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Everything posted by fredk

  1. Who would have thunk it? That you could do this; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cl7lnzj9ze1o
  2. Leave them out on the grass and let the ants have a feast
  3. Might. But I'll stick with the vaseline on these. They had about a week for the vase to 'soak' in. Next time I'll put them straight out
  4. Buy a pattern off etsy or a Tandy pattern. Its all worked out for you
  5. There was misty rain this morning and I checked the vaselined pieces Most strange; the control piece showed 100% water absorption, as expected, but the test pieces are in a range from 5% to 100% = 5. 10, 25 75, 100% I'll dry them and try them again
  6. Leave the wood handles on , the lemon juice wont harm the wood and might loosen any dirt on them
  7. Try letting them soak in lemon juice for a few hours
  8. There was a small amount of rain during last week but I was otherwise busy and never got the Vaselined pieces out. I got them out today but there is no rain forecast
  9. Its possibly a black lacquer and normal paint stripper wont work on it. You could try a soaking in lacquer (cellulose) thinners, otherwise its a case of sanding it off with a very rough grade of grit. When replacing it I would use Hammerite Paint. As Hammerite is fairly thick you could just paint it over the old paint and the patches wont show. Hammerite comes in many colours so you can also choose one you like
  10. It seems we favour pliers I use these very long ones for where I can't get my fingers. i.e. inside dice cups, these pliers are used to pull the needle through. I have two other pairs but they just not as long but very nearly Its not often I can't pull a needle through but when I can't I use these pliers. They are also used when I'm putting flat lace on the lacing needle, they are used to press the lace down onto the prongs without damaging the prongs A piece of cork used when I'm making a hole with an awl. Its used to back up and support the leather so the awl goes into it, not my fingers (!) Small pieces of cork with mapping pins. I use these to hold parts together whilst I sew them up I wouldn't be without my anvil. Used as its supposed to be for hammering and shaping things, eg setting ready-rivets but its also a good weight to put on pieces glued up
  11. I think; The general public doesn't know all this. The newspapers reported, correctly or not, of peoples card details being stolen, the public read this and believed it. The fitting of RFID blocking material is like a comfort blanket to the public There was a similar 'scare' when we used the paper and roller system. Where the card was put in a hand operated machine, a paper receipt put on top. A roller was run over them and the card details were impressed into them, then we signed the receipt. The 'scare' was the shop was making two copies and the second was put thru with the first for payment; you were paying twice.
  12. I've found that even mass produced knives that are supposedly exactly the same can have small differences which affect their fit in a sheath
  13. Its cheap enuf but you don;t get much for your money I'll stick with plumbers aluminium tape
  14. I checked the leather. The vaseline has been absorbed into the leather leaving just a slight slickness on the surface and, the weather forecast, and indeed, is for no rain. A weekend of cold & sunshine. 5% chance of rain
  15. I made a batch of Bee's Wax, Paraffin Wax and Rosin. Inspired by this discussion started in 2011 and woken up last December ; As usual I made too much I have 3 lots of five T-light size pieces to give away. They were made this size so they would fit in this thread waxer (not included) I also have 3 bigger sized ones and 2 even bigger. The really big ones are in a small pie dish, the smaller are in bun dishes This stuff is seriously sticky. I had to destroy the T-light holders to get the wax blocks out If anyone wants a share of these PM me Its all Free, including UK postage
  16. I finally got making a batch of this
  17. Dyeing whilst the leather is damp helps the dye spread though the leather evenly I would wrap a piece of sponge in a cloth and use that to apply the dye. Do a certain area all at one time, eg all of the brim, both sides, then the crown and then the crown shaper Keep a 'wet' edge. Say, on the brim start at the front centre, doing a bit on the left side, then on the right side, go back and do more on the left side, then more on the right until you meet up around the centre back
  18. 01:30 I just cut a piece of 1.5mm - 4oz into 5 unequal sized pieces and coated them liberally with vaseline, front, back and edges Tomorrow, later today, I'll figure out how to present them to the rain (if)
  19. We are getting enuf rain for both of us! Its raining in between the showers, and when its not raining it teeming down I think I will copy you and do several pieces of leather with vaseline on them. I, too, want to check the waterproofing Having written that now the rain will stop for a few weeks!
  20. 7 monthly report. 26th April 2024 Pieces treated and kept on the top of the dash in the south facing windscreen (windshield?) of a car #1; Baby Oil; Colour = Dark, Flex = Stiff 7/10, Smell = No Smell, Other (fungus, deterioration ) = 0 #2; Cooking Oil (rape seed); Colour = Dark, Flex = Stiff 7/10 , Smell = very slightly 'leather', Other = 0 #3; Lard (pork fats);Colour = Light, lighter than Control #1, Flex = Moderately stiff 5/10, Smell = A hint of oil, Other = surface feels a bit 'greasy' #4; NFO Compound; Colour = Dark, Flex is good, 4/10, Smell = neutral, Other = 0 #5; Olive Oil; Colour = Dark, Flex is good 3/10 Smell = very slightly of oil, Other = 0 #6; 3-in-1 Oil; Colour = Dark, Flex is stiff 9/10. Smell = Slight smell of leather and a hint of oil, Other = 0 #7; Vaseline; Colour = Light, lighter than Control #1, Flex is stiff 6/10,, Smell = faintly of 'leather' Other; Surface feels very greasy #8; Control #1; kept with #1 to #7; Flex has stiffened, Colour = mottled light and slightly darish, Flex = Stiff 7/10, Smell = Neutral, Other = 0 - Thats all for now I'll be back soon with a report on the pieces kept outside, in rain, sunshine and wind
  21. I don't 'click' on unknowns Looks like you just glue them in
  22. That narrows it down to about 30 possible places in 7 miles I think we were using the same chap though ebay. I was in touch with him and he was going to make some plates for me. Shortly after the Russian attack he was taken off ebay, as many more in Russia and then his website and email were taken off the system. I tried a few times to contact him but with no success.
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