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Everything posted by mattsh

  1. Thanks Hays. It did turn out really nice, even though its for the wrong side.
  2. Here is a thread about that question. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=26694 I have a question, if tooling is what you ordered, will W&C not take it back and get you what you ordered in the first place?
  3. Here are a few that I finished recently. One for me, which was a test piece for the Glock 19 to get the stitching just right and as you can see I needed to move the corner of the trigger guard up about 1/4", which I did on the IWB with snaps that is pictured below. Sorry the picture is slightly out of focus. My phone camera didn't want to cooperate on this one. This is for a friend's brother-in-law. As I noted above I adjusted the stitching line and now its much better. This is for a friend at work. His pistol is actually a stainless Springfield. But boy I sure like how that blued customized Colt looks in there.
  4. Very nice. Good job. I like that design. Cool maker mark as well.
  5. That scabbard and cartridge belt are really cool. Nice work.
  6. Good looking holster. Nice colors, good stitching and nice molding.
  7. Reaper - I really like that holster. Do you use it for different pistols and hence the reason you have a tension screw at the trigger guard?
  8. I agree with Wizard on the stitching, try to make it match the contour of the trigger guard, otherwise it looks pretty good. As a heads up to everyone, if you dont want to buy or cant afford an Airbrush, Oreilly Auto sells a product called Preval Sprayer for about $5. Its a pressurized spray can that has a glass jar attachment that you can put your dye in. It works really well and you can spray about a half dozen holsters or so with one can (I cant recall, I've sprayed enough that I lost count, but I think it was about 6 maybe 8). Anyway, its a good value. You can get these from most any auto parts store. http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/PVL0/267.oap?ck=Search_N1968_-1_-1&pt=N1968&ppt=C0171 You can get these at Tandy but they cost more, about $9 if I remember correctly.
  9. Frank ---- Nice rig. I like the "aged" ivory grips, looks good.
  10. Good Job Josh. I am a huge John Wayne fan and I love this rig. What did you make the belt out of and did you reinforce the single layer behind the bullet loops or did you just leave it as a single layer?
  11. Your welcome John, from all of us here on the forum. That is the reason we are here, to show off our stuff, vent our frustrations and help each other with knowledge sharing. Good luck on your project.
  12. Two things I recommend. Look at the pinned thread called "Holster Design (long)" and visit www.adamsleatherworks.com and look at his How-to videos.
  13. I have never used them personally, and I may not be using the right term, it might be a pull the dot snap, not sure. However, I know that Lou Alessi used them on his body guard shoulder holster system and it allowed the pistol to be drawn thru the snap and the motion would undo the snap. It's a really cool design.
  14. markush - thanks for the compliments. I too really like the looks of Tucker's rigs and that is what inspired me to try my hand at making one.... well ... then others saw it and said "Hey can you make me one?" All the credit goes to Tucker on this design as it is his (as far as I know). The belt was not made by me. I actually was at a leather shop near me in Kansas that had these belts for sale. They are made by a man in Colorado. For the cost of the belt I could not buy the straps, dye them, stitch them and install the hardware for what they were selling them off the rack, so I bought one. It is really nice. Good eye on the stitching, yes it is 9 spi and it is two layers of 7-8 oz.
  15. WOW! that is A LOT of patience. Good job. Very nice looking rig.
  16. It all looks good. Not sure you can avoid the wrinkles considering how the thumb break will be used. Is that a pull-thru snap? Or do you actually have unsnap with the "thumb"?
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