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Everything posted by Tinkerton

  1. It is not cruel. There are similar products out there specifically for very anxious dogs. They work best when used in conjunction with training or behavioural therapy. All it does is reduce visual stimuli and help settle the dog down. http://www.thundershirt.com/Product/ThunderCap.aspx?item_guid=8c07f7d3-f09d-4e95-a82e-0ac16d129a20
  2. Personally, I would think to start with a muzzle type of design and go from there. Maybe something akin to a horse harness, depending on the type of dog.
  3. How do you do an invisible stitch?
  4. I'm making a vest out of 4oz leather, where the seams butt up against each other rather than overlap. Aside from a baseball or X stitch, is there any other decorative stitches I could use to join the pieces? Cheers Tinkerton
  5. I've dealt with dry leather too. I tend to use solvent dyes, so I try to lightly oil it a few times before I dye, and that seems to work pretty well. If the whole hides are dry, dampen and condition them multiple times before you ever start working with them or cutting them up. Hope this helps. Tinkerton
  6. I've found nail polish remover works pretty well too
  7. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial or two for spirit dyes? I'm working on my first dyed project and I'm having some trouble. Cheers Tinkerton
  8. Love it. What dye did you use? I'm really digging the colour.
  9. Thanks for all the input! Still a little shakey, but a little smoother now. I think I was holding and pressing the tool too hard. Cheers, Tinkerton
  10. I'm fairly new to carving, so I end up watching a lot of tutorials. What I can't seem to figure out is how the instructors "walk" a stamp around, especially with bevellers. My stamps seem to be reluctant to move fluidly; they either stick in place or go off kilter and away from the line. What am I doing wrong? How do you walk a stamp? Cheers, Tinkerton
  11. That's pretty awesome. Perfect for the carpenter/woodworker in your life
  12. It's not the shipping that'll cost you, it's the customs fees. That's probably why they're directing you to a canadian distributer.
  13. Tandy is having a closeout sale on their professional cutting boards. Anybody here have one and are they a worthwhile investment? Cheers Tinkerton
  14. Started off training as a pilot. Couldn't find work, so I took a job in a resin recycling plant for a while. After I was laid off from that job, a now very dear friend of mine gave me a tip that Nav Canada was waiving the fee for one of their aptitude testing sessions. I figured it was worth a shot and at least in the same industry as my training, so I went. I've been an air traffic services specialist for nearly eight years now and couldn't be happier. I was introduced to leatherworking at FanExpo Toronto last year while getting into the whole steampunk movement. My regular job can get pretty stressful, and I've found hitting leather with a mallot very theraputic. :-P
  15. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-Gloves/ Here's an instructable I found on gloves. I haven't tried it yet, but looks like a good starting point. Cheers Tinkerton
  16. The curiosity is killing this cat. Can I get in? Cheers
  17. Thanks! I'll give it a shot and post the results
  18. Hey all, I inherited what I'm pretty sure are two rolled unfinished sole bends. They are 30+ years old and very stiff and dry, but as far as I can tell, there aren't any cracks in them. Is there any way of restoring them to a useable condition without effecting how well they'll dye, or are they lost? Cheers Tinkerton
  19. It was a pocket slip for a friend of mine. Wasn't terribly pretty, and a lot of glaring errors, but he was happy with it. Am beginning my third project now.
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