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Everything posted by sodapop

  1. sodapop

    Another mask

    i really dig this one...and it don't freak me out ...very nice!! darryl
  2. much appreciated mike for the critique!!...i did not know that...definately do that my next shot at it...what i did know it wasn't pretty...i got a overstitcher comin...is that what i should be using for my spacing with the differnt wheels it comes with etc??...and i drilled the holes out with a drill...well that wasn't too pretty either ...but i did learn how skive & splice hehe thanks for the kudos ken!!...i struggled with the lacing abit of course...not enough length, the dreaded corner on the bottom...superglue is my friend now lol darryl
  3. sloooooowly but surely storm hehe...glad you it!!...now i gotta think of something else darryl
  4. thanks alot wildrose!!...i added an edit now...cuz i see i'm not so clear, sorry bout that...its actually the same one...just front & back... darryl
  5. ok folks...since some of you encouraged me to put something together instead of just tooling on scrap etc...so heres my first attempt at a finished item...i made this eyeglass case for myself as practice...this is the first time braiding anything other then some holes in scrap and the inlay is a first as well under the olde english V for my last name... what did i learn this round...well lets see..."HOW TO SPLICE LACE" not just ONCE but TWICE!! hehe...also i started the braid on the wrong side and was too far along by the time i noticed...so watch that next time...theres some other little details i need to be careful of...but theres always something to be gained by just "doing"...the braid is the 8 string round braid... and look tom swede...i made it around the damn corner lol i'll give kevin king some credit...cuz seeing his stuff is what really motivated me to try an inlay... thanks for looking and critiques always welcome!! darryl front back
  6. wow bruce!!...ya i think it would look great on some saddle related work vs traditional... look forward to seein you use this concept in your work, with the cowboy touch darryl
  7. cool leeeeeeeezerd tom...man your just crankin the stuff out...& its giving me id'ers =0) keep them comin!! darryl
  8. cute lil JRT...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much energy for me...unless i did earthwork with one...but i sure do get a kick outta them...got some friends with patterdales...but thier pure working machines... and a hoghunter that uses a JRT as a finder, hes a lil terror, but finds hogs...and takes a lickin but keeps on tickin lol ...gotta love the terriers hehe enjoy your new mascot, darryl
  9. i love the NW artas well...i lived in the seattle area for around 13 yrs and seen alot of it...only thing i have of it from there...is a handmade indian silver bracelet with a raven design on it...i still wear that sucker daily...now its got character though... i'll have to give it a whirl one of these days... darryl
  10. i'm really diggin that particular design tom...just somethin about it...nice choice =0) darryl
  11. those boots are simply awesome!!...some reason i can totally picture bruce springsteen rockin on stage with a pair of those darryl
  12. i like it alooooooot...makes me wanna start smokin stoogies, just so i can make one to show off darryl p.s how the heck you keep your nails so clean and your manicures from gettin trashed
  13. very cool storm ...look forward to seein the barra when you throw some paint on it...nice touch with the scorpion hehe darryl
  14. george was funny cat...i remember back in the day having his standup albums...used to just crack me up as a young punk rip george
  15. i appreciate the good words there spider...i understand what you saying...and regardless how frustrated i can get with it sometimes, especially braiding ...i always come back to it...this leatherwork deal just has a way of growin on a ya darryl
  16. they look damn smooth dave!! darryl p.s i was out fishin this mornin, so thats my excuse
  17. looks good tom...i got the book for that but haven't given it much of a go yet...trying to figure out edge braiding...looks sharp though with the stain on it...i think braiding once ya got'er down will be a relaxing thing to do...but until then it sure seems to cross the wires in my head sometimes lol darryl
  18. well brett, i understand where your comin from...its a vicious cycle hehe i used to live around your area a few moons ago...in davis actually & worked in vacaville... darryl
  19. cool belt spider...ya thats a shocker not to see a skull on'er somewhere...but thats a philosophy i use in general terms "one day at a time"...if i try to think to far ahead it just gives me a headache darryl
  20. i appreciate it beaver...i think i'm on the right track then...thats what i was figurin...cuz it worked well inbetween the ribs...i do have those pear backgrounders...gotta keep my terms straight ...atleast ya understood my landlocked lingo lol hey storm...those pics are very cool..i'll have to come up with some finished item to put them on...hate to waste the time that i know i'd put into those just to toss them...i'm thinking notebook puter cases might be something i'd have the room to do these sizes of design...what do ya think?? or a dumb idea thanks tom...glad ya diggit...im definately have to use clays technics on the next one that has flesh lol...work excellent for those designs storm posted ;o) ...i guess i was originally thinking pear shaders were just for leaves and such...but just grabbed them and gave it a go...seemed to work and gave the effect i wanted...dunno if typically one would use a modeler instead as a rule?? ...i'm pretty much wingin it with this tooling thing...and just hope it turns out okay lol darryl
  21. soon storm...just want to get comfortable in a few areas then put the pieces together in something finished=0) thanks tom...i think thats what hes on the prowl for and so pissed off cuz his tummy is grumblin' a little hehe heya hammer...no background on this one...thats as far as this fellas gonna go...sometime i'll do the whole thing in a complete picture...but hell i can't even do a damn rock properly hehe can someone tell me what to do with the land locked areas in general, example like the area inbetween his bottom jaw and the spine and/or the spots between his arm & ribs??...would you use a matter as a rule or just try to bevel like i did and leave it as is??...i used a matter between his individual ribs...not sure if thats the right technic in those "land locked" areas where you wouldn't have anything going to be tooled etc?? darryl
  22. well heres practice tool attempt #5...some spots i like and some spots i goofed...but again another learning experience...1st time using pear shaders & used them for areas on the bones... darryl p.s camera sux
  23. that chic-a-dee is pretty hot!! ...i mean shes got nice tOOlin errr...i mean ahhh ummm, nicely done hehe oh the skeleton is cool to ;o) great technic with hiding the eyes so you can keep away from having eyes...i'll have to keep that in mind cuz it obviously works... darryl
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