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Everything posted by wildrose

  1. First off, I love how you've displayed the piece for photography! Second, I love the color and choice of border stamp. And the pattern itself, for that matter. As I'm sure you know, your bevelling needs some work - but practice will help with that. I hated bevelling for a very long time, myself. A nice piece!
  2. Nah, Ray, just got sidetracked. Let's see, other than Big Blue/Deerslayer, I do have another "named" car: my 1966 Ford Mustang is named Gloria. My mom and dad gave me the car for my 35 b'day. Dad had begged his neighbor for a while to sell it to him, 'cuz the license plate said "Holly". It being my dream car, how perfect was that? Dad told the guy it was meant for me and I'd take good care of it. (Which I've done) Of course the neighbor kept the plates, but the floormats say "Holly" on the driver's side and "Gloria" on the passenger's. Gloria was the name of a dear friend of mine that I lost to cancer a few years back. She didn't drive much, but was always teasing me about my driving when she rode around with me. I know she's smiling down from Heaven and her "spirit" rides with me, ribbing me about every too fast turn or stop or swerve I make.
  3. Denise, I could go on forever about pet names: we had alot of mousers on our farm over the years. I'll stick with 2: Marshmallow (thanks to my sister naming her) was a black and white female; and Patches (yet another case of "didn't really want to name her that, but it stuck"), a calico.
  4. what a nut.
  5. Car names, there's a list. We had one Bel Air we used to call Big Blue. Then we hit a deer with it, and renamed it Deerslayer!
  6. I'll answer, but it won't help you much: I have no answer. I too wish I could find a supplier. They are great little stools! Last batch I made, someone had custom made the bolts and sent me a few. I think that's really the only option, unfortunately.
  7. Hope you're having a great day!
  8. May you have a year full of blessings ahead!
  9. Please don't take this as "same ol' same ol'" advice, but have you tried marriage counseling? I know classes my husband and I took really helped years back, as well as counseling I had myself. It can be expensive, but there are always low cost/no cost options. My prayers are with you.
  10. Josh, I'm with you....but my dilemma is that the box alone is costing me about 45.00 (with shipping and all), so it's unreasonable for me to price them at that after I've spent a goodly amount of time doing the leatherwork part (and lining it if that's merited). Which is why I've only done two for customers - the others have all been gifts. I've mentioned my friend Yolanda Roots, who does Bible covers, in other postings. I told her I was going to start mine this year at 90.00 - that would be my base price. She STARTS hers at 300.00 WOW!!! I told her I could not imagine someone paying me that much for one. Again, it's all market - most of her business is website related, so she is pulling customers from all over. But it did encourage me to maybe start mine higher. What do you all think?
  11. That one is plain inside - you never know what a young boy would put in it! But I have one I'd made for myself, and it is lined with fabric. These boxes measure about 10"x5", and about 4" deep. He also makes some lovely square ones. I appreciate the quality of his workmanship. This box cost me 35.00+shipping. Here are others I've done with his boxes. Some of the pics were with my old camera and are not really clear. The last set was a custom box Dale and I worked out for a customer's flutes. It was lined with velvet and padded. One other is also velvet lined, and has a commemorative "plaque" inside (it was to be an anniversary gift)
  12. Trooper Chuck has brought up a point I failed to mention: my mother is about 5 foot tall and doesn't weigh over 110 lbs, so although she's fit, she IS little.
  13. Thanks Suze! I love watching dogs work sheep like that, even when it's "commercialized". It never ceases to amaze me. I've actually seen dogs herding ducks, both in PA at the Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, and here in Radford at Highlander Days.
  14. What would I pay for it? 50.00 easily. My family has had Airedales for a while, and they can really pull you! A nice sturdy leash like that would be great. I might even go to 75.00. Like others have said though, depends on the clientele. I like this post idea. Here's something I finished recently. It was a gift for my youngest nephew - I'd made boxes for my niece and other nephew, so was continuing the tradition. The box is oak (from Grandpa's Pastime, Dale Grabowski), so it's not my usual "cheapo" Michael's craft store box. What would you pay for something like this?
  15. LOL TwinOaks....actually, that I don't have either...I guess for me it's about appearance. I won't get a bladed weapon unless I think it's attractive as well as potentially useful. Maces just don't do it for me personally. My fav is a replica of the sword from the Mask of Zorro (I'm a freak about Zorro, but that's another topic all together!) Bree and TexasJack, I can see both sides. Personally I prefer to give someone a warning, so I like the pump sound line of thinking. But knowing Mom, she'd be in Bree's camp. Besides, if you don't stop the person invading your home (as an example), what's to stop them from preying on someone else?
  16. LOL Art, you're a treat! To be honest, there aren't ANY guns in my house...but there are a bunch of swords, a double headed Starfire axe, a pike, and several daggers...
  17. I'm supposing there are some that haven't gotten theirs yet; but I do know the deadline for shipping HAS passed. So for those who haven't gotten theirs, the person sending really is supposed to get in touch about the delay. My pif'ers have always communicated well with me about delays, at least.
  18. I've been enjoying the "women's side of things" comments as much as the men's!
  19. Love the pattern! If you'd care to share it, please pm me a scan....
  20. She did mention she had trouble loading the clip on one of her brother's automatics (don't know what it was), so it had been suggested that she get a revolver instead of an automatic. Hoping I'm getting my terms right...LOL! Anyhow, my husband also suggested she try a 38. I agree that the best thing for her are classes and trying out a variety before buying. Thanks! Keep the tips coming if there is anything else to add!
  21. Ben, good summary of a Bible parable.... Another thing that came to mind for something similar is the story of the people who were without work and a person hiring them throughout the day to work. The person got some of these workers to work first thing in the morning and the people agreed to work for a set amount for the day. They were happy to have the work and happy with the amount. It was very fair. During lunch, the same person came and got some more workers and they agreed to work for the same amount. They were likewise happy to have the work and happy with the amount. It was really fair. Later in the day the same person came and got some more workers and they agreed to work for the same amount. They were likewise happy to have the work and happy with the amount. It was extremely fair. At the end of the day this person paid the workers the agreed to amount. Only when the the workers that started at the beginning of the day and the ones that started at lunch found out that they were getting the same amount as the workers that only worked a couple of hours did they start to grumble and complain about it not being fair.
  22. PLEASE no politics here!!! My mom is looking to purchase a handgun for protection. She lives in a rural area, off the main road, and wants something easy to use, that will be kept at home. Two of her brothers have been giving her some advice, and even target practice, but I know there are some really knowledgeable people here that can help me pass some info on to her. Dad occassionally goes on short-term mission trips, and Mom would feel more secure if she had something close by if needed. She's not afraid to learn, and not afraid to use it, and plans on taking some concealed weapon classes shortly. Though she's in her 60's, she's very athletic (has run the NYC Marathon, and runs every day still) and does most of the work on their horse farm. For point of reference, we live in Virginia.
  23. Sometimes instead of a concho, I'll just stamp it with a cat or horse 3D stamp; those sell like hot cakes. I have several horse stamps and they never stay on the table very long.
  24. Great idea! I've lined them before, with a variety of materials, but usually don't when I'm cutting costs.
  25. Well, you can either buy a cheap-o binder from somewhere like Target or Walmart, or what I do is buy the kits from Tandy. Of course their leather usually isn't superior quality, but it has everything in one box. I think they call it a "memory writer" or "memory binder" kit.
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