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Everything posted by TracyMoss

  1. Very nice Saddle, I admire your work and craftsmanship. Thank You for your contribution in keeping the standard high.
  2. Thanks for the tips, but I'm gonna miss that fresh neatlac smell every time I log on.
  3. You have me intrigued, but I'm not quite sold.
  4. Prison#? Maybe club#, who knows. Main thing is they paid!
  5. Well, if she isn't satisfied, you need a new customer.
  6. well, if you are going to bevel your lace You definately will nee to cut it wider, so that your razor can catch the edge.
  7. tell your dad not to be afraid, he might even like this site if he gave it a chance. Let him know that he is doing good work.
  8. Very nice. You'll find quite a few people here that are really good at the figure carving. I mainly stick to floral carving, but I admire the figures. Welcome and enjoy the forum.
  9. TracyMoss

    Work bench

    Bob, I keep it simple. Just a plain bench made from 3/4" sanded plywood. Although it is the nice red oak plywood. Some 2x6's and some 4x4's. I will take a picture and send it. But my tooling bench is seperate. I set my stone in sand and covered the sand with fiberglass rosin. works pretty good for me and cuts the noise down, also very little to no vibration.
  10. if your asking for purposes of braiding, as in bosals and the such I don't know, but there is very little stretch to the kangarooo that I use. Maybe 5%
  11. Looks like a pretty good match to me. Nice sheath.
  12. IMO the nylon is the choice. I have noticed more rot on linen and some old Poly thread, but as far as on motorcycle seats, I have no idea. Sure the saddle is out in the weather, but I doesn't typically stay outside. Agood saddle costs too much just to let rot away. Anyway, I think that the leather itself would be compromised before the thread if it was left outside.
  13. Have I seen these posted somewhere else?
  14. Nice Job Ed. what type of leather?
  15. Thanks, I got the PM. I'll be checking into that.
  16. Schmetz needles.
  17. Glad to help.
  18. Doug, contact www.panhandleleather.com they are the cheapest I know of. They will sell it to you.
  19. Nice briefcase. I have made quite a few along those lines. One recommendation, I always have a pocket on the back, everyone really likes that detail. Just another option to draw a little more money. Really nice case. Thanks for sharing. TM
  20. You rennaisance guys are truly artists
  21. I swear one time my knife jumped out and bit me. Couldn't have been my fault.
  22. I use to sell leather to some ortho guys in Amarillo. They used alot of the lightwieght cream cow lining leather. talk about a custom job, everything is different.
  23. I second the thought of not getting paid enough. I always tip a little extra to the guys I get to do my rawhide lacing. I could never make enough money at it to pay for the expenses. It has to be a labor of love thing. My respect goes out to those guys. TM
  24. Nice job. I'm sure Dave will love it.
  25. My preference is is bonded nylon, it jsut seems to make a neater stitch and in my yexperience with fixing machine, it is a little more user friendly. I have used Poly thread and it seems to get stranded a little more. Rarely do I have a problem with stranding with bonded polyester when the timing is right. Usually it can be attributed to the thread lot if it does. So, not to get in a debate, bonded nylon is what I stick with. Dink, I asked once before if you had a store-front or are you home based. It was on another post so maybe you bever even saw it. However, I looked at your website and I was just wondering. TM Also, one time an old saddle maker told me he loved his poly dacron thread and went on and on about it, when we lifted up his spool, it said BONDED NYLON.
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