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Everything posted by carr52

  1. Thanks Roger. I'll post some pics of it when I get it done. Right night now I need to draw up some kinda batty looking things. And again I love that fade and speckle on your tool bag. Tom
  2. I love that finish. Well I love the whole thing. As always your work has inspired me. A guy wants a bag made and I was wondering about the size of the bag and weighs of leather. Again thanks for the inspiration. Tom
  3. carr52

    Rawhide Hondo's

    I guess I need to redo my rope. Heres a pic of it. Boy I hate this camera. Gonna have to break down and get a decent one. Oh well, One must do what One must do. Tom
  4. carr52

    String cutter

    I made one like that some time back and it works great. The wooden one. Your design is alot better than the one I made. It adjusts out farther to cut wider strips. Thank you for sharing. Tom
  5. carr52

    Rawhide Hondo's

    Question. What the heck is it for. I mean what does a Honda/Hondo do? Tom
  6. Thank you. Not too bad for a couple of flea market steak knives. Not sure what I'll do with em but I'm sure I'll find some one to give em to. Tom
  7. I see now how that would look better. I am going to use this pattern again, probably this weekend and I'll do that. It's everybodys tips, hints, and critiques that help me to learn. Thank you. Tom
  8. Thank you Bruce. I'm still learning more each time I do something. Tom
  9. I guess the pictures didn't load. I knew I was tired when I posted this but I must have been asleep. OOPS.
  10. I would be more than happy to. I'll see if I can borrow a better camera to do it with. Mine really sucks. I've never done a tutorial so it might take me awhile to figure it out. Tom
  11. I made this knife from deer. horn Just drilled a hole for the blade and then drilled and tapped holes on the side to hold the blade in place. Need some kind of finger rest on top. I used it on this holster and it worked fine. Tom
  12. I also finished up the sheath for this knife last night too. I made the knives out of some old Stainless steel flea market type knives. It's good steel so all I had to do was bust off the old handle and make the new one. I used brass screws to hold the blades in place and because they grind down real easy with my Dremel tool. Then I just took the Dremel and sorta made a patten on the blade just for looks. Tom P.S. I'm going to bed
  13. Was up most of the night playing with these. Got them done about, well what ever time. The edges arn't beveled yet in the pictures but I got that done before I took them to the hardware store. I used copper rivets and I think they look really nice. About half asleep right now. Enough talk. Here they are. Tom
  14. Thanks everyone for the compliments. I've said it before but I want to say it again. Your guys have taught me so much and gave me the encouragement to try, and to put more care and effort into my projects. Thank you. Tom
  15. I just got these at Tandy for a $1.49. Their on sale for August.
  16. I go through Perryville 10 or 12 times a year. It hurts to lose a good friend like that. I'll have to stop one of these times and put a sugar cube on his grave. Tom
  17. Roo, I just watched the video and wanted to say thanks. Tom
  18. Aint had a chance to play with it yet but it sems to feel ok in my hand. I just saw the antler laying there and thought hummm what can I do with that? Heres what became of it. Tom
  19. Took my grocery bag and went to the store then to the libarary and sold 2 of them. YEE HAW!! Tom
  20. If I had worked on it straight through 2 1/2 maybe 3 hours. More time was spent waiting for it to case right and things like stain and finishes to dry. All and all another fun project. I think the beveling could and will be better on the next one. Tom
  21. I went to the hospital where I had my operation's, yeah plural and requested copies of my own x-rays which they provided at no charge. Tom
  22. I've been using cereal boxs. I eat alot of Rasin Brand so I just cut the front and back of the box and it works great. The boxes have a wax coating on them so they dont soak of water either if you rubber cement your leather on the face side of the box. Tom
  23. I'm pleased with this one even though the beveling on the edges didnt turn out that great. i just think it has a nice look to it. Its the first time I ever used this type of fancy buckle. I usually just use a plain Bridle buckle with no end cap on the billet. All said and done I'll hate to see this one go. Tom
  24. I'll try that first thing tomorrow. Thanks. Just got a new airbrush and my mind is reeling with things I want to try. Also broke down and got the compresser too. 50% off at AC Moore. tom
  25. Someone posted an article about it. I'm trying to do it but no luck yet. Tom
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