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Everything posted by Hilly

  1. You guys are making me wanna cry! I live in the state of Wisconsin, and we can't carry concealed weapons. We voted on it a couple of times but the damn darn liberals here are coming out of the woodwork! Of course that doesn't mean I don't have an arsenal in my home Last summer we had company from New Zealand, where handguns are illegal (unless you are licensed, and belong to a shooting club). We took our guests out with all the handguns and rifles we own, and a whole bunch of ammo, and spent the entire day introducing them to a new way of having fun. Needless to say, we all enjoyed every last second!
  2. Hi Fred. Here's where I bought my Consew. They also sell attachments, parts, service and thread. Give them a call, and I'm sure they'll help you out. Happy stitching, and enjoy your machine. Hilly
  3. Don't forget Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Wilkow Major, Neil Boortz and G. Gordon Liddy! XM radio and America Right rocks!
  4. I realize that not every one has this "luxury", but.... Don't limit yourself to checking out only one type of machine. Just because everyone raves about brand X does not mean there are not other good quality, easy to use, affordable machines out there. Maybe there's someone within driving distance to you (within a half day's drive) that sells and services heavy duty machines? It sure helps when you can get hands on experience on more than one brand of machine, and that the person selling them is right there to answer questions and demonstrate how to set up the machine. When I bought my machine, I did exactly that, and have never been dissatisfied. Even now, several years later, I can still feel free to call or stop in with any questions I may have. It's also very handy to buy locally in case your machine ever needs service. Often you can remove the machine head from your setup, and take it to get serviced, and save a bunch of cash on a service call. Also, most places that sell industrial machines also stock different threads that you may need, and different attachments for your machine. It's always nice to be able to try before you buy an attachment, so you know how to put it on the machine, and how best to use it. Just sort of thinking out loud... Hilly
  5. Great idea! 'Course if I made one for myself, I'd only have to make it a one holer.
  6. That's a beautiful piece. It sooooo makes me wish I could find the time to learn to braid! How on earth do you cut strings that fine? Would it be possible to cover that cross with rawhide braiding in stead of copper wire?
  7. Hilly


    Um, excuse my ignorance, but just what is a "blackjack", anyway?
  8. Wow, Troy! You got some incredible detail in your carving! Great job!
  9. Love the mask and your choice of colors! I see "Queen of Spades" because it reminds me of the queen in a deck of cards, and because the little thingies have spade-like shapes on the ends. Hilly
  10. Hi rookie. You might also find some answers and tons of ideas in a book called "The Art of Making Leather Cases" Vol.II by Al Stohlman. You can get it from many leather suppliers, as well as online book sellers. I highly recommend it! Please post some photos when your case is finished! Hilly
  11. Ooooooh, another kindred spirit! Live long and prosper! Hilly
  12. I just Googled "pufter" in an online slang dictionary, JEEZ, whodathunkit?
  13. Older than dirt is a good age! Hilly
  14. I think Johanna was talking about a "Tutorial" forum, or leather "wiki" of sorts. Sort of like the leather knowledge base in that "other" internet guild. By the way, I'm curious as to why you can't use the initials of that "other" internet based guild on these message boards? They always come out looking like this: #### Is it like writing cuss words using symbols?
  15. I don't think the presser foot rises more than 7/16". Even then, a servo motor and a reducer are a must. I have the Consew 206RB5, and even with a servo motor, it won't sew 2 layers of 8-9oz. without groaning. Gotta get me one of those reducer thingies....
  16. My first tattoo hurt like a son of a *****. Right on top of my ribs. The artist had to stop for a while because he said I turned ashen color, and started to sweat like crazy. I guess it's your body's way of reacting to pain. Then the endorphins started kicking in, and it wasn't too bad. The next one on my back didn't hurt any more than a cat scratch. More irritating than anything. I even knew a guy once, that supposedly had a tattoo down "there". Don't know what posessed him to do that. I wonder if your statement about "it's own kind of pleasure" might hold some water? Hilly
  17. Heh. and you thought leather was an addiction. Nice tattoo, by the way.
  18. Congratulations! Finally some GREAT news!
  19. There is only ONE reason for this "stimulus" package, and that ONE reason is to increase the size of government. Period. The government could care less about any one of us posting here, or our financial situation.
  20. Hi Ray! I'm not an expert on anything, but my eyes are telling me that you're off to a great start with your Sheridan carving. I agree with everything Clay said, but would like to add that I really like your depth of carving, and you did a great job beveling, but could use a bit of smoothing in places with a modeling tool. I also think you did a fine job on back grounding within the circle. My take on Sheridan is that it's all about flow, texture, texture, and more texture, and filling up the empty spaces. I would like to see your camo tool impressions a little more on your flower petals, and as for the plain side of the leaf, well, many folks put decorative cuts in there. As for your seeded flower center, whoever said you have to have a "proper" flower center? I don't mind the seeds a bit! Just be careful that you do not punch through the leather with such small tools.... (Don't ask me how I know that can happen). Looking forward to seeing your next work. Hilly
  21. If BO has his way, there will be no more uberrich, just lots of frisbee golf courses and abortionists on every corner. Sheesh.
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