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Earl Ash

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Everything posted by Earl Ash

  1. I live about 45 minutes from Weaver but I drive 3 hours to Wickett and Craig for my leather... does that tell you anything? Call W&C, they will treat you well, and sell you whatever amount you need. By the way, sign up for W&C emails, you will get some good deals that way too. Really great to work with!
  2. Weaver leather has a video under "using scraps" or something like that showing how to do this.
  3. Good topic! Years ago I got a new carry gun and paid what I thought was too much for a holster. Months later, the holster was coming apart from daily wear and I decided that I could do better myself. Lots of tools and practice later I can do better! Now I have people wanting all kinds of stuff, along with holsters. My kids are grown so I spend many hours in my leather shop, it keeps my bride from seeing too much of me (ha). I looked at my tools as an investment for the future and a retirement hobby. I have sold enough now to more than brake even, but would continue even if I had not. Nothing you can buy is better than what you have made yourself!
  4. Beautiful work! I do have a confession... I have been at this for years and seeing your work makes me think I should take up another hobby! You have a bright future in this craft! Well done sir!
  5. That's a good start! A couple things I'd recommend: 1) You will want a welt all the way around the blade to keep the blade from cutting into the stitching. 2) Buy a 1" slot punch, you will find it versatile as you can cut 1" slots and up with the same tool. 3) How do you plan to keep the knife in the sheath? A sheath would have to be very tight to the blade to not fall out. A gun holster can be formed to the gun, a knife, not so much. Great start! I'm sure others will chime in as well.
  6. Susan, I got the legs here and made the top, most of us have done something similar. http://www.globalindustrial.com/p/work-benches/components/legs-shelves/adjustable-height-27-7-8-to-35-3-8-leg-30-benches-2?infoParam.campaignId=T9F&gclid=CjwKCAjwl_PNBRBcEiwA4pplRQqcFpkgOKaMOK8fHvox470Gqwgo1Hi4yN1u-9CXGKfqTCdNy4xjRRoCJBgQAvD_BwE
  7. I like the Master tools from Weaver. I started buying myself 1 or 2 per year and I have been passing my old cheap tools along to a young man that wanted to learn... we both win!
  8. If you are on Facebook join "leather tools to buy sell or trade", I got mine off there.
  9. Say "Thank You" and then go look at all your tools and add up what they cost. She paid you more than money...
  10. Great job! May I suggest you bring the back of the holster up and form a "sweat guard"? As a guy who carries all the time, I can tell you it will make the holster much more comfortable. Nice work!
  11. Outstanding! I think we have an obligation to pass along our craft. I just started teaching my son in law. Tell your son "well done" from me.
  12. My two cents. I use the Boss. I like it, some don't. You are in Michigan. As has been stated, take your materials and go see Bob at Toledo Machine. You will leave with something that works for you, new or used. He will take good care of you.
  13. I have had wonderful support and great leather from Wickett and Craig. I also learned the hard way that you cannot make good products with poor leather.
  14. I have a Tippman, it's a beast and will stitch anything you can fit in it. They take some fiddling to get tensions right and need to be kept cleaned and lubricated but it will stitch about anything. Some folks hate em, I love mine.
  15. Nice job! All of us have a first project and we learn with each one. Read the suggestions found on this website about smoothing your edges. I have made a number of holsters, my first was not as good as yours!
  16. Earl Ash


    Call Bob at Toledo Industrial, both Bob Sr. and Bob Jr. are excellent resources
  17. I have about 6' x 6' space in the corner of my basement, an old reinforced computer desk, and a sewing machine. I do have a table that cannot be seen for cutting when needed. You work with what you have!
  18. I live in Massillon Ohio and was wondering if there are any local clubs, meetings or workshops in this area. Earl
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