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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. can you explain exactly what you want. I can get you the chain that looks like skulls n crosses n stuff that are specific for the biker wallets. is that what your looking for?
  2. heres a page from ohio travel bag of chain. hope this helps. http://www.ohiotravelbag.com/Graphics/Cata.../page%20150.htm
  3. just an idea what i do is wrap the gun in seran wrap it forms to the gun you get better form to the gun that way if you use the gun to make your pattern.
  4. hi weaver has a quick change adjuster as they call it. dont know if this is what your looking for. they have 2 kinds one for medium thick leather n one for thick leather. hope this helps. Bronc
  5. i throw the plastic pieces away and put a strap across the bottom so can dont fall threw. or i just use a foam can cooler n put in side n throw the foam away. thats what i did with it.
  6. Ive use acrylic paints on leather here is a pic of a vest i painted for a customer a few years back. I used acrylics. as far as i know its still going strong.
  7. ohio travel bag. Ive got others but got to check. plus i buy bulk chain n make my own but its been a while since i bought some.
  8. very nice spencer. I know what ya mean about handsewing. did a dice cup for someone for christmas. all hand stitched. I guess they liked it didn hear back lol.
  9. Ive got another holder for the trails lol I sell lots of these they pay for my trail riding weekends lol. you can put cans or bottles in it.
  10. The ol man found his beer holster the other day course its been through the wringer n then some. but he built it himself. didnt do to bad for playing around lol. this is my patern. i use to set up at rodeos n this was for the cowboys (wannabe urban cowboys) lol.
  11. if you go to leather unlimited they sell the kit for one also at least they did. http://leatherunltd.com/ they have some interesting things one might need also if your a buckskinner.
  12. hey indy i have that pattern. years ago i use to make quite a few of them. my pattern is similar to the one on the DIY one but mine is a little different. its a little longer and i slot the top for the belt to run through rather than a loop. the ol man still has his ill take a pic of it for ya. if ya like the pattern i can give ya dimensions. Ive been meaning to bring it out again and make a few seeing its been a while and a cycle of new people who havent seen it. might be my new/old hot seller again lol.
  13. I have about 5 or 6 different machines i just like to know how you know what size prewound i need like an L or an M. are they certain size? or width? do you measure the shuttle to know what size it takes? what thickness the bobbin is? prewounds go by letters how do i know what size each letter is? the one i use the most is an ANKER its my baby been useing it for 30 yrs with no problems. and has lots of miles on it from doing shows. just was wondering if anyone knew how the letters go for sizing. thanks
  14. had other pics but didnt down load. ill add them now.
  15. this is a leather wedding dress i helped design for a customer. the customer wanted to build it herself so she came to the shop and we worked on it together but she did most of the work. its a split front with an underskirt to wear while riding horseback. the top is a lace up back like a princess style. she did a great job on it. the sister was maid of honor and i made her chinks. heres some pics what ya think.
  16. With all the bike rallies i do i would like to get the prewound bobbins to save some time. anyone know how you find out what size prewound bobbin your machine takes or where to find the conversions. ive got the 29-4 size n i found my landis but i have upholstry machines i use n i cant find the model number on one of my machines. most places wont give ya sampling of sizes. so thought that there must be a chart or something somewheres.
  17. I use the paste a lot. ive learned to put in on a lesser noticeble spot like a corner n then work into the picture. it seems to be a concentrated spot of the color part of the stain or something like that. ive tried to figure it out to cause it happens to me most on the colors i dont consistanly use that sit for a while.
  18. wow ive got the old antique hand version of that machine lol. when i was a kid we use to make rope with it then id make a lariat n rope the cats lol. after a while got hard to rope the cats cause theyd sacatter when they saw me lol.
  19. that machine you could just do thin leather like regis said. you could do chaps parts of moccasins. vests most stuff out of upholstry leather or thinner. being that its not a walking foot secret is adjusting height of your presssure foot so it allows the material to go through and getting a universal or leather needle. I suggest using a nylon or polyester thread also.another trick i do is glue the stiching area together first so it doesnt buckle or wrinkle. just do along the very edge plus gives it extra holding ability.play with it with different types of leather you will figure what it can n cant do.
  20. well this neck of the woods they are a bit on the cheap side. they go for the premade stuff i sell. i do a few custom things but not a lot. majority of what i do is repair. i get to do a few chaps here n there and accessorize a bike or two with fringe. but its mostly repair. this year was my first to do that many shows. in the long run i lost money. It was for advertising mostly. next year im back to the 8-10 shows. If i had to say what is popular its probably just a basic black leather belt i make from harness leather. people have figured my harness leather belts are better than walmarts lol. I do have other stuff but i dont think its its appropiate for a public forum. lol if ya know what i mean. Im new yet I dont want to get booted.
  21. I do the shows yet ive been doing them for almost 20 yrs. from doing it this long ive seen the cycles. ive done the craft shows, biker, rodeos, horse shows, music festivals, this year i over did it to promote the store i just opened. so i did 25 shows thats a lot of putting up and tearing down. normally i just do 8-10 shows a year. I stay in about 150-200 mile radius of my shop thats about the farthest anyone will come. shows in this area especially craft shows are getting less profitable. ive moved to the biker rallies cause i take my machines n sew patches on all weekend plus i sell patches. so my craft is custom order only. but another thing is each area is different and each area is in a different cycle. i learned that just cause ya sell 20 belts at one show and ya restock and make more for the next show you might not sell a one till 5 shows later. so like others have said be versatile come up with something unique to you. then you get some sales.most of my income is patches and repairs. a lot of rallies i do im the only sewer. so find your niche.
  22. I do need a website. im checking into it anyhow. funds dont allow anything to expensive but studying into it. would appreciate some input on that johanna. to see if its worth it for me or not.
  23. Im finding that the walmart industry has screwed up the good handmade goods. Id have people look at a handtooled wallet they ask for the price id tell them the the return would be i can get it cheaper at the truck stop. ack frustrating. through the years I learned people are cheap they rather pay a few dollars every year than to get a good one that will last many. those that know quality will pay for it and request it. I do repair and i replace zippers and i get WHAT!! I can buy a new coat for that when i tell them its 20.00. they dont think that the zippers cost 4-8.00 and ya got to take the zipper out and put one back in etc..unfortunately i had to go the junk route just to make money. people will pay 15.00 for a piece work pakistany vest before they pay 100.00 + for one that will last a life time. im in wisconsin i feel your pain. ive had people go out west pay big bucks for a belt. I could make the same thing here but its the nostagia. they bought it out west n was made by a cowboy. ack!!
  24. check out ohio travel bag. they seem to have lots of different stuff.
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