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Everything posted by TwinOaks

  1. It's got a nice cleaness to it....good detail without being too 'busy'/complicated.
  2. ...here what is? Seems there's an issue with the pics, 'cause I don't see anything. To post a pic: click the 'browse' button, select the file, then click open when the file name appears in the box next to the 'browse' button, click 'upload' once the upload is complete, click in "manage current attachments" and click on the "plus" sign. In the body of your text, you should have a file name with tabs on either side of it. -or- If you use a 3rd party image hosting site, look for the tags , and copy and past the whole thing.
  3. Airsoft gun qualilty will vary greatly with the price, so you might be better off with a blue gun. I don't think the cheapo airsofts will take much pressure from molding.
  4. to Leatherworker.net, and the forum!
  5. ooooooooooooooooookay.........time to get busy sorting and cleaning. I'll go get my wireless broom.
  6. Or thereabouts...... The suggested shipping date is mid-february-------ish. A day or three either way shouldn't make a difference. I based this on the suggested time line in the other PIFs, and the presumption that a month should be sufficient for production. -NOTE: If anyone is making a show saddle for a PIF, just let the receiver know it might take a little longer.- Carr52, I hear ya' about hotel rooms. I'm in Hattiesburg tonight, but have been out in 'internet-free Mississippi' for most of the week.
  7. I say cut a straight strap for it. Each customer will wear a belt a little differently, and trying to match a belt to a person will likely result in a belt collection as varied in their curvature as a katana store (real ones that get their curve during the heat treat, not the pakistani mass produced blades). Stitching should be about the same I'd guess, because you want the stitches to have the same spacing on top and bottom.
  8. Oh, and does anyone have a recommendation for a trustable bot remover?
  9. Thanks for all the replies. I routinely clear out the cookies, off site data, etc. from the cache (usually every day or two). Despite the plaintive whining of the OP, I actually do know a little about 'puters. I've narrowed the issue down to a few sites that we've visited- we went on a "Transporter/2/3" viewing binge the other weekend, as well as some other action movies. Since I actively allowed access on the computer (thereby bypassing all the lovely security) I think I effectively shot myself in the hard disk. Yeah, I was enjoying the free movie sites, so I guess it's all my fault.....ahem....chinese website...... Anyone care to give me a virtual head-bop? At least I'm paranoid enough that I don't keep any 'protected' information on the laptop. All that's stored on the dead computer on the desk.I think I got it covered; I'll be investing in some 3rd party software (for prevention) and changing which sites we view free movies.
  10. to Leatherworker.net! You've found the best site on the entire WWW. This site is home to a HUGE family of amateurs and professionals who are always helpful and willing to answer your questions. Kick back, enjoy the site, and I'll tell Johanna to put on another pot of coffee......but don't eat the donuts.
  11. I'm a full time Father and Husband. I play with electricity to pay the bills, and leather to satisfy the addiction. Other jobs include, plumber, roofer, carpenter, gardener, part time wrangler, mechanic, dishwasher, cook, and cheuffer. Basically I work 'cause I have to, tool leather 'cause I love it, and spend the rest of my spare time fixing everything broker than me. When I'm in the mood for a good chuckle, I like to watch Survivorman and Man Vs. Wild. I can't get through an episode without busting a gut from laughing so hard.
  12. TwinOaks


    Welcome to Leatherworker.net! You're in the right place to find advice- this is the best site on the web. All the members here are great, especially when it comes to sharing knowledge.
  13. It's advisable to add a finish to any leather product once you've done all the dying you're gonna do. Some folks just go with oiled leather, others like the acrylic finish on them. Still others prefer a 'laquer' finish like Neat-lac. I agree with them. You'll just have to find the recipe that works best for you. ...and no, you can't mix resolene with the oil dye for a one shot application. The alcohol will do bad things to it.
  14. They are quite excellent tools when the bobbin is loaded with 50lb braided nylon fishing line and used to make strap repairs when backpacking. For leather, yeah, I guess you could find a use for it, but I've gone back to saddle stitching too.
  15. Well, if it's vegtan, you can slightly harden it by wetting and then letting it dry. A little harder if you heat dry it- I read somewhere that the leather 'sets' at about 140F. For things that'll fit in it, I use a convection oven. If it doesn't fit in the over, a hairdryer. You can go for 'pretty hard' by using one of several methods for 'cuir boulie' (search that term and hardened leather). If you want 'good and hard', go to the hardware store and pick up some thin walled PVC. Heat and mold to the desired roundness. If you're after real crush resistance, get some pvc with an exterior diameter matching the various parts of the whistle. Make a hollow blank in the shape of what you want to make. Lubricate the PVC and fill the remaining space with expanding polyurethane foam. Allow it to set, remove the PVC, square off the ends, and wrap it with leather. Make top and bottom plates out of some firm material padded with closed cell foam. When you're done, you should be able to throw it across a parking lot, kick it back to the starting line, and have no damage to the contents. Or, if you have a drill press/lathe, you can just cut the holes out of a solid block of polyfoam.
