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Everything posted by carr52

  1. Well the lizard was going to be a cover for a whip handle but it didn't fit the way I liked so I found a better use for it. Made a case for my nephew's Gerber. Tom [attachmen =12783:IMG_0003__4_.JPG]
  2. That was a cool tutorial. I'm gonna try it. Tom
  3. I didnt know there was such a thing. I just now saw the june challenge. My question is, Where will the challenges be posted? Tom
  4. I saw this done some where so i thought I'd try it. It's good practice anyways. It's nothing but carving and background tooling. It's gonna be a cover for a round handle, thats why two of the toes for his right foot are on the left side. Tom
  5. How do you get such detailed molding? I thought about using a vac bag Like the kind used in the carpenter shop. Outstanding work. Tom
  6. Amen to that Doc. There are some realy good books at the libarary in Columbia. I just took one of them back. Whip making and braiding by Ron Edwards.
  7. I really like that Anne. Very nice job. I've been wanting to do a handbag. I already have a pattern for saddlebags. I'm gonna try it. Thank you for the idea. My saddle bag pattern isnt shaped like that but I guess I'll just have to fiddle with the design till I get want I want. Thanks again. Tom
  8. Hey Budd I too live in SC. Retired from USC. I'm kinda wracking my brain on the braiding thing too. Heres a whip I'm trying at the moment. Got about 3 ft. of it done so far. Tom
  9. Thank you every one. that means alot to me. But I'm learning more from you guys all the time so you need to give yourself a pat on the back too. Thanks. Tom
  10. If the neighbors cow will stand still long enough for me to grab it's tail I think I can make one. Tom
  11. Some one posted that tip on here but I dont remember who. Well, long story short I just wanted to say thank you. It worked out quite well. Tom
  12. I finnally started my whip. Well right off my first mistake was in using a peice of wood that is too large. It's 7/8" and I think I should have used maybe 5/8" or even 1/2". I had used the same size on a practice peice and it looked good. But, I didn't take into consideration that the practice was fewer strands and paracord which is thinner. I'm starting with 12 on this one. I mean it isn't ugly or any thing but just looks too big. I think. The transition from 12 to 10 was a little tricky but I got it done. I found out that using paracord is a whole different animal from leather. Live and learn. Just got through giving it a really hard rolling and have to give my arms a rest. Any hints or tips would be "GREATLY" welcomed. Tom
  13. This is going to be my grocery list note book. Not sure what the design means but if you look at it from different angles it can be a lot of things. Kinda looks like a skull, or a winged thing. If you look at it really close and hard for a really really long time it looks like a bunny. NOT. Tom
  14. carr52

    dog sled whip

    Well it's made of nylon and since this is a leather working site I covered the PVC handle with leather. I found a tutorial on these things on the web. I'll try and stick it in here. It was sure a lot of fun to make and it cracks nice too. I found the paracord at a sporting goods store. The tutorial on the web site was real good. I want all the practice I can get before I start my leather whip. As of now I have the strands cut and tapered so I'm not going to rush it. http://www.dallasdogsled.com/Whips/CowWhip.htm Well it looks like it might work. [attac ment=12624:IMG_0003.JPG]
  15. carr52

    Pineapple knots

    Well said. Because of you guys I am growing in skill and confidince. Still cant spell worth a darn. I'm taking the advice I get here and trying my best to use it properly. Just wanted to say thanks. Tom
  16. carr52

    whip braiding

    I did get the Ron Edwards book from the libaray. Great book. I recomend it. Have made several practice peices. just trying out the different patterns. Also I'm using paracord to practice with. As of now I just finished cutting the strands for my "real" whip. My strands are 9 feet long and taper from about 5mm to 7mm. I'm going to use 12 strands. It took a while to cut them but I used a strand cutter that I could adjust on the fly and it was alot easier. I still have to skive the edges. Should be fun. I did it on the core and it rolled out really nice. Oh yeah I got the core almost done. I'll post a pic of it this afternoon if I finish it. Tom
  17. Love em. Beinga patriot. I would be proud to wear them. Tom
  18. I personally am fond of the basket weave style. I like the sheath style and the way it fits on the belt. Nice combo. Tom
  19. Yea, I know what ya mean. One of the hardest things for me was skiving all the edges so the finished plaid would round out better. Tom
  20. I like them. I think I'll make a few of them for for neices. Tom
  21. It took me a while but I'm happy with the result I got with this last practice plait. I skived the edges and rolled it between two boards after I plaited it. I stained it just to show the result. Well that and to cover up the dirt I got on it by rolling it on the back deck. I'll use a cleaner board for the real thing. I got some paracord so I can practice plaiting and dropping strands as I go to get it down to 4 strands at the end. Paracord is a lot cheaper than leather to practice with. Tom
  22. the design, the work, the use of color. Man I dont know where to start. I love it. Tom
  23. i really like it. i get more ideas from you guys than i can keep up with. I think the stamping is great. I'm still learning to do that with some of my projects. It's harder than it looks. Well for me anyways. Tom
  24. that is one cool looking lizard. need to feed it a little more though. maybe a small village or something. tom
  25. carr52


    Welcome. Nice work. I'm pretty new at this craft. Use to do it when I was younger. Just now picking it up again. Tom
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