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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. I was, will get fancy with the swivel, the adjustable length. For now a half clam allows me to play with ideas. For $20 us on Amazon I got this swivel clamp that works fine. You can add this to a bench or a horse easily.
  2. Thanks! its becoming the klingon batliff of clams. I do like adding cork to stick your stitching needles into.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I dig the BK brand. I just like unique. You really look like this actor!
  4. I'm halfway done. I'm discarding ideas left and right. keeping it simple lol. I decided this should still be proof of concept. Should be finished by Christmas
  5. LMBO!!! Made in Japan was the stamp! nice I agree, Japan makes incredible steel.
  6. since you mention it, not china ( they are cheap, but no style), but I did buy my head knife (Damascus steel), an Ivan, from goods japan. I'm kinda digin' this Russian maul. ps Frogjelly rocks for contacting me back today! but it's not tapered
  7. Thank you for the site for your tools, ranch2arena.com Still say you need to make an old school doctors bag for that set up!
  8. This folks, is sweet! Thank you for sharing Jordan. I am going to try this one.
  9. 'Show' and tell. Pics please. I'd love to see that table. I couldn't make it out in your early photo. A lot going on in your shop:)
  10. I'm currently looking for a 1lb tapered poly maul. I have a 2lb but its overkill but I like its look. I have no idea where I got it, it looks exactly like a BK but its silver. I'm looking at Frogjellys, the pics look tapered but I can't tell for sure. I also found beautiful tapered mauls on Etsy but the handles are wood and not leather wrapped, which I like. Any suggestions? Also, am I crazy for wanting a red poly maul with a lightsaber handle that I can call Darth? This is the one on etsy. from Russia. reasonable price.
  11. please post this on my Show your Shop thread! Three responses and a lifetime of advice. Thank you all! Now it's bedtime and that is the most valuable time at the moment I'm on vacation next week so I guess I'm getting paid to make some things.
  12. I keep seeing this question. I've asked it myself. You've made art, how do you put a price on your heart, time and soul. Material cost I understand. Being told ask twice the price of the materials I do not. What I keep seeing is the question of time. I could ask myself how much am I worth hourly but is my worth being truly applied to all that time? I posted once that the time was relative, the first response was, ' well since the time is irrelevant...'. No. I said, ' Relative.' I love making things. the time fly's by. A lot of shops I've seen have TV's. At the very least I think a lot of us are listening to the radio. The point is it's multitasking. I can finish a piece of art during commercial breaks, i.e., wasted time utilized. Me. personally. I would give my time away to find out what it is worth. I do want to make money at this someday. but I want to build a shop this year, and if I can do it by wasting a little time so be it:)
  13. Mjolnir

    David Sling

    I gave away the masterpiece to my Pop, and others to friends. This is my last one, a braided sling out of hemp. the others were made of a wax coated poly cord. The Rose Sling I gave to Pop was 16 different braids and sennets. Anyway I spent a summer making these. It'll toss a rock 100 yards easy:)
  14. I thinik you just figured out how to make leather cost effective! Micro tooling. now tool a grain of rice
  15. Mine is 2x6@38 tall, 2' thick. I love that I can stand or use a drafting chair. I want to add extra space and start modifying. I was thinking a 1' thick 4x8 oak plywood. Any one have a better thought? Baroque, it's just a thought but if you need to add extra height check out the supreme benches that OldNSlow posted here, he added castors. still my favorite benches posted so far.
  16. One of the greatest compliments I've ever received