  16. Seeing the edges of the leather, it looks a lot like chrome-tan. If that's the case, then wetting and cooking won't do much for it. If the leather is stiff enough to stand upright like that, then I think you're done. Maybe a little edge dressing with a marker, maybe not.
  17. You don't say.... Something is tickling my memory about reading all the instructions before beginning.... Yes, I had the two terms confused. I remember seeing the latex used in matted areas to mask the area because lighter color would be used later. Oh, and the latex to remove dye is apparently "intent" sensitive. It didn't work to peel a boo-boo, but I'd already used the latex in that area as a mask.
  18. A note about latex block outs: I picked up some liquid latex from Hobby Lobby to use a a block out when spraying a purse. I applied it in several thin coats per the directions. When I removed it, every last speck of the spirit dye I'd airbrushed on before the block came up with it. Yep, back to naked leather. So if you use liquid latex, I suggest using a sealer on the dye before applying the latex. Then again, I may not have followed some directions right, and the HL latex probably isn't the same as the Tandy block out. YMMV.
  19. Our own little mini IFoLG show online....hmmm, interesting. Due to the sheer number of potential submissions, and the moderating team being pretty busy, we'd need to find a way to limit it. Still, it's an alluring premise. I wonder if this is already covered in some of the events we have here, like the 'swivel knife shoot out'? It seems like it's kinda the same thing- submissions are sent to Paul, and there's a prize for the top three. Maybe we could wrap this in with our 'monthly challenges' when we have them.
  20. Welcome to Leatherworker.net! This is one of the friendliest sites on the entire internet, and the collective knowledge base here is just incredible. Post pics, ask questions, and enjoy! We're glad to have you onboard.
  21. Peter, Several folks have posted their mechanical burnishing wheels here, but the one that I remember best is designed to fit a drill press. The maker used a dowel (hardwood- I don't remember which) with a bolt through it as a centerpost which attached at the drill press's chuck. The dowel had several different sized 'grooves' in it for various weights of leather.
  22. Here it is folks, the final roster! I've cross checked international shipping with those who say they can do it, as well as I can. Some members don't have a location listed in their profile, so if you run into an issue, speak up. Randomization was handled through Excel, with adjustments for shipping as needed- big THANK YOU for declaring your shipping abilities. It really made it easier to get this done. Your PIF recipient will be below your name on the list, and the bottom name ships to the top name. Please contact them via PM for their address. Timd1159 Pineyboy Crystal westtxcowboy1979 Rayban leatheroo leatherhead Greybeard Hennesy ta2r Elegant Pip Twinoaks MADMAX22 Wildrose Rawhide1 CitzenKate carr52 UKRay tashabear broncobuster Superchute(2) ferret Jeffzilla Dynamik1 Colman Superchute(1) fldsofglry dbusarow Clay Kani Pabloz Jbird rdb 1bootscootin rhall rcsaddles DaveD GregGaub LukeHatley Deb59 Becca4u Trooperchuck scissormedic Gesa Dags3777 Ladies and Gentlemen...and the rest of you leatherworkers...start your swivel knives, and have fun!
  23. Thanks for the quick response. I've got the router and modem completely locked down, and consulted a local friend on this, too. Apparently my mystery guest is a downloader. I guess that's what I get for turning off the auto-updates. Silly ol' Mike, the dang antivirus was only 3 months out of date! So, a thorough scrubbing with lots of water followed by a good spraying of Lysol should get rid of the virus....if I can just get this computer case open.
  24. Hi all, Quick questions for our gurus with mad computer skills: I found some search history info on things that neither I nor my wife went looking for. This was in the browser history. I'm thinking we had some computer to computer access- after all, I'm only using the preinstalled windows firewall. No, the kids didn't do the search, and I don't think anyone has been in the house on my laptop.(99.9% sure). We did have a new person move into a camper next door (I'm way out in the county), and I've previously had to forcibly boot an unauthorized user from the router... and that was kinda fun:) I'm using AVG free version, and Spybot (free) to prevent the kids from downloading stuff from some of the websites they visit (games, kids' shows, etc.), and the previously mentioned windows firewall- which I'm thinking is inadequate now. Suggestions for tracking/finding/blocking my mystery guest? Specific progs? Also, any suggestions on how it was done? We appreciate any info, M
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