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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Sorry - Haven't figured out how to send links - I found it at Sheplers.com. Bickmore - Bick's No# 4 It's a conditioner. Crystal
  2. Lop off her head - I like that. Darn near gave me a heart attack when I saw the hole, but have to admit - head #2 is nicer. A great save I would never have thought of - another way to get some cool coasters... Can't wait to see what's coming up next! Crystal
  3. Your detail is AWESOME. And I second, third and whatever all the motions by the committee to outlaw the black dye. Crystal
  4. Tina - that is a fantastic bag. Everything I have seen that you have done is beautiful. Crystal
  5. Very Nice! Thanks for showing how you do this. I was wondering how this was done. The paint is fabulous. Do you get wear and show off your masks anywhere? On that thought - your son should take your masks to show and tell at school - I bet his classmates would think that your work is "super cool". Crystal
  6. Hi Spider- I really liked the first one - made me smile! Looks like he was into too much of the "good Stuff". (Spider Juice?) Crystal
  7. Dito for me, Papa Wolf. I have the same questions and am only familiar with a "regular" sewing machine. Considering the same leather weight of 8-9 oz, probably doubled. I have been scouting some of the older machines like the Singer 29-4 and Singer 51W54 Hi post. Would either of these work for general tack and gun accessory projects with the previous stated leather weight? They are used machines and probably need some tlc - but I have looked and it seems like there are parts available for them. I would rather get something that will work the first time around, rather than spend a little money now only to have to dive in deeper after I learn that it isn't what I needed. Question on feed dogs - I have noticed that these machines do not have upper or lower feed dogs - how does that affect the stitching? I am guessing that you have to be rather consistant with your hands to get an even stitch. (I have done free motion quilting on quilts without the dogs - it isn't easy to get nice stitches.) Do the feed dogs on other machines leave impressions in the leather? Can this be corrected with tensioning or filing the dogs smoother? I am also quessing that there is a reason for all those pictures of SEVERAL sewing machines that folks have posted in their "workshop" photos! (One machine does not fill the bill.) I would just like to make sure that whatever I start out on will at least do what I need it to do for the time being. Thanks- Crystal
  8. I stumbled onto this site when I was looking for information on sewing machines for leather. I wanted to sew leather straps and handles onto quilted fabric totes. The hubby had made a few leather items and I had done 2 sets of saddle bags and had pretty much put everything into retirement after getting frustrated with my lack of skills and in general not knowing how to do something the "right" way without buying another book that kinda told ya what to do but not really... Now - thanks to this site - the tools have gotten the dust blown off of them - there are tons of ideas floating around this stale brain - all I have to do is put down the coffee cup and back away from the computer... Crystal
  9. Very Nice Job! I'd be proud of that, also. What tools did you use for the buffalo and the grass? Crystal
  10. Very Nice! I am glad that you used the handle with the lacing. I really like the Mexican Basketweave - even though it is a pain to do. Looks like you have that mastered! Can't wait to see the rest! Crystal
  11. Don -I found the covers. Pics aren't the best. ( I am tech challenged.) I am not sure how old these are. They were not off of the saddle that I had mentioned earlier. These were in a trunk - never used. I am guessing they are somewhere between 40 and 50 years old. Thanks for the info, Bruce. Always nice to know the history. Crystal
  12. Thanks, Bob and Tony. Fading wasn't something that I had thought of, either. And wouldn't you know I just pitched a bunch of ugly light blocking curtains out. Appreciate the help! Crystal
  13. Thanks, Ian. Very good tip. (Duh... Go verticle instead of horizontal... another one of those slap my forehead moments.) Crystal
  14. Hi All- I have a few pieces of veg tanned leather that I had gotten probably a year ago or so (maybe longer) and I have them rolled. (Space issues). After much reading here and some tips from very generous souls, I think they may be a bit dry. Can they be conditioned with a product to rehydrate them prior to tooling or cutting? Is keeping them rolled going to cause additional problems? Thanks! Crystal
  15. Good job! The words "Sheridan Gone Wild" keep running through my head.... Crystal
  16. Hi Don - Nice Job. One of my grandfather's old saddles had a cinch with covers. I don't know if I still have them around or not. If I find them I will take a pic. I think they were detachable and were backed with shearling. Open on the bottom side and just slid over the ring. Always wondered why no one uses them any more. They seem like a good idea. Crystal
  17. Thanks for the additional pics, Bruce. Beautiful work. I especially like your rope cans. I will give the basket weave another go around. Tried it a while ago and got frustrated with my alignments. (Nice to know I wasn't the only one with that particular problem.) Hopefully the brain has the knowledge now, just need to train the body. Thanks! Crystal
  18. Thanks, Bruce - and to all who take the time to post tutuorials! If you are using a basket weave pattern as a border, instead of an all over pattern, what is the best way to transition to go around a rounded corner - or any corner for that matter? Crystal
  19. I did a quick Ebay looksee and found Item No: 150228078017 from an Ebay seller by the name of pennyfabrics. Do a search for that item number and then click on the right for other seller items. There seems to be a fair amount of hair on hide pieces and scraps from this seller. (I haven't bought anything from this seller.) Don't know how to post a link... poor computer skills... sorry. Crystal
  20. Thanks. I have been mulling that edge issue for a while. I like the look of the edge, but for actual use, I agree with the rubbing. Thought about adding synthetic shearling to the backing with velco (for washing). Once I get everything cut I will play around with some layers and see how it feels. I should go back to the KISS principal - and just stitch the edges. Thanks for the input.
  21. Didn't think about the bleeding issue. None of my horses are white - I have a hard enough time keeping the bays clean. Thanks alot!
  22. I would like to take the design I have for these bags and incorporate it into a matching breast collar. I am not sure if I should "sandwich" some padding in between the top and bottom layers, or just use a single leather layer for the back. What would be a good weight for veg tan leather? Or should I even use veg tan? The bags are dyed a dark mahogany - I haven't seen any latigo quite as dark. Other than cleaning issues, see any problems with using the same lacing around the outside edges? Thanks, Crystal
  23. Thanks, Scouter. I agree - I learned alot. And I believe I am just now understanding how much I really don't know! Crystal
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