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Everything posted by carr52

  1. Got it done. I like it. I used calf skin lace so I decided to punch holes instead of using the chisel to make the slits. The calf skin doesn't enjoy being pulled through tight places. It streches alot. Now i just need to find some one who wants a skull checkbook cover to give it to. Tom
  2. Well heres my stab at it. I used two different background tools for the eyes just to see which I liked best. I think I like the one on the left the best. Now that I see it on the screen I can see that I should have done something to the lower jaws. Kind of a water stained funky looking peice of leather but it gives it character. Sorta pirate sorta thingy. I think I am starting to talk more like "Doctor-Who" every day. Oh well, time moves on. Unless your a Time Lord. Tom
  3. After the roof repairs and all I'm am just now trying to get the room back together. Still have things in boxes. Got most of the tools out tough. I think. Well for what it's worth here it is. Tom
  4. OK, here's another try at it. I need to clean it up some and maybe cut a few more loose feather parts in it but I think it's alittle better than the first one. Comments please. Tom
  5. I did cut out vee's. Thanks. I plan to make a few more. I'll need to be more careful with my cuts on the quill part. I'm not really sure how to finnish it. I can see this shaping up to being something later on. Maybe part of a Dream Catcher or something. Thanks again for the imput. Tom
  6. Not sure why, but I just wanted to try to make a realistic looking feather. I have seen others on here do it so I had to try. I started out with a heavy peice so I'd have the thickness for the center part. The quill I guess you call it. Then I just kept skiving it down on the edges till I got what I wanted. The one on the left is the front side. Still have some touchup to do. So, tell me what you think. I need the advice, good or bad. Tom
  7. Well I haven't even got the costruction trash cleaned up from the last roof leak repair and a new storm hits. Bummer. Not sure if the roof is damaged or not. It sure sounded like something hit it a few times. Tom
  8. My Step Dad has Alzhimer's and is in a nursing Home up in Kentucky. All of the residents have different levels of dementia and some of them just like to pick things up. Not thier fault, it just happens. So I made him a wallet like this one and it sorta wandered off. Or he hid it someplace in the home and forgot where. When it comes to dementia patients you have to keep and open mind. All that glitters is not gold and alls thats missing is not stolen. I enjoyed making the wallet for him and I know he'll like it. Once he gets use to the idea that it's his. Not somebody else named Bill. I'll take it to him next month when I go up there. Closed it is 3"x5" Tom
  9. Thanks Troy, I think I'm gonna just jump in with both feet and try to do this. I got the seat pan made for free so what have I got to lose? Just time and a little leather. But I need the practice anyways. Now I just need to come up with some kind of pattern. Tom
  10. Well I have a little more of the new work area done. I now have a 7 foot bench. YEE HAW!! Did I mention the new floor and wall panneling? Well i got that too. Now I need to start organizing everything. Tom
  11. According to the Men In Black Elvis did leave the planet to go home. Nicely done. I have to try and make a seat now. I have never done a seat before and was really wanting to try it. What weight leather did you use on this one? Tom
  12. Yep, my thoughts exactly. Gonna make the bench 3 feet longer and also got alot of the junk cleared out. While I was at it I tore out the closet too. Now I have a 10 x 12 work space. With a nice new window. I'll try and post a couple of pics of it later. Tom
  13. But to look at the bright side. When it's all said and done I'll have a nice new work/ play area. So there is a silver lining to this cloud. Tom
  14. Well I haven't posted anything in quite awhile. The reason being is I didn't have a work space. I'm slowly getting it all back together again. I had a tree limb fall on the house and poke a small hole in the shingles. It didn't show up on the inside so I didn't know I had a leak. Until it all came running in around the window. By that time it had been leaking for at least a year. Rotted out the roof, then run down inside the wall and rotted that out. There was no sign what so ever it was leaking. The insurance company said I should have fixed it when it first happened. Well heck I didn't know it was there. I was only a hole about the size of a penny and it didnt leak into the house. Just down the wall and out the bottom. Bummer. I guess I wasn't in good hands after all. The pictures suck but not as much as the couple of grand I had to spend. Tom
  15. Nice shop. When I die can I have my ashes spread there in "Heaven"? Tom
  16. I really like those. I've been wanting to make a pair myself. What weight leather did you use? Tom
  17. Man there are some grear ideas here. I posted this somewhere before but I'll stick it in here again. Buckles, from flea market and yard sales. There are some really nice belts and shoes at them. Even if you dont like the item the buckle is still worth something. We all know the price of buckles. Just cut the buckle off and Viola, cheap buckle. I've gotten some really nice buckles, 10 and 12 dollar buckles for 50 cents to a dollar. Plus you can always find a use for the left over belt . Tom
  18. I worked at a major university and you'd be surprised what you can find at the end of the year when the students are moving out. They figure daddy will buy them new stuff when they come back next fall. I am sitting in one of the office chairs right now. My best find was a TV, in good shape. Tom
  19. I love it. Thats almost identical to the idea for a bag I want to make. I want mine to be alittle thinner though. Man I like that. What weight leather did you use? I I was thinking about using a leather of about 4 to 5 ounce. Would that be ok? And again, I love it. Nice color too. Tom
  20. I dont know of a sorce for the buckle you are looking for buti in the spring or summer during the garage sale season you can go to garage sales and pick up belts for .50 cents and stock up on buckles. Just a thought. Tom
  21. I like it. What did you use to line the inside with? The part that shows through. And what type of knife did you use to cut it out? Good job my friend. Tom
  22. I'm not much of a hunter either. When you only have one good leg it's a little hard to follow a wounded deer or climb a tree stand. But if somebody is going to kill it and give it to me I'll eat just about anything. The only thing I've killed lately is a "Cup-O- Noodles" Tom
  23. Your so right Badlove. I'll be using much smaller pieces from now on. Thats what I love about htis site. Learning something every time I log on is the norm. Thanks all. Tom
  24. I dont think it's a matter of the posts being too long. I think you might be hitting the setter at an angle. The setter needs to be stright up and down or it will bend the post. Tom
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