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Everything posted by broncobuster

  1. Broncobuster--Bonnie lol Im not sure its available anymore. Its an old copy. whats on the back & front cover in the photo is whats in book for patterns. Im a terrible pack rat lol I collected whatever tandy had out for patterns at least most of them lol.
  2. heres the book i was talking about. its an old stolman book.
  3. weaver leather has dies you can purchase if you have your own clicker or i think they will punch some out for you. Im sure theres a few on here who will help ya out to. Bronc
  4. I have an old animal pak pattern from years ago. theres like a giraffe n others. dont have it in front of me right now but came across it looking for some other patterns. If ya like a copy I can try to copy it for you. Bronc
  5. OK Noah Im assuming by wanting 2 sliders on it that you want to open it from different ends? If thats the case your zipper might not be capable of doing that. you have to have a two way zipper.
  6. well I started to do explaining but couldnt get it right. so Im going to try to do a picture tutorial for ya all If youd like. not sure how soon. I dont have a project right now that requires continuous zipper but I need to do some money belts so Ill start with that. Bronc.
  7. Thanks Kathy thats good to know about the digitizing n the leather. I hooped this one turned out better than I expected. I found a few tricks on line on working on leather to. like I said I only had an hour training n rest was trial n error lol. everything else i learned on line. Bronc/Bonnie
  8. Thanks guys. well im doing this again lol my first went into cyber space. Howard-- this machine is similar to a tajima. its a 12 needle but only one machine head. Ive only had this machine about a month n im learning on about an hours worth of teaching an trial and error. Im a quick study n learn from searching they net too. Crystal--this is a computerized machine I program it in the computer(take a pattern, it has ways you can design n alter the way one wants it) punch in the colors hit send n walk away lol. I can work on something else while it runs. it beeps at me when it wants something lol this thing is my most expensive machine I own lol. It almost more than what I got in 6 of my other machines lol. I can do probably up to 5oz leather(garment, upholstry, suede) I know this machine I bought it from a friend of mine. I use to have her do a few of my vest. they sold fast. yes there is a tear away stabalizer on back. once done i put rubber cement on backside over the stitching cause i didnt put a backing on it. hopefully it will keep it from fraying. Randy--Ive been wanting an embroidery machine for long time. Ive got some plain premade vests that Im going to embroider on. offering something different for my customers. I get at least 20 inquiries every show I do asking if I do custom patches(I sell n sew patches on at biker rallies) so now I can say yup lol now there definately wont be no sleep for me lol.
  9. Beautiful as always HP maybe ill have to take a trip out by ya n get some trade secrets lol. (ya like I get out of my area lol) Bronc
  10. That would be me. the zipper queen. basically you dont need ends. the material will stop it. so if ya ned help just PM me ill walk ya through. there a bit of a pain but after you get your first one in yoll get the next one better. bronc
  11. hey cool you did leather on knit I did embroidery on leather!! aint creativity fun. mixed media great!!!
  12. heres a couple of things i just got done with. a leather cross for a back patch. heres a checkbook cover. its not tooled its embroidered. this is my new toy an industrial embroidery machine. this was my first attempt on leather. so have big plans for this machine. hopefully add more stuff to the business. more options that is. heres a knife sheath I made for a guy. his old one was a chewy for his dog lol. I never get bored in my shop lol. I do more than zippers. but lately dont seem that way lol.
  13. Ive got to make n order soon on zippers again. im gettig low. but you can check any fabric store or if you have any upholstry place around you can also get zippers from them. the fabric store may have the shorter ones for you. Bronc
  14. when you put in dryer maker sure its on a no heat cycle. and another thing you can do to soften is put tennis balls in dryer with item. they will sort of beat up the leather a bit also. Bronc
  15. hi, Im the zipper queen. Im replacing zippers in something every day of the week it seems if not more. just let me know what you want. Quality zipper has all kinds of zippers, ohio travel bag, tandy and if you google youll find other places for zippers. as for direction I can walk ya through stuff. plus you dont need no fancy tool lol. if you got a plyers n a knippers you got all the tools you need along with some double sidded tape and a heavy duty machine. Broncobuster.
  16. broncobuster

    Sleigh Bells Ring

    I make these once in a while. I put a 3 inch ring on it so they can be hung on the door knob. Ive got one on my door so no one can sneak in on me lol. looks very nice rdb Bronc
  17. I have a bunch of different kinds of anvils. Ive use a piece of railroad tie, I do boot n shoe repair so i have the iron shoe last n stands so i use those. sometimes I have to combine a couple of irons to do a spot. I have a few home made anvils Ive aquired through the years to. Believe me its not easy doing some spots on the bags. If you can get them to just do the flap thats the easiest to get to. and I use a white grease pencil to do my marking and it wipes off. as you can see ive marked the one on left. dont worry up close those bags are not perfect on the spots lol. thanks for looking Bonnie
  18. when looking for a machine look for industrial or upholstry machine you might have better luck in the search. Bronc
  19. hey Johanna, sorry it took so long but this is the pictures from the original pattern of your purse. hope that helps a bit.
  20. very nice bag. believe me ive been doing shows for years and sometimes things dont sell.Ive also had it already that they insisted on haveing my personal item and literally buying right off of me. so it can go both ways. just keep trying n find the right item which never is one cause evewry show is different. Bronc
  21. thanks guys. I dont get to post to often or I forget to take pics. (mostly forget to take pics lol) Bronc
  22. sorry heres the wallet. I guess a belt got in there to in my main post. hope u like. thanks Bronc--Bonnie
  23. Well my shop has been sort of busy. Mostly I do repair so with it being cold the coats comee in. so me being the zipper queen thats what ive been doing lately lol. along with miscellaneous odds n ends. well I had mentioned a customer wanted his PVC bags studded(I know not leather or made by me but I decorated it) so here they are done. was a pain setting each one but looks nice. heres some slippers i made a pattern of the old pair. I think someone here asked about sheepskin for slippers. someone was looking for ornament ideas. I used the christmas pattern pack from tandy it had the tree and stocking I believe in the pack. I just cut out on 3-4oz leather tooled to make it look 3 dementional and clored them. on the tree I added some of the jewel spots n i have some filigree stamps of stars n cut out. the Horse head is the tandy pre punch packs i took the horse head tooled like ya would on any wallet or whatever and colored like the customers horse. I put a leather string in them to hang. Hope this gives ideas to anyone. heres a dice cup I did. I might of had this on before the crash. heres some picture frames I did or year end awards for my fun horse shows couple years ago. heres a wallet I done a while back. Its the customers plane. he lol ok that should be some things up to date lol. Might not be near as good as all you experts but customers were happy n I guess thats what counts. Thanks for looking. Bronc--Bonnie
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