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About ChriJ

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  • Birthday 06/13/1956

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  • Location
    Oklahoma, USA
  • Interests
    Horses, American West, firearms

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  1. I wish I was that "not good" at wallets... Looks pretty good to me. Chris
  2. I've got six figures in the bank....if you count the two on the right side of the decimal
  3. ChriJ

    Stamp i.d.

    Barry Kings has several similar styles listed under Geometrics. I think the small circle in the corners were done with a seeder Chris
  4. Are you two insinuating that the talking heads on the news may not always state the facts as they really are and may have an agenda other telling us the truth??? Tell me it ain't so. Next I guess you'll try to tell me that all that I read on the internet isn't necessarily fact either.
  5. I was born in Sarasota in '56 and moved out in '05, so if you think you saw some changes you can imagine what I was saddened to see happen to the home state. My ex-wife and I had a Rottie rescue after we moved to Arcadia. Doing any type of animal rescue can give a dim view of some humans. Chris
  6. If you don't get any responses try contacting immiketoo on this site. I'm pretty sure he makes stools and could give you some input. Chris
  7. What was his method of sharpening them? Chris
  8. US Plastics also have them in varying sizes and thicknesses Chris
  9. Here's one. I don't know if its the one you were looking for ChriJ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YAw-13czTQ
  10. I've used TanKote to lay down the flesh side of the leather and it seemed to work well. Chris
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