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About Chief31794

  • Birthday 02/21/1950

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tifton, GA
  • Interests
    Leather Work, Music, Grandkids.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Western Floral Carving, Lacing
  • Interested in learning about
    Leather Craft
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  1. I know it has been a long time since it was posted, and you made the offer to someone else, but I truly would like to make my husband a banjo strap for our anniversary. If you still have it, would you share your pattern with me please? Even if the answer is no, thank you for reading this.

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  2. This machine sold. Thanks, Chief
  3. I've retired and closed my shop, will sell a CB 3200 bought from Toledo Industrial. Not used a lot, works great, have several feet, roller guide, extra parts and needles, thread, lube etc. Pick it up in Tifton, GA. Will not ship. $1200. Contact me here or on email: chief31794@yahoo.com Chief
  4. Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. The comments and well wishes are very nice. Ken "Chief" Harper
  5. I have closed my leather business, my online store and facebook store. I will continue to do a little leather work from time-to-time, but I'm going into full retirement and will be: Enjoying Grandkids Fishing Playing Music Traveling pretty much in that order. I have been an infrequent contributor here on this site and have learned a lot from this site. It is one of the best forums of any kind on the internet. I belong to music, fishing and boating forums and this is by far the best and most active of any of them. Thanks to everyone, Ken "Chief" Harper
  6. I use an edge creaser up to the corner from both sides, then finish the corner by hand with the ball end of a small modeling tool, lightly mark the corner with it and then "burnish" it with the tool. A little practice and they will look like a continuous groove. Hope that helps, Chief
  7. Springfield Leather Company (A sponsor here) has them, I believe they call them Mechanic's Buckles. Chief
  8. Just taking a short break then I'm off to music festivals around the country from end of March through July, then a short break before they start back up in the fall. This is a posting from one of the touring artists using our straps and accessories, Corey Lee McQuade, great artist, if you get a chance and he's appearing near you, go see him you wont be disappointed. The Straps and other items after Corey's picture are some other stuff out the door recently.
  9. Lots of Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin and Dobro Straps, some Bible Covers, couple of Wallets and Belts and Some Rifle Slings. Been off the net, not necessarily out of the shop.
  10. I've been a loyal HO guy for about 30 years, I've also noticed that the quality is slipping. I'm a one off custom maker (mostly instrument straps) and I need high consistent quality and I use only Bends. I recently started researching alternatives. I'm getting more bug bites, surface scratches, clamp marks, and what I call "Weak Spots" where the leather has a weak band across the bend. Never got many of any of these problems until a couple of years ago. Then they started showing up more and more regularly. Additionally, I got mine from Springfield Leather Company due to only buying 20-20 bends a year and at 2-3 at the time. To add insult to injury, last bend I got from them had Feet prints where it had been walked on in the warehouse. I complained once maybe twice to Kevin about the quality (not the feet prints, because when that happened I decided to move on), I sent some pictures of large scratches, marks etc. I was told it was normal. For normal, I decided not to pay premium prices and if I have to cut around areas excessively, I'll do it for a lot less than the price SLC charges. I reached out to RJF leather and Roger sent me some very nice samples of his bends. I'm going to give them a try. I am also researching some Italian Veg Tan which is pretty expensive but absolutely beautiful. Chief
  11. Thanks, Thank You, Thanks Thanks Bob.
  12. Thanks Rohn That one belongs to Touring dobro player and the emblem is a trademark of Tut Taylor's that he has permission to use. Studio-N made the embossing plate for the dobroholic emblem. He does a great job on embossing stamps if you need any custom. Thanks, I use that technique on belts and it was much more popular during bygone days, not as much call for it anymore, really easy to do after you lay it out. Chief
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