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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. thanks all. well an answer to the large area lol ya got to be a contortionist lol n ambidextrious and be a trapeze artist lol. J/K lol I kind of roll the leather or fold it when i have to turn it n work on the area. not folded like crease folded just kind of rolled up n under my chin. Its hard to explain. n I start in the middle and work my way out. that is on the basketweave. hope ya kind of understand. Its a royal pain but it works.
  2. heres my first attempt at a rifle scabboard. customer liked it but i figured out how to do different stuff afterwards. learn as ya go I guess. Im ask to do such a variety of things hard to get good at one thing. hope I did ok. thanks Bronc--Bonnie
  3. very nice. keep up the good work. Bonnie
  4. This is a great idea. those of us who are not so good this would be great for compaison down the line as we improve. I know I dont have anything that I done in the begining. either got lost in moves or tossed cause stored improperly. Im in. I dont have really any local craftsman to compare or study work from so this would be so great. As Johanna says be great for a scrapbook and/or reference. put me on the list. Im in the not so good crowd lol. but we are all artists and artists are most critical of there own work. Bonnie
  5. tandy i think has a book on sewing leather not sure on hand sewing. mostly whip stitch will work or if youe want a decorative the check out the books.
  6. heres one he has like hair on pieces he sells. you can look at his stuff on ebay or contact him. http://myworld.ebay.com/theleatherguyofmn
  7. hey Glenn welcome im from west central Wi. use to be from southern wi. have fun youll learn a lot. Bonnie
  8. i know ive got issues from way back when lol. and i remember the issue with the desk just got to remember what year n month. ill look.
  9. hey larry someone had posted Tempco co. i think for the spots n snap heads. as for chain ohio travel bag has it or check biker accssory shops or i can get it for ya if you are looking for like skulls n stuff.
  10. It looks great nice job!!
  11. go to tandy if you have one. shipping will kill ya.
  12. Bruce, it looks like ya need to post a how to on here. looks like ya got lots of interest. I can add also to my list of to do projects lol. nice job. beautiful frames.
  13. heres what it looks like finished. if you have a tandy near by they still sell the kit. im still looking for it in my stuff. lol 30 yrs of patterns i know its here somewhere lol.
  14. i use my upholstry machines. for a lot of light weight stuff. there heavy duty. they are singers n one is an anker. they go through a lot of leather. the singer walking foot i use to put 8oz wear leathers on the wool blankets. goes through like nothing. tried to find numbers on them but tags are gone. my anker i sew rodeo chaps sometimes 3 thicknesses of 4oz so I use my upholstry machines a lot. I do have a post but just got it. havent set it up yet. I know around here the upholstry machines are in the paper usually less than 500.00.
  15. i know i probably have that assembly sheet somewhere in my piles of patterns. when im at shop ill look tomarrow. i remember doing that kit so im sure i have the sheet somewhere.
  16. heres a wallet someone wanted. they sent me a picture n i put it on the wallet with initials. they loved it. so guess i did ok. not near as good as a lot of you on here but i do my best.
  17. to far for me but would like to see what a finished one looks like.If you could post a pic Id apreciate it. Bonnie
  18. no but if it says its for cleaning chaps try it. Im lost as to the wash im thinking about ill have to do some searching. Ive got to find it anyhow lol i need to get it in my shop lol. let you know on that one. Bonnie
  19. I have one but dont want to part with it. but im not using it at the moment. but your a little far away. so guess ya cant come and use it lol. they pop up on ebay every once in a while. im in west central wi. Bonnie
  20. where do you live trapper?
  21. If you go to the leather factory website they have a downlaoadable sandal making book you can order. that will hopefully help you.
  22. i use recycling bins. they stack nicely, got a lid that you can open n close without unstacking. you can label with whats in them. I think they are still available at a menards or home depot.
  23. ps always test in an inconspicous area first.
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