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Everything posted by mattsh

  1. Here is another that I finished on Sunday morning. It's for a guy that works with me. Took it to the range for him to try out and it looks even better with a stainless gun that has rosewood grips.
  2. Outstanding! simply Outstanding! ...... makes me want to make another one
  3. Made up a couple more of these wrap around styles. The S&W 5906 has elephant trim and the other is for a S&W 19 with 4 inch barrel. I really like this style. It looks sharp and it wears really nice as well.
  4. Very nice! I like it! Good job. I really like the natural and tan color contrast. It looks really sharp.
  5. Awesome questions....I am interested in hearing what everyone else has to say. For me, personally, I don't have a website or even a "business" per se. I mostly make stuff for friends or coworkers and that is pretty much my circle of business, just enough to keep my supplies paid for which gives me stuff to play with.
  6. Here is a picture of one I just finished today. Several years ago I saw a holster design that I thought was pretty interesting and it was done by William Tucker and was his HF-1 model. So since flattery is the best compliment, I decided to make one for myself. It's a really neat design and lends itself to some pretty cool embelishments. Since this was the first one I made I thought I would keep it simple and plain. The only thing that didn't turn out right was three spots on the stitching. 1. right at the trigger guard the two ends of the stitching dont meet because the length of stitches would not have turned out right; 2. on the front panel there is an extra long stitch for the same reason, I either would be one longer stitch or two really really short stitches 3. on the back side the stitches got too close to the edge because the leather kind of rolled down when the needle passed thru so the stitches ended up too close to the edge in one spot next to the rear belt loop. Overall I am very pleased with the design and it wears very well, just a couple of tweaks on the stitching and it would be good.
  7. OH MY GOSH!!!!!...... Thanks for the laughter! I needed that.
  8. got pics? we could give advice then.... if that's what you are looking for.
  9. To be honest, I tried it 10 years ago and didnt really like it and have not tried it since. But I have learned a lot since then so maybe I should give it another go.
  10. Nice job. Are you stitching by hand? I can't answer your question, I don't know who originally designed this style with the wrap around reinforcement. The style has been around for a little while.
  11. For the IWB holsters I like to put the rough out to provide some drag on the clothing and provide a smooth inside so the gun can be drawn a little easier. To treat the rough side I am putting on two coats of leather sheen. I tested it by rubbing it with a white t-shirt to see if I got any dye rub off and I did not, so I am pretty sure it is sealed. The dye is a 50:50 mix of Fiebings Dye UMC Black [not the pro oil dye] and Rubbing Alcohol.
  12. Just finished up this one for a friend at work. Turned out pretty good.have a couple of things to do differently if I make another one. Stitched on my new (to me) Toro 3000. Had to move to cover when I was taking pics hence the reason the lighting is different, and its from my cell phone. I still need to buy a new digital camera. Thanks for looking.
  13. .... that's all I got to say 'bout that
  14. Congratulations, well deserved. You make a pretty sweet Threepersons.
  15. Joel - nice job on the holster. That is quite the unique combination of skins, very interesting.
  16. Lobo - as usual - very impressive. Your work has sooo.. made me a huge fan of this holster style. I have made 2 so far. One was for me as a range holster, the second went to my brother. Both for 6" S&W 19-3. I just had a guy at work ask about having one made for cross draw or maybe have a military flap style holster for trudging thru the woods or maybe both . Anyways, awesome job I really like seeing your Threepersons holsters as they are just a beautiful work of art.
  17. Very Nice Work! and I like the SAA that's riding in it too. Well done!
  18. Randy - sent you a PM.
  19. Here is the Glock 19 I just bought from Lindells. I am very pleased with the quality as the one I previously bought from Duncan's had voids in places. Since I live nearby I went and visted Mr Lindell. He is a very nice man and likes to talk. I wish I had more time that day to visit. Mr Lindell is very busy with NLETC and this is a side business. His daughter helps part time and would explain why contact may seem sporadic. I asked Mr Lindell about future orders and he said to just call and leave a message. His daughter runs the orders and the billing so turn around I would imagine will be a couple days. Cost is $34.75 plus $5 shipping and handling. Contact Info: Orders: 800-662-8022 816-531-5750 816-531-5916 (fax) Email: traingingguns@kc.rr.com Mailing address: L.A. Training Guns, Inc. 4948 Westwood Road Kansas City, MO 64112 Here are the models that are listed on their literature:
  20. Very Nice I just ordered some horse hide hope my belt turns out that nice.
  21. I can't really say that one is better than the other. There are those that say that Duncan's (aluminum) were getting poor in quality so most were going for the Blue Guns. I have some of both and my Blue Guns are more detailed. I have heard that some makers wear out the blue guns (I am not sure how) but I have heard that, but this was by some makers that were doing very high volume so maybe that's the issue. I am in the process of ordering from Lindell's (aluminum) in Kansas City. I hopefully will get one in the next couple days and I will be able to share back with everyone the quality and cost.
  22. I just placed an order with Zack White, as I have always had good luck with their Premium hides. It's been a couple years since my last order as I have been getting my leather from Springfield leather as I pass thru there occassionally which allowed me to pick and choose what I bought, but I'll let ya know how the order turns out from ZW.
  23. Sharing a pic of my latest test holster.. The style is taken from one several makers have. Working out the design issues and some of the stitching, but here is a pic. Also used my press for the first time. It worked really well.
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