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Everything posted by Hilly

  1. I'm beginning to agree that politics is not the thing to be talking about on a leather forum. Either point of view can be offensive to others, doesn't matter which side you're on.
  2. Hilly

    Hat band

    I love seeing stuff like this! I'd like to learn to braid some day, but it's SO mind boggling to start out. I really want to work with rawhide, but don't know where to start.
  3. I like the idea of having a seperate section for rants. I too, like the idea of it being password protected, and with the exception of personal attacks on fellow leatherworkers, anything goes. Most of us are adult enough to "change the channel" when we hear things we don't want to listen to.
  4. Are you going to use a cammo tool on your flower petals?
  5. Hilly

    Copying stuff!

    Thanks for the info. I just disabled the CD drive. I can play music in the DVD just as easily. No more errors.
  6. We may have made stupid decisions with our money, but that MARXIST in the white house and all his dumbass croneys are making our stupid decisions look like a cake walk. The way our money is being mis-spent, by the time your great grandchildren are old enough to make a living, they will be paying upwards of 60% of their wages (if they're in the middle class tax bracket) in taxes to pay for the idots of today's government! If government spending continues at this pace, the interest alone on the money we borrow from China will be $830,000,000,000 a year. Is that change we can afford? I think not. The only change coming to America is the change from capitalism to socialism. Period.
  7. Hilly

    Copying stuff!

    Tons of em. Most all having to do with cdrom, all of the ones listed are from yesterday and today.
  8. Hilly

    Copying stuff!

    Thank you for the help with iTunes. I bought an external a couple years ago (350 GB), and just now hooked it up. It's been in the original pkg till now. The computer has been acting really quirky lately, freezing up for no reason. The other day I was trying to close a program, and the computer locked up, and made a horrible noise, like the hard drive was stuck. I ended up having to push the power button to shut it down. When it started back up, I got a message that stated something like "Windows has recovered from a serious error...." It's been slowing down for no reason. I thought I may have had some type of spy/malware. I did a couple scans of my computer, including all drives, and came up with nothing. I also keep getting this message that says my virtual memory is too low, and this normally happens when I'm not doing anything more intense than checking my email. I don't have a lot of programs running in the background, either, so this makes no sense to me. I installed Ascentive software to clean up the junk and clutter, search for spyware, etc., but I only launch it manually, and it does not launch at startup. That noise I heard, and all the other symtoms my computer has been having are telling me in my gut that the thing is on it's way out. Of course I've been known to be wrong before... To answer your question about how much memory I have installed, I only have 1G of memory. I realise it isn't much when it comes to memory hogs like photoshop. Generally, I don't do tons of layers or lots of "actions" on my photos, and I always close other programs when I work in PS, so my 1G of RAM has done what I need it to do. Of course, it would be really nice to have at least double that. I'll keep that in mind if and when I start shopping...
  9. Okay, after deciding my computer's about start pushin' daisies, I've copied all my photos and most of my important stuff onto an external hard drive. Here's some of the stuff I copied: Photos windows address book bookmarks/favorites personal address/phone book leatherwork stuff contents from my documents folder Is there anything else you can think of that I'm forgetting? One thing I haven't been able to figure out is iTunes.... I'm NOT in the mood to burn tons of music CDs, and wonder if there's a way for me to copy my purchased music and playlists onto this external hard drive? I'm sort of (pretty much) a redneck when it comes to computers and certain programs. Tonight if I find time, I'm gonna open up the computer case, and dust it out. I'm sure it's full of dust and dog hair! Hopefully this will alleviate some of my computer glitches. Is it okay to make sure I'm grounded and then use a soft paintbrush to brush out the dust, or is it better to blow it out with the compressor? I've heard that compressed air can cause static, but so can a nylon paint brush if you're not careful... I've also done a disk check and defragged the hard drive. I've done a virus scan, and made sure all of my Windows updates are current. Anything else you can think of to help me drag a few more months out of my computer? I really don't want to buy a new one just yet, I'd rather save towards a new heavy leather stitcher. Thanks for all of your computer help! Hilly
  10. Just curious as to which scope you put on your gun? I made the mistake of trying a red dot scope on my redhawk, and shattered one of the inside pieces of glass on the first shot. That's what I get for trying to be cheap!
  11. Very, very nice! Lucky dog! Hilly
  12. My computer is five years old, and getting very quirky. I might be able to reformat again, but it's a Dell, and what a pain in the a$$ to reformat, and then reinstall all the drivers and programs and..... well, you know.... STUFF. Yesterday I got some sort of error message, and it sounded as if the hard drive was stuck or something. I'm not complaining though, I've been thinking about a new computer for a couple of years now. My question is this: If I copy the files I want to save such as my favorites, all the info I've collected on leatherwork, and all my photos onto an external hard drive, will they be safe on the external hard drive if my computer goes kaput? Also, if I do have to get another computer, do I have to get Windows Vista? Can I get preloaded Windows XP? Does Windows Vista recognise all the files from my old computer? Will I have to buy another subscription to certain programs I downloaded (such as password manager, etc.)? Just starting to think ahead a little. Hope I'm not a day late and a dollar short.
  13. Happy Birthday, Jim! Don't be such a stranger around here! Hilly
  14. I can't quite wrap my flesh chewing mind around veganism, either! Here's what I'd do: I'd pick up car killed deer, and send the hides in to have them tanned. A taxidermist could probably tell you where to send them, or send them in for you. You can make some neat stuff out of deer hide. OR, if you think your girlfriend couldn't tell the difference between a piece of deer hide and a piece of veg tan cow hide, I'd "send a deer hide in to be tanned" and sneak off to Tandy to buy a piece of leather of my choice, and just tell her it's the one you "scraped off the pavement and sent to the tannery". OR you can learn to make rawhide and do some braiding with deer skins and other tasty things that just happen to "jump in front" of your car. Just sayin'
  15. Maybe she'll have her hide veg tanned so we can carve a scene of her shooting a deer on it, and make it into a rifle case. Someone pass me a swivel knife!
  16. Ray, don't you think it would be more appropriate to ask this in the adult section?
  17. I think you did a fine job on the collar! Really nice workmanship. I'm just glad I'm not the dog that gets to wear that collar with all those sharp, pointy spikes. You just never know when I might have to scratch an itch on my neck... OUCH! Hilly
  18. Great job on the collar! Your dog should be proud to wear it. You seem to know your way around a camera, too! Nice photos.
  19. You do some beautiful work, Anne! I especially love the recipe book - it's quite unique. Can you please tell me what tool(s) you used in the border, and where did you get the pattern? Hilly
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