  11. Is this the thread you were looking for? Johanna
  12. And the price isn't unreasonable, either... About 10 years ago I did a complete inventory of my shop, which is my junk and everything that belonged to two late husbands, for insurance purposes (and, I admit, the thought of an auction in the back of my mind) and came up with a similar figure. I didn't count the scrap boxes, patterns or hardware in my figuring, either. I'm gonna fix that link to be clickable. Johanna
  13. That stitching horse caught my eye, too, but it should have been displayed on a table or something. Most people were finding it by tripping over it. There was quite a bit of detail, and it was way too pretty to use for any actual work! Who made it? I never did find out. These are the only pics I have. Johanna http://www.leatherworker.net/ifolgcomp/pages/PA190196.htm http://www.leatherworker.net/ifolgcomp/pages/PA190195.htm http://www.leatherworker.net/ifolgcomp/pages/PA190197.htm
  14. Agree with Tim, too. People who pay bills with leatherwork have to closely monitor their time and charge accordingly. Time is the one resource we can't get more of, no matter what. Johanna
  15. I think our Vera took second place in the world competition. Congrats to Columbine for winning the traveling trophy! There was stiff competition, and I'm glad I didn't have to vote. Indiana sure has a nice display, so does Lonestar and a few others. Roz Short Kaohn (the dragon lady) had a vendor table set up, quite a bit of work on the Ozark guild table, as well as pieces in competition. Peter's work is pretty, but no one beats Roz for "interesting". The more you look, the more you see. Johanna
  16. I have to say this...I don't carve leather, but I have held lots of different swivel knives. No knife has ever felt as good in my hand as one of Bob Beard's. His knives are perfectly balanced, and fit in my hand like no other. When I first held one, I decided if I ever were going to get serious about carving, I would toss all my other knives and buy one of his. That said, a lot of the blades are interchangeable, but don't overlook the importance of the whole tool. A swivel knife is more than just a blade. If the barrel won't swivel correctly, you may as well use an Exacto knife. Johanna
  17. Does his family name have a crest or shield associated with it? Since they are getting married, using the new family name would be nice, too. Maybe entwined initials with a fleur de lis design? You could go to the store for a gift, but your leatherwork would probably hold more significance for him, a true gift of the heart. Johanna
  18. Thanks for letting us know. Tell Grumpy I'm praying for him, and please keep us updated. Johanna
  19. until
    Sponsored by the Leathercrafters and Saddlers Journal, workshops begin March 3rd Wickenburg, Arizona From the LC&SJ: "Trade Shows Are Very Important And Exciting To Those Just Beginning And The Professionals Of Leather Craft & Work!! It's A Great Opportunity To Meet The Product Makers & Representatives PLUS See The Products 1st Hand!!" "THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE; FROM BEGINNERS TO PROFESSIONALS!!"
  20. until
    15th Annual Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show May 16-18, 2008 workshops begin May 12th Sheridan, Wyoming Sponsored by the LC &SJ
  21. until
    6th Annual SASS Convention & Wild West Christmas December 6-9 2007 Las Vegas, Nevada The Sixth SASS Convention and Wild West Christmas will take place at the Riviera Hotel and Convention Center in Las Vegas, December 6-9, 2007. The annual event is designed to bring together all that is Cowboy Action Shooting in a non-shooting arena presented to showcase everything imaginable pertaining to the fastest growing shooting sport in the world. The SASS Convention The Single Action Shooting Society is an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shootingâ„¢. SASS endorses regional matches conducted by affiliated clubs, stages END of TRAIL The World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting, promulgates rules and procedures to ensure safety and consistency in Cowboy Action Shooting matches, and seeks to protect its members' 2nd Amendment rights. SASS members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting.
  22. PSLAC- Puget Sound Leather Artisans Co-Op Robert Stelmack has done an outstanding job preserving and documenting fascinating leatherwork information. Click on The Rawhide Gazette banner at the bottom of any forum page for more information about this dynamic and dedicated leatherworker association, and how you can participate with a membership. They also offer cds of archived newsletters, packed with tips, tricks, interviews, patterns and more. For More Info, Click PSLAC All-Day Workshops 2008 January 26th - Making a 3-D Butterfly picture with Jeff Bement at General's home. February 23rd - Back to Basics carving wallet back with John Wickstrom at General's home. March 29th - Snake cell phone case with Paula Marquis at Len's home. April 26th - Back to basics, doing the wallet insides with John Wickstrom at General's home. May 31st - Carving picture of the Tandy Catalogue Cover without Elk with Paula Marquis at General's home. June 7th - Colouring the Catalogue Cover Picture with Jackie Holliday at General's home. June 28th - Making Bag and Case handles with Paula Marquis at Len's home. July 26th - Braiding Dog Leash - 6 strands with core with Paula Marquis at Len's home. August 30th - Box making workshop with Peter Main (may be a 2 day workshop) at General's home. Bob Beard will be here for a 2-day workshop sometime in the Summer. Details to be confirmed. Mini-Demos at meeting. January - Using the tri-weave tool with General Seymour. February - No demo, meeting will be at MacPhersons (to be confirmed). March - Ideas for how to price items and what sells at craft fairs with Dave Puls. April - Silversmithing and leather with Robb Gray. (to be confirmed) May 4th - Using various meander tools and their effects with Paula Marquis. June - BBQ, Garage Sale and Bill Churchill Award and Picnic. July and August - No meetings. Summer Break. September - Open for ideas.
  23. I'll be glad to offer any tech assistance with this tutorial or someone else's, and we have plenty of space to host such things. Johanna
  24. Jim, I'll bet your your pumpkins are better carved than mine! We had our trick-or-treat tonight under a full moon...the kids got quite a bit of loot this year. My cousin Suze fixed our faces... Happy Halloween, everyone!
  25. http://www.leatherworker.net/forum/index.p...736&hl=goat Johanna
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