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Everything posted by Hilly

  1. All my lenses came with either padded canvas cases or vinyl cases. Might be best to ask the manufacturer. Most online sources such as Canon or Nikon have "contact" links on their websites. If you invest as much as I have into quality glass for your camera, why take a chance?
  2. A thonging chisel punches little slits in the leather to accept leather lacing (or thonging). An awl (haft + blade) makes little diamond shaped holes in the leather to accept stitching with thread.
  3. Happy Birthday, Roo! Hope it's a good one! Hilly
  4. I think the retainers on the flap make it look a little more sturdy, not to mention a bit more dressed up, and if I were to purchase one of those bags, I'd definately buy the one with the retainers. Doesn't matter who made them. Just my opinion. Hilly
  5. Why don't you order yourself one of those sample cards they have for a couple dollars? They clearly show the diameters of different ply counts. Then there will be no guesswork. Hilly
  6. OMG! Some people have way too much time and money! :wtf:
  7. I paid $46 + shipping for my spool if Barbour's. Definately NOT cheap, but a pound will last a l-o-o-o-o-ng time. I also buy prewaxed linen thread on smaller spools from Royalwood Ltd. online. You can get many different weights, in many colors, but I stuck with white, natural, walnut and black.
  8. Would one of you cowboy gear savvy type please explain to this city gal what's the difference, and the purpose of each? Told you it was just a dumb question! Hilly
  9. How do you deal with the fumes from Neat Lac? I can't even stay in the same building as that stuff! The first and only time I used it, I was buzzed outta my gourd!
  10. Man, I'm older than dirt at 48, and I started a year ago. I wonder if you can take leatherworking classes as occupational therapy in a nursing home......
  11. I was considering the oxalic acid "wipe down" before I dye it. It is carved oak leaves and acorns inside a border. I am toying with the idea of doing the leaves in eco flow fall colors on a dark brown background with the border done in a nice rich medium brown.
  12. Happy 36th Tom! Have one or two many for me! Hilly
  13. Well, I absolutely cannot SEE or FEEL any cement, but I did mist the area where I thought it was, and sure enough, there's one area where the water will not penetrate the leather. I put a bit of alchohol on a cotton ball, and wiped the heck out of the area. I let it dry, and it looks clean, if not a bit dry. So, I misted it with water, and the area that was resisting is now accepting moisture. I think (hope) it will dye okay.
  14. Day-um, Tom! Don't you ever sleep? Seems you post something new every 15 minutes or so! I sure am enjoying it all, though! Nice little notebook for someone. Wish I could find more time for leatherworking... Hilly
  15. Okay, NOW I'm hooked! I love the bird hunting theme!
  16. I'm currently working on a carved pistol case for my .44. For some reason, the tape I used on the back didn't seem very stabil, so I decided to remove the tape, and rubber cement it down to some illustration board. Now I remember why I don't like to use rubber cement: I ALWAYS end up with a goober on the leather! It's not much, but I'm guessing it will likely affect the finishing, unless there's a way to get it off? It's not even enough to see where I accidentally touched it, but I'm sure there's some residue from the cement somewhere. IS there a way to make sure that all of the cement is off my leather? I hope someone has some good news for me. Hilly
  17. Happy Birthday, Holly!
  18. Beautiful! I always admire exotics, and the carving/coloring on the backs are really top notch!
  19. Just wanted to add that I love the way you put multiple flowers inside a single swirl of vines in your Sheridan work. Very original!
  20. C'mon, Bob! You're making the rest of us look bad! That is some seriously fine looking work! Thanks for sharing. Hilly
  21. I usually use an overstitch wheel in the stitching groove to mark where the stitches will go. After I finish stitching, I take my mallet and gently tap the stitches down into that groove, and then follow up with the overstitch wheel on top of the stitches. Makes your stitches look nice and uniform, and lay flat in the groove.
  22. Hi Tom! If you're saddle stitching, no need to tie knots. Always end with a couple back stitches, and simply snip the thread off close. Looks very neat and won't come loose. The book "The Art of Hand Sewing Leather" by Al Stohlman will have you stitching like a pro in no time! Hilly
  23. Happy Birthday, Elton! Hope all those candles don't melt the frosting on your cake! Hilly
  24. "Short time"?! It seemed like weeks!
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