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Everything posted by carr52

  1. Ya never know when your gonna get into a firefight. Best to be prepared. I could only get it to load one pic cause of the size. Need to reset my camera. I'll have to stick in another post. Tom
  2. All stained and ready for pensils and pens. Tom
  3. Yep, thats a real lighter. Found it in a gas station up in Kentucky. Just pull back on the hammer and it lights. Tom
  4. It turned out nice. I'll take a pic of it tomorrow and post it. Tom
  5. carr52

    Got it done

    Thank you for the compliment. I'll keep working on it to get the strands tighter. Tom
  6. I used one to cut the strands for my whip. I started them at 5mm and then went to 6mm then to 7mm. I would cut about 3 ft. then adjust the cutter to the next level. It worked pretty good. But as far as using it on my left thumb, it didnt happen. I trouble with that method so i used it on my right index finger.It worked ok. You just have to go "slow" Tom
  7. carr52

    Riata Parts

    Tanks, Check out the public libarary. If they dont have it they can usually get it from one of thier other branchs. Tom
  8. I love it. is that a Tandy kit? I want one. Well, not for me. I'm not much of a purse carring type. I got my Indiana Jones bag and whip. Tom
  9. I used the 3/4 " print out for my swivel knife. Thanks for the pattern. Tom
  10. I had already printed out the 3/4 scale pattern so I thought I'd use it. Why waste the ink. I think I'm getting this camera figured out. Not. Tom
  11. carr52

    whip braiding

    I just got a book from the public libarary by Ron Edwards. I think it was just called whip making and braiding. Tom
  12. Heres one I made for a Zippo. I just molded the leather around the lighter and trimed it off after I stiched it together. The hole is to push the lighter up. Tom
  13. I just made a pouch for a Zippo. It turned out pretty good. I'll try and make a pattern for it. Tom
  14. carr52

    Got it done

    Well I tried my hand at turkshead again. I think I'm getting worse. But I'll just keep trying till I get it figured out.Yeah right. Tom
  15. carr52

    whip braiding

    Boy am I the wrong guy to ask. But I'll try. Click on the browse button on the bottom right and to find the picture you want, click open then upload. That will put it in the manage current attachments box. Open that box and click on the plus sign. Oh yeah, make sure your cusor is in the place you want your picture to be. Then add post or preview post. I hope this works for you. I keep having a heck of a time losing them. Tom
  16. The pdf print out works fine. Thank you for the pattern. The 3/4" one might work for the mini bic lighters. Tom
  17. carr52

    Got it done

    I was playing with it last night and snatched all the mail off the phone stand. It was only bills. Thats how I cut my budget. LOL. Tom
  18. I really like the whole project. I like the Celtic design. Mainly because of it's degree of difficulty and it's olde world charm. I would like to learn how to do that type of lacing. It looks nice. Tom
  19. carr52

    Got it done

    Well, in the house you might want to look out for the ceiling fan. Alls well that ends well. The ceiling fan is still in one peice. Tom
  20. carr52

    Got it done

    Yes, You shive both edges at about a 45 degree angle and it helps give it a rounder smoother look and feel. I've just been rolling the heck out of it as I go and it's rounding out right nicely, but in hind sight I still think it would look better if I had skived it. Tom
  21. carr52

    Got it done

    Well I still dont know what to do with the handle but I'll figure it out. Turks head I guess. Want to do something a little different. It's 8ft 9 in. from the tip of the fall to the tip of the handle. Just got through rolling it again. That smoothed it out quite abit more. It was a fun project. Oh it cracks like a rifle. Yee Haw!!! Tom
  22. I tried to post these in once already but I think they sorta went some where else.
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