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Everything posted by rcsaddles

  1. Here are a couple of belts I made for a customer for their kids.
  2. rcsaddles

    Rifle Sling

    Bevan, You have a great time fishing. Last time I fished in Oz was in "88 in Morton Bay. "i have all summer to get this done" Wow that sounds great. It is about 20 degrees F here, wind about 15 MPH and snowing. Visibility down to less than 1/4 mile. Summer sounds good. Still want to see some pictures when this is complete. Great fishing.
  3. rcsaddles

    Rifle Sling

    Are you just doing a plaited strap? Any padding? Your plaiting looks great. I didn't count the strands but I bet you also cut your own lace. Looks great. Want to see a picture when finished and how it attaches to the gun.
  4. Very nice. You are only limited by your imagination.
  5. If you Google rawhide lace you will be able to come up with some ideas for who sells rawhide lace. If it is white don't use it. It has been bleached and does not work as good as the natural stuff. Let us know what you decide to do. I make my own rawhide and cut my lace so I would be interested in knowing what is on the market.
  6. Those look very nice. You did a great job.
  7. You will probably not find a braider here that does not have the same story just a different item. I worked on a button for a quirt handle for about eight hours over three days. Could not get it right. Even studied the instructions for about an hour. I put it down and did not think or look at it for a few days. I picked it up one evening and in twenty minutes, had it done. I have no clue what I was doing wrong or what I did to make it right. Ah, the joy of braiding. Make sure you let us know when you get it done.
  8. Thanks for the info to all of you. I have all kinds of problems setting the Line 24 snaps. I have 9 shell holders to make in the next week so I will be tryin ga new technique.
  9. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift from God, that is why we call it "the Present".

  10. Today is to be sunny and 72 here on central Montana. Love this weather but would like snow for hunting.

  11. I too will keep the family in my prayers.
  12. rcsaddles


    If all you are splitting is string, I would recommend the Dene Williams splitter from Australia. You can order direct or from www.miswestwhips.com Paul at Mid West Whips uses this all the time and says it is great. I am just waiting to order again to get one.
  13. I have to agree with Rob. Very nice job. Also wondering where you get the ends you put on the necklace?
  14. Bevan, I don't know about entiendo but I know you didn't ask for donations from us. Being in the early stages of the fundraiser just means we have more time to get our items sent to you. This will also help to reinforce to your daughter that there are people in this world who care about others even if they do not know them. My family is healthy and for that I thank God. I also believe God has given me the opportunity to help you and Jade. Please recinsider the offer and let us help in this. God Bless
  15. Bevan, We will be praying for your daughter. When is the fundraiser? I might be able to make something and ship it to you to use also. I would be happy to do that if I have the time to get it there. God Bless.
  16. I would be interested in getting in on this also. I would be willing to braid a belt, hatband, stampede string or something for someone and "trade" or make a really good deal on. Any takers with ideas?
  17. Thanks everyone. Lets see if I can answer all the questions. That looks pretty cool. How do you attache the buckle? Megabit, I back braided the end and used a black Chicago screw. The customer wanted to add his own buckle. is that a d ring belt? and if so did you twist the strands so the flesh side is in on the end of the belt when it is in use? Tracy, I did not twist the strand at the beginning because it won't have double rings to be pulled through. Also, the biggest thing I have learned is when braiding, "pull tight, plait loose". Every time I pick up a strand I pull it before I braid it. Makes it easier to pull through and also helps me pull evenly. If I think about keeping it even I will mess up so I have learned to just braid and not think about that part. If you were going to add 2 strands of another colour (pink) (in a mix of natural and purple), where would you put them in the sequence? 8thsinner, I'm not sure how to answer this. I don't think it would work as a 16 strand but as a 14 strand, I would use 2 purple, 2 pink and then three natural. I will be making another one just the opposite in a few days so will post it when finished. Thanks again.
  18. This is a 14 strand I made for a friend last week. The pattern is called Shadow Diamond. I plan on making the opposite to see how it looks. I really kind of like the pattern.
  19. Very nice, indeed
  20. In the Leather Cafters adn Saddlers Journal May/June 2005 on page 53 by Charlie Voigt.
  21. Paul Nolan of Mid West Whips is not a member here but builds very nice whips. He has helped me with repairs more than once and is very easy to work with. www.midwestwhips.com I am trying to talk him into getting on here and to do an article or two for the LCSJ. He probably has made 5000 whips in teh past few years.
  22. Cut roo lace for a 14 plait two tone belt last night. Looking forward to relaxing and braiding it over the next couple of days in my spare time.

  23. I am looking for an original 102 1/2 stamp. It is what Bill Gomer always used for his background. I have found three so far on e-bay but none are the original that Crafttool made. Please e-mail or pm me if you have one you are willing to part with.
  24. I just got two spools of 54 yards each at a price of $39.00 per spool. Came form Y~Knot Lace. www.y-knotlace.com Pretty good stuff. She took over Jim Downey's lace business when he retired last year. I will tell you the lace I got is not beveled so if that is an issue, you may want to ask before ordering. I am happy with the price and the quality. I do also agree with roo4u in that teh most economical is to cut your own. Takes time and practice.
  25. Very nice. You are an inspiration to all.
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