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Everything posted by Tinkerton

  1. Wow. Can I come play at your house?
  2. what's the difference between a round knife and a head knife?
  3. Tooling looks good. Shame about the bike. What are you thinking of getting next?
  4. Thanks Bruce. Looks like I'm leaning towards a 16oz tapered. I have some shoulder problems too, and have had some issues holding my elbow up with my 9oz mallet for long periods, let alone a heavier maul. At least with a maul I won's have to swing as hard to get a good impression, so maybe that'll make up for it.
  5. I was introduced to leatherwork at Fan Expo at one of the steampunk seminars. Zoe rocks, btw.
  6. There is a plethora of nerd related expositions, societies, groups, and gatherings for nerds and geeks to fully embrace their passions for all things fanboy. There's the San Diego Comic Con, Toronto Fan Expo, Anime North, The Toronto Steampunk Society, just to name a few.
  7. I'm looking into upgrading my rawhide mallet for a 14 or 16oz maul, but there are a few things I am unsure about. What's the difference between a tapered and a round maul? How should it be balanced? Does the material it's made from make a difference? I'm fairly little with hands to match, is there a decent brand that offers a smaller diameter handle? Cheers, Tinkerton
  8. I really like the hummingbird one as well. The border is beautifully delicate looking and nicely complements the stronger lines of the centre bird
  9. I really like how the stitching creates a decorative pattern on it. Great looking piece
  10. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.ca/en-cad/home/department/books-patterns/lacing-braiding/66021-00.aspx I have this book and I've found it to be very helpfull as well as easy to follow. This one is decent too, but I found I had to go through and colour-code the diagrams to make them easier to follow. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.ca/en-cad/home/department/books-patterns/lacing-braiding/6022-00.aspx Cheers, Tinkerton
  11. Depending how sturdy the leather is, maybe a belt sander would work for trimming. Mark out on the leather where you want the final edge to be(perhaps with a pen or with masking tape) and sand down to it.
  12. Did a quick search and found this one: http://www.macpheeworkshop.com/shop/Patterns/Other/p/901-Making-Moccasins--Mukluks.htm
  13. Ok, that makes more sense. I looked on leathercraft library at the original, and even those dimentions look really wonky. It's alomst like they just winged it and didn't draft it from an actual human form.
  14. Looks good, but doesn't really fit her properly.
  15. Does anyone have any good recommendations for legging-style motorcycle chap patterns? I have a bit of a hard time finding ones that fit me properly as I am rather petite, so I wouldn't mind having a go at making my own. Cheers, Tinkerton
  16. Those are absolutely amazing. Just wow.
  17. I was out bid on it at the last moment. It made me sad, so I consoled myself by purchasing some new punches for myself.
  18. I have no issue with using something like a thundercap as an aid to training. My trainer had me using something akin to a thundershirt in conjunction with other techniques to get my dog over her fear of my new car. Aids like that play on a dog's psychology of what they associate with safety and security. You put them on when the dog is calm, and it helps keep them in that state while you work with them in an anxiety inducing situation, in my case, the car. Once they realize that the scary situation isn't so scary after all, usually you can remove it for the rest of the training session. With my dog, I'd put the shirt on her, get her to jump in the car, use the other calming techniques if she started shaking. Then I'd close the door, start the car, usually have to calm her again, then put it in drive. After roughly 10 minutes of driving, she'd settle right down and I could take the shirt off her and she'd stay calm for the rest of the trip. The initial calming times were twice as long when I didn't use the shirt. I used it for a couple of months and now she jumps in quite happily and enjoys the ride.
  19. I like them. They're nice and clean looking
  20. That and a $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee. You have provided no solid argument for your opinion, whereas the OP's client sounds like they have put significant thought into this, and sought professional advice about it from someone who knows what they're talking about. KCF2013, what kind of dog is it, incidentally?
  21. I'm taking the plunge and buying my first Airbrush set. I hav the opportunity to get an Iwata IS850 studio series smart jet compressor and syphon-fed airbrush for approximately $200US, shipping and import fees included. Is this a worthwhile deal, or should I pass this one up? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/291192699381?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  22. I'm taking the plunge and buying my first Airbrush set. I hav the opportunity to get an Iwata IS850 studio series smart jet compressor and syphon-fed airbrush for approximately $200US, shipping and import fees included. Is this a worthwhile deal, or should I pass this one up? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/291192699381?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  23. How's the project coming along?
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