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Everything posted by Hilly

  1. Um, I don't think I'd wanna celebrate my wedding anniversary with all that spicy and gassy food. > < But the drink sounds pretty good!
  2. Here, let me get sick alongside of you then.
  3. The "drink more" option sounds pretty good about now!
  4. Thanks for all the great replies. I think I might give this Keith a call soon. Bree, I've decided that I'm going to get a splitter - one way or another - and learn how to do it myself. Thanks. Hilly .......and the addiction becomes deeper.....
  5. I'm wondering what the limitations of a splitter are? Will they split very heavy leather? Will they split all different types of leather? Is there somewhere I can learn about the way a splitter works? Perhaps a tutorial or video I can watch someone split some leather? Maybe one of you who have/use one could post a vid on youtube or something? I have a side of heavy latigo that I would like to split some of it for a project. I would like to split some down to about 2oz. if I can, and split some down to about 3 or 4 oz. I am thinking of buying one, but as of yet have no idea of the make or model. Anything American made out there? I'm thinking of getting one with an 8" blade, if I can find a decent quality one I can afford. No hurry though. In the meantime, I wonder if there are any super helpful folks here that could split a couple pieces for me so I won't have to invest in thinner latigo? I'd be willing to pay something for your time and trouble. I would send it to you, and also pay for return shipping. Lemme know. Hilly
  6. I've never heard of steampunk before this thread. I find it interesting but sorta creepy.
  7. I belive the thread was this one: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?s...p;hl=froghunter
  8. Thanks for the "meat", it was delish! And your work is awesome. A very nice touch to carve the owner's name inside, too!
  9. Hi Ed. Nice bag, as always. Could you please post a photo of the back of the bag? I would like to see how/where the straps/billets are attached. Thanks, Hilly
  10. Don't get too used to it. OPEC has promised to cut back on production starting in November to make the prices go back up. But in the mean time, it's $2.49 here in central Wisconsin.
  11. Hi William. I too, am planning a covered box of sorts at some time in the future (after the 100 other projects I want to try). If you don't have book #2, then you're missing the best one! It goes into fine detail, the method of constructing a leather covered box (they demonstrate a attache case and a hard pistol case). It will give you so many ideas your head will spin. If I were you, I'd get the book, and then decide on the best way to cover that cigar box. Have fun and please post pictures when you're finished! Hilly
  12. Wow, you're the first person I've ever heard of that has good luck with Emachines. I've owned 2 of them, and will never EVER buy another. Switched to Dell 5 years ago, and have had no problems. Just wish Dell came with a restore CD like Emachines. Reformatting a Dell is a total PITA.
  13. Happy Birthday, Clay!
  14. Superb! I love your combination of Celtic and floral, and I think your scroll/finger cuts are fantastic! More, more, more! Hilly
  15. The Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal Nov/Dec 2007 issue has a pattern for an angel ornament and also leather cowboy boot Christmas stockings. Also, Tandy free pattern section has some holiday patterns, which might make neat leather Christmas cards or other decorations.
  16. Yup, I got that. And "Sorry I blew up" is a way of saying "Oops, I made a mistake". But you guys DO talk funny I have a couple of wonderful friends from across the ditch from you in Rangiora, New Zealand. They talk funny, too, but stil not as funny as you Aussies. They use words like "chilly bins", "jandles", "trolleys", and others I can't think of right off the bat. When they come here, I feel as if I'm on an alien planet
  17. A "blue"? I thought you just buggered up. Sorry I blew up!
  18. We have our own saying in our small business: Bull$hit walks, money talks. If someone is serious, they'll make a down payment, or give you some "good faith" money towards your goods or services. We never take anyone serious until they show me the money.
  19. Hi Pip. Sorry I haven't ordered anything from Ohio travel bag so I can't help you there, BUT Ohio travel bag also has a sister site that deals with retail sales. Maybe this will come in handy some time? http://www.hardware-elf.com/
  20. I'm likin' that! Thanks for sharing. Hilly
  21. Sometimes I take the welt foot off the machine after installing a welt, and put on a zipper foot instead. You can usually get pretty close with it. Here's a website dedicated to upholstery that you might find interesting and useful: http://upholster.com/ Just as the people here are very friendly and helpful regarding all things leather, the folks at upholster.com are equally friendly and helpful regarding all things upholstery. Hilly
  22. I too, have tendon problems. I find that stretching exercises help immensely! A visit with an occupational or physical therapist can help a lot, too. They can show you different ways of using your hands to lessen or avoid the pain.
  23. If you ever make it to Wisconsin, make sure and enjoy a "pop". If you don't have the cash for a pop, just grab a drink out of the bubbler. If you get bored we can always play some fifteen two or some sheep's head. Also, central sands area in Wisconsin is always a good place to find yourself a quality spud launcher.
  24. I'm making a zippered rifle/shotgun case, and I need a strip of brown chap or upholstery hide for the gusset. This strip needs to be straight, and at least 3" x 6 1/2 feet long. Does anyone here have a piece fitting this description they'd be willing to sell me? I don't want or need to buy a huge piece of chap just for a strip unless I absolutely have to. I would be happy to pay for the leather, plus shipping and handling. If anyone can help, please shoot me a PM or Email. Thanks, Hilly
  25. Don't bother trying grits. It's like eating grainy wallpaper paste.
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