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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. Make yourself a long triangular shaped piece of wood with a flat on the top of it about 1/16 of an inch wide. Get a flat piece of aluminum, . . . sheet metal, . . . plastic, . . . whatever, . . . about 2 inches wide, . . . and maybe 18 inches long. Lay the collar down on the 2 inch wide piece, . . . center it so it is in the middle of the 2 inch wide piece, . . . then lay that on the triangle. Move it back and forth until you find where it balances, . . . that is the "weight" center of the dog collar. May God bless, Dwight
  2. I had this happen a few years back almost, . . . in my case the guy ordered a 53 inch cowboy gun belt, . . . and about 6 or 8 weeks later when he showed up, . . . he needed a 56 inch belt. Though I contact cemented and glued the tongue, . . . I just slit the stitches and gingerly but firmly pulled the short tongue off, . . . made a new tongue that was 3 inches longer, . . . and put it back on in the same spot. Very few people will ever figure out what happened, . . . and he was really happy, . . . especially with I decided not to charge him for the alteration. OR: Another one I saw done by someone else, . . . cut the belt somewhere the holster does not ride and there are no bullet loops. Punch each side for laces, . . . make a 5 inch piece that matches the rest of the belt, . . . lace it in the opening. Either way, . . . best wishes my friend. May God bless, Dwight
  3. Beautiful work, Josh, . . . several steps above my carving & decorating. Always enjoy beautiful work. May God bless, Dwight
  4. Go buy a Chevrolet, a Dodge, a Westinghouse, a Kenmore, a Craftsman, a Black & Decker, . . . I think you will find they are all in the same swamp together. If not the whole thing (think Oreo cookies), . . . at least parts inside are cheaper made elsewhere. We are paying that price for NAFTA and PFTA, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  5. Actually, Meagan, . . . you will only need to buy different leather. You cut the inside piece so that the hair side goes toward the person, . . . the outside piece is also cut from the same hide, . . . suggest 6/7 oz, . . . and that will make a really nice belt, . . . That, . . . because they are from the same hide, . . . should make them dye more uniformly as well. May God bless, Dwight
  6. Lay it out in the sun for a couple days. Actually does not have to be bright sun, . . . just stand it up in a south facing window. It'll darken. It may take a few days, but without the UV blocker that is only found in Resolene, . . . it all darkens. Might try a daylight white heat lamp, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  7. And if you don't want it to come apart, . . . take the beading threads long enough that they can be glued down onto the interior piece, . . . and when the stitching is done along the edges, . . . it will stitch them down too. When I find the pattern I want to wear for 10 years, . . . I'm going to make myself one of these. Had the hankering since I did this other piece a while back. May God bless, Dwight
  8. I generally rely on my own personal stock of guns, . . . some blue guns, . . . and some pine derby guns. My pine derby guns are literally made of pine, . . . mostly southern yellow pine, . . . from a left over piece of 2 x 10 or 2 x 12 or some such. They are dimensionally very close to the real thing, . . . and I have never had a problem so far with them. Part of that comes from the model making stuff I used to do, . . . and part comes from my carpentering skills and tools aquired over the years. It works, . . . that is what counts. May God bless, Dwight
  9. I'm with your catskin, . . . I got mine last year on black Friday, . . . brought it home, . . . and it worked "OK" straight out of the box. I bought a chunk of green rouge off Ebay, . . . lathered up a 5 inch or so wide piece of 9 oz leather nailed to a board, . . . and proceeded to dress the blade with it. Have used it several times (beginning to use it more and more), . . . and for belts, straps, holster parts, etc, . . . it has been great for me. The pic is the one I got for $200, . . . May God bless, Dwight https://www.tandyleather.com/en/product/craftool-deluxe-leather-splitter
  10. To each his own, . . . but then again, . . . I've never heard of anyone who grew or shrunk in 7/8 of an inch increments. Just a different way of skinning the same cat. One gives the customer a closer range of choices, . . . the other allows the belt to be more versatile. I like mine better, . . . and it ain't broke. May God bless, Dwight
  11. Well, . . . Hoffman, . . . in all honesty, . . . I have never in 72 years seen leather that was made "waterproof". Water repellent? Yes, . . . water resistant? Yes, . . . waterproof, . . . ain't gonna happen. Sooner or later just the using of the product will allow the "waterproof" coating to crack, . . . and so does the waterproof warranty. The nearest was some guys I knew years ago would take vaseline petroleum jelly to their boots, . . . about a jar per boot, . . . and it would last a while, . . . but eventually even it gave out. This product will make the item somewhat water repellent, . . . and that is about all. The wax kinda knocks the heavy stuff away, . . . and the oil in the fibers repels most of what gets under the wax. It IS A GOOD product though, . . . well over 100 years old, . . . lots of people have used it for many decades. NO, . . . it will not come off on your clothing once the wax has dried and been buffed good. But this finish would not do that anyway, . . . what would happen is the dye not being properly buffed before this product is applied, . . . it might rub off. May God bless, Dwight
  12. Mine is 7 inches.......... May God bless, Dwight
  13. Commercial zig zag sewing machine............. May God bless, Dwight
  14. Hey, Dink, . . . if I understood correctly from one of the threads on here, . . . you make clicker dies.

    I need one for a key fob.  Have you ever made one for a key fob?

    I'm thinking like 1 1/2 circles connected by a curved edge bridge, . . . folded in half, becomes a key fob.

    If you do this, what would you charge me for one that is open, . . . definitely not the wooden top type. 

