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Everything posted by carr52

  1. Diet Orange soda. Not much of a alcohol person. I didnt give it up, it gave me up. LOL Tom
  2. I have the basic ones like butterflys. The kind you put a stick through. I was just wondering if anyone had something different. Tom
  3. I found this web site and thought it might help. Or we could all go by GMT, Pilots do. Tom www.worldtimezone.com
  4. I was just wondering if there were any set times that group discussions were held in the chat rooms so we could talk real time and ask and answer questions? If not not maybe we could start some kind of group "Therapy" thing and maybe a spelling group LOL. Tom
  5. Is there any way to see one of those things on a horse. I like the way it looks and was thinking of giving it a try. Are the 2 pieces coming off the sides used as reins? Do you cut your own rawhide? I tried it but boy is it tough. Good work by the way. I always learn something everytime I come into this comunnity. Thanks everyone. Tom
  6. I really like your design. I just made one similar to that but it didnt come out no where as nice as yours. I didn't get my main body peice of leather square and it threw the whole thing off. I kept thing it was my stitching so I took it apart 2 times before I found out what I goofed up on. OOPS. Tom
  7. I dyed it myself. I used my airbrush. Made for a pretty easy job. I used a 7 to 8 oz veggie tan. It might be a little heavier than that. Tom
  8. Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I like to use small pieces of lace. About 8 ft. is the longest I'll work with. I think it's easier to make a splice than it is to fight with a long peice of lace. For the splice I skive the ends of the lace and use leather weld to glue the splice together. Not too sure about how long it took me to make it cause I tend to work on more than one thing at a time. But if I had to take a guess I would say it took about 3 or 4 hours. Not counting drying time for the stain and finish. Tom
  9. I just used the pics I saw here on the forum. Looked at things in the pictures and asked people about the sizes they made theirs. Drew a bat on it and VIOLA!! Batbag. Tom
  10. Steve I got this from a guy at Tandy's one day I heard he's pretty good. Dont know for sure. www.greyghostgraphics.com Tom
  11. Just want to get my money back for the materials. Dont feel right making a profit on somebodys else's logo so I'll forgo any profit. I dont download music or movies off the internet because they belong to the artist. I just buy want I want at ITUNES and load it right to my IPOD. Only reason I made it was to see how it would look. Now some guy wants it. Well he's getting a good deal. Tom
  12. It all started with the Batman tool roll. Ended up like this. It was clean when I started. But it's always that way. BOOM!! What the heck happened? Tom
  13. I'm still working on that where everything is deal. I had it but now it's gone, I think. Tom
  14. I found this the other day. They some good ones. And they are free. I hope you find one you like. Oh did I mention they are free? LOL. I like free. Tom
  15. The stencil worked out pretty good. My airbrush skills reallty suck. The purple background is just a color I was playing with. It's not meant to be a background. The flames looked alot clearer before they dried. I should have used a new peice of paper to do them like I did the dragon. Oh well, live and learn. The problem I was having was the stencil kept blowing out away from the paper if I got too close. I'll just keep practicing. Tom
  16. I just went to the Doctor and got copies of my own x-rays. As many operations as I've had they got tons of them. Anyway here is the dragon cut out. I'm thinking about trying to airbrush it on a peice first then wet it from the back side, then tool it. We'll see how that works out. Tom
  17. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Boy is my singing lousy. Oh well. Happy Birthday Tina. Tom
  18. With a prize like that who wouldn't want to be in. Tom
  19. Found a good site for free stencils but leather worker wont let me upload it. Anyway I just Yahooed free stencil and found it. Gonna try and airbrush them onto handbags. Sorry about the lousy picture. Tom
  20. I thought this was worth posting. I didnt know it till i tried it. X-Flim makes great stencil media. You guys get to see my naked foot.
  21. Where can I get a blue gun or I think they call them red guns now cheap to use as a mold? Tom
  22. I know what its like. I live in South Carolina We've been hit hard a few times , I too have a generator and am on a well. I was with the National Guard and let me tell you those things (Huricanes) can really make a mess of things. Ya'll be careful out there. Tom
  23. I love the way the water splashes around the Koi. I agree with Roo, cant wait to see the end result. Tom
  24. All I can say Tina is that I think they are beautiful. Love the lace work. I want to learn to do that. Tom
  25. This is a picture of it apart. Still got a few bugs to work out. It doesnt slide apart as easily as I'd like. But it is just a prototype after all. Tom
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