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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Hi All- I saw Spider's post months ago, he had done a cigar holder. This is my take on one. It's for the hubby - I hope it is not too girlie. This is before putting it together. After Construction Thanks for looking! Crystal
  2. I tried the same process as ClayM - I got CONE. At least I don't feel so bad - someone else tried it that way, too. Crystal
  3. Thanks for showing the pattern! Can't wait to see them finished. Crystal
  4. Very Nice Don! Glad to see you have been busy. Do they have a liner? (I'm always fishing for construction tips and tricks ) Good work. Thanks for sharing. Crystal
  5. Folks - I am dead serious- I have TWICE, lost my internet connection immediately after reading and chuckling from comments about the tin foil hat. I did not loose the board, just my connection. (I was still signed in when I finally got back online here today.) So, can someone tell me what I need to do to fix this since I have apparently done something to upset the hat. I think there are instructions regarding full moons and Tuesdays and dead cats or rats. I need to make this right, so any help is appreciated. It's either that or there is a piece of sand getting stuck somewhere in the hat. I would rather keep my connection than get whatever pearl that may be forming. Seriously spooked- Crystal
  6. Wow - nice work. Glad you found LW, we love pictures. I may be out of my mind, but I think I have seen a picture of that last one somewhere. If it's part of a holster, then I have seen it, just can't remember where. Crystal
  7. Very nice, Marlon! Ohh to be able to design *sigh* With the 3/32" lace- what size nippers do you use? I have seen one in the Tandy catalog, but it is 1/8". Keep 'em coming. Crystal
  8. Crystal

    Spirit of Autumn

    Really, really nice! I'll have to ditto Colman - One of these for each season? I think that would be too cool. Great job! Crystal
  9. Nice job, Tom! I really like that color combo that you came up with. Gives it nice rich look. Crystal
  10. No. 2 is just as cute as No.1 I am very jealous, I want to be a grammyyak, too. Are you sure that they grow up to be ugly and smelly or are you just making sure that none of us come to yak-nap a baby? I guess that you need to vaccinate, etc. How do you handle them for basic vet duties? Crystal
  11. Thanks for the homework and the critique, Clay. This was fun and hope to try more. Thanks for the comments, Kate. I have a few doodles laying around here and wanted to make something other than just a practice piece this time. I enjoy doing the lacing and it does help cover not so perfect edges. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. I may have to retry this after seeing some "cheat sheets". Crystal
  12. Okay - I'll go first It's not too pretty, still having trouble getting rid of the haloing. I will figure it out someday, I hope. This is no 2. No 1 was too small at 2.5 inches wide. Thought I would go for a coaster, but needed something to protect me from a very sharp knife. So this is what I came up with. There are 3 layers of leather blade end. (Middle one I cut crescent shaped to follow the curve of the blade and act as a stop.) Not a good design, I have already skived some of the lace putting it in and out, but it will do for now. Medium Brown antique stain - 2 coats. I need to get brave and try color. Crystal
  13. Mike- just what kind of "problem snake" do you have? And define: rather large. Crystal
  14. Thanks, Billy. Hope you get to doing better. The hubby tried a skin (copperhead) a few years back and ruined it with salt and some kind of oil he put on afterward. He is going to give the Rep-tan a try this time. If it doesn't work out right I am sure he will have another chance to give it another go. It's hay baling season and that means snake season. He also knows too many people who seem to have slithery residents. If I had these things showing up on my porch, I'd move. I'll be sure to post updates. Thanks for the advice. Crystal
  15. Thank you, Mike and Charley. I will order some Rep-Tan from Tandy and go from there. Okay - I will order products, ask questions and the hubby will go from there. I REALLY do not like these things. I have some 2-3oz leather laying around for backing. Next dumb question - After it is cured, just glue it onto the backing? I should wait to ask more questions - maybe the Rep-Tan is getting applied too late. This is what it currently looks like. Thanks again, gentlemen! Crystal
  16. Hi Denise- Try this: www.spirigsaddlery.com Crystal
  17. Yuck - I do not like these legless beasties. However, I now have one that is skinned and tacked onto a board and taking up space in my garage. (Timber rattler 3+ feet long, 6 rattles) The hubby would like to make a hatband out of it. I have no idea what to do to dry this, cure this, treat this, etc. to make it appropriate for a hatband. Just air dry? What can be put on it to keep it from becoming crispy? If you can't tell - I have no clue of even where to begin or end. Thanks! Crystal
  18. Johanna - I would say that you have a very good track record going for you. 100 pounds is really something to be proud of! Not drinking is something to be really proud of! Just one more to go. I've read that Stephen King story. I had forgotten about it until you mentioned it. Definitely makes you think. I wonder if cutting off loved one's fingers doesn't work if cutting off the smoker's fingers and toes would? Sooner or later we wouldn't be able to light one up. I also read "Thinner". To this day I won't eat strawberry pie. Wonder why one "stuck" in my head and not the other? Try the Chantix. Make sure you take it with food, it's a bit hard on the stomach. I took mine with supper, but I think it may have been better taking it in the morning. I felt so good after 2 months, it was amazing, then one slip up (wasn't taking the Chantix) and I was back at the counter, ashamed and pissed off. But just having that pack was such a relief... that was a year ago. I changed some things and have not gone back to the 2 packs a day. (Less than 1 pack a day now). There are lots of us that need some extra practice and help to get there. My best friend quit each time she was pregnant and nursing her 2 kids. Just stopped. Then after the nursing was done, poof, right back at it. She is still trying to quit for good. We talk about it, encourage each other, and bam we're both right back at it. Why is this so hard? I wasn't a memeber during the great crash. However, I can imagine the agony if Beaverslayer takes off that tin hat... He has me worried. Crystal
  19. Congratulations! Such a little cutie! Do you have any names picked out? A couple of days earlier and you could have called him Maytag... Crystal
  20. I think I found a picture, but no pattern. www.emocs.com/coinpurse.htm Crystal
  21. Hi Laffo- I will not pretend to know much about what you are looking for, but I found a forum for you to browse. www.thefiringline.com/forums/archive/index.php?f-17.html Hope this helps, Good luck! Crystal
  22. Crystal


    Way too cute!! Great Job! Crystal
  23. Hi Kate- These are some sites that I found online: www.k9carting.com/carts.html www.horsecart.com/carts.html www.sierrakennel.com/carts.html www.pacifier.com/~carriage/trans-sport.html www.dogscooter.com This is sounding like a lot of fun! Crystal
  24. Hi Kate- I found a website www.dogplay.com/Activities/harness.html it shows all kinds of things to do with dogs in harness. When I was a kid we raised and trained sled dogs. In the non-snow months we used a modified cart with rubber tires and regular lines and harness for training. (It was rather large and heavy - 10-12 dogs pulling). Maybe you could use a modified trike? You need something with brakes! We had little harnesses for puppies and would suit them up and have them start by dragging small things like pieces of wood, etc. around to get them used to pulling and started teaching Gee and Haw (right and left) voice commands for directions. I don't remember too much - it was a long time ago. If that link doesn't work, do a google search for "Carting with your dog". YouTube has some sled dog videos, too. Good luck! Crystal
  25. I've read through the previous posts from these and got some good information. I'd be interested in participating... need all the practice I can get. Crystal
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