    Thanks, may God bless,

    Dwightkey fob die.jpg

  15. I had somewhat the same dilemma, . . . went to Joann Fabric, . . . bought their big table top cutting mat (36 x 60) and put it down on my 3/4 inch plywood topped table with double sided carpet tape. That was several years ago, . . . still holding up well. Check with Google, . . . sometimes get a 50% off coupon, . . . mostly just 40%, . . . but they are like $60 apiece, . . . and with all the lines and measurements on them, . . . they are worth every penny, . . . at least to me it is. May God bless, Dwight
  16. byggyns, . . . you said you took a holster class in central Ohio, . . . where was that and who was the instructor?  Just curious..........

    May God bless,


    1. byggyns


      It was at the Tandy in Columbus on Morse Rd. The store manager - whose name escapes me right now - was the one who taught the class. It was a few years ago when they did only 2 long sessions on Saturdays for the class. I think they break it up more now and do 4 shorter sessions.

      We designed 2 holsters, and made 1, but I think they now make 2 during the class.

  17. Emmo, . . . FWIW, . . . I stitch my belts on a Tippmann Boss machine, . . . using 346 size polyester, waxed thread. It is .0258 in diameter which works out to .656 MM. There's also a lot of thread info here: https://www.thethreadexchange.com/miva/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=TTE&Category_Code=Nylon-Thread-Information Uhhh, . . . good luck on that hand stitching a belt. Used to know a guy who did em with his wife, . . . him at one end, . . . her at the other, . . . took em 4 hours together to do one belt. But you should have a really good belt if you are making it from a double shoulder. I like to make mine from shoulders, . . . but sometimes the customer is bigger than the cow's shoulders, . . . lol. May God bless, Dwight
  18. Like Mattsbagger said, . . . nix on the plywood. All my molds are generally southern white pine (cut out of left over 2 x 12's from building projects). There is an occasional white pine piece from a 1 x 6, . . . I don't have any problems with any of the stuff they turn out. The "clearance" you spoke of needs to be a tad more than the leather you are molding, . . . otherwise you compress the leather, . . . May God bless, Dwight
  19. Here you are: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hand-Crafted-Leather-Rounded-Corner-Strap-End-U-Punch-for-Leathercraft-Small-/121515468390?hash=item1c4ae2e666:g:JyQAAOSw9r1WA2uD May God bless, Dwight
  20. Shielajeanne, . . . find a friend who is an electrical contractor, . . . tell him / her you need several short pieces of 1/2 and 3/4 inch EMT, ElectoMetallicTubing, . . . or conduit as it is commonly known. Cut them about 6 or 7 inches long. Here comes the fun, . . . very gently, . . . very slowly, . . . take your time, . . . be very deliberate, . . . and keep a pan of water close by to dip it in every 4 or 5 seconds. Take a couple of those pieces to a disc or belt sander with something between 120 and 200 grit sand paper on it. Bevel the edge all away around at about a 60 degree angle, . . . be careful not to burn the steel, . . . go slow and keep dipping it. GET IT SHARP, by grinding until you have a really good edge on it. Next take a hack saw and come up about 1 inch, . . . cut the tube about half way through, . . . make the final cut starting on your sharpened edge, . . . going down to where you made your cross cut. You wind up with a tool that will cut a beautiful half circle with some light tapping of a mallet. Dampen your leather first, . . . they go through like hot butter. For your window you want to cut (inside corners) you cut away half of the half circle, . . . leaving only a 1/4 circle, . . . and again they work wonderfully. The below pictures show some of the ones I have made, . . . and use on pretty much a daily basis. The top left hand corner is a 3/4 inch tool for cutting really nice rounded ends on 3/4 inch straps. Clockwise from it is a 1/2 inch hole puncher and all the way on the right hand side is the 3/4 inch hole puncher. The bottom left tool makes beautiful half round cuts, 3/4 inch size, . . . the lower right tool makes your corner cuts, . . . it's also 3/4 inch in size. May God bless, Dwight
  21. What knd of blunderbuss do you have that needs an 8 foot long rifle sling? Give us some details, . . . maybe one of us has wandered down that road before. May God bless, Dwight
  22. What did you want to do with it to start with??? May God bless, Dwight
  23. Matt, . . . just a little suggestion, . . . put the pencil away for a while. Literally use yellow manila folders to wrap around the gun, . . .or lay on top of the gun, . . . force it down around the weapon, . . . then get out the masking tape and scissors. Cut off the "excess", . . . tape back on where you took off too much, . . . re-cut, . . . keep playing with it until you can see laying on your workbench, . . . a reasonable prototype of what you want. Then use that prototype for the first "pattern". Cut out a sample of the main body from belly leather, . . . or boat seat vinyl from JoAnn fabric (it's great for quick patterns, . . . and about 10% the price of leather). That is how you learn to make patterns. Trying to sit down and draw it from scratch, . . . kinda like trying to do an M1A Abram's tank with a Lincoln welder. May God bless, Dwight
  24. I just finished a couple for a friend, . . . Rhodesian style, . . . at times, . . . I began to think a razor knife would be how I got my molds back. He'll have fun getting them to "where he wants them", . . . but for now, . . . they'll hold onto the gun worse than a democrat holding his own money. I used the old vacuum bag on all three, . . . actually broke my double stack magazine mold, . . . trying to get it out. On the left is an H&K USP .45, . . . the right is a Glock 21. May God bless, Dwight
  25. I simply burnish well, . . . apply the Resolene finish, . . . and I virtually never have any problems with my edges. But then again, . . . I always believed in the KISS formula for work............Keep It Simple Stupid. Works for me. May God bless, Dwight
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