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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Wow. Thanks so much for showing your process. Your work is amazing. (Do we get to see more???) I know it probably vaires by suit - but how many individual pieces do you end up putting together? How long does this take? The scales look fabulous, especially with the red and black. Thanks again for sharing. Crystal
  2. Thanks, Windy. Hadn't thought about finger thimbles... the leather I have to work with at the moment - nail marks don't really matter that much. I think this cow was a blood donor at a mosquito farm in Alaska. I have thought about making pinky finger gloves for stitching, though.
  3. Thanks, Shorts. I used a 7/8th's inch dowel for this and it is a snug fit. The leather was (I think) 3-4 oz. If I were to do this again I would use a 1" dowel and go with heavier leather just for the "crush factor". The light stuff is holding it's shape, but is easily squeezed out of shape. Can't wait to see yours! Crystal
  4. Very sharp! I was going to ask the same thing as Craftsman - do you hand stitch or use a machine? Crystal
  5. So sorry to hear about baby #2. *talking with foot in mouth* I thought maybe he was camera shy or mommy was overly protective. Baby #1 looks great and maybe next year he will have another little sibling. I am one of those people who enjoys looking at other people's baby pics - so keep 'em coming. I only have normal critters - 1 dog, 5 cats and 5 horses - the yaks are interesting. It is odd that you weren't contacted about the fence. A little heads up on the report may have been nice. Maybe that is a possible job for the herd - "Attack Yak Perimeter Protection Services" No one gets in - No one gets out. Crystal
  6. Baby is lookin' good! I like his curlie head. Daddy yak has quite the face. Weren't there 2 babies? (Hoping that baby II wasn't a "bad yak"....) Thanks for showing them off. Crystal
  7. I like that paint job - makes the flames look 3-D. And I say excellent work with the zipper. Crystal
  8. I like it with the background cut out. Crystal
  9. That is something! I think you need to build the poor thing a bigger platform. And in defense of the flatlanders - I have never wondered "at what altitude do deer become elk?" Because everyone knows that elk are baby moose. Show more baby pictures - Grammy Yak! Crystal
  10. Great job! A couple of things stood out for me: The 3D skull in the frame was really sharp, I liked the little dudes along the floor in your set up, and hanging the earrings in the tree was a really good idea. Your basket weave on your coasters was great! The first pair of earrings with the yellow eyes and green and yellow beads are talking to me - if they didn't sell/or don't sell you'll have to let me know.... Crystal
  11. Crystal

    For the wine bottle1 ...

    Beautiful as usual! Glad to see you have been busy. Crystal
  12. Just glad to finally be able to come up with 2 cents worth of a thought to pass on... With the colors you are using - a camo pattern would be neat. Camo-skulls??? Crystal
  13. Freak - The antique looks really cool. I will TRY to explain a half baked idea- Instead of a zipper - replace with velcro in the same place. Wrap your center piece the entire way around adding an extension for a flap. Use the flap for the other side of your velcro. Start and then stop your basket weave where the flap starts. That should get you lined up with your snap flap. The lacing will not be connected. Just an idea. I haven't used velcro on leather - but you should be able to glue it down - eliminating some sewing. If I can be more confusing - just ask. How will paint from the paintball affect the leather - does it stain? Raising Arizona. Crystal
  14. I had visions of torches, a few coils of rope and a mob...... Crystal
  15. Thanks to all for your hard work - just let me know where to send the aspirin and the masseuse or masseur. Crystal
  16. I took it to mean the sword is latex. But I could most definitely be wrong... Crystal
  17. I am always looking for the "advice" or "critique" or "should've done this" in all the posts on the board. I have seen some work that I thought was really nice then a few replies later and a comment is made on how to improve or change something - I go back, look at the pic and sure enough I have an "ah ha" moment and see what was wrong . I am just not experienced enough to know what is wrong or the better way to do something. I really want the critique. I want the help. I want to get really good at this. I was always under the assumtion that if you wanted help to post in the "Critique My Work". I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to reply and comment and suggest and yes - the "atta boy" comments help keep the motivation flowing. LW is a wonderful place - the range of skill and talent here is just amazing. This is the only exposure I have to this kind of work and I am treating it like my school. I have never been to a show, I am hours away from any kind of store, PA is kind of dry in the "workshop" area- I've never had any classes or seen leatherwork done in person, so this is the only place I can get any real help or knowledge. I rely on the comments to improve and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to help me and all the other members. Crystal
  18. I'm not sure how much this will add to the conversation, but will be good for a few chuckles. Crystal
  19. Thanks for posting this, Clay. I am going to start a "Don't do this" board on my work table. And at the top of the list will be "Don't connect cuts on points" I always forget this until I do it (#2 on list is "Don't forget to mark patterns - top and bottom) LOL What leather weight do you usually use for your figure carving? Everything I have done has been with 3-4oz and I don't know if this makes a difference or not when it comes to carving and stamping. Thanks again for the tutorial! Crystal
  20. Hi All- I was browsing and came across this site: www.carvingpatterns.com They are woodcarving patterns, but I don't see why they can't be used for leather work. Quite a variety of themes. Easy download instructions. Copyright maintains ownership of the pattern itself, but the patterns may be used in projects for sale by craftsmen. Crystal
  21. Really neat idea, Art. Great job! Crystal
  22. Beautiful work! The noseband looks great. Crystal
  23. Everything is great! I really like the color scheme- Looks awesome! Crystal
  24. Spider, I never thought skulls could be - CUTE! Those bows and pony tails just kill me. Keep it up and you may turn me into a skull freak..... Congrats on the job! Crystal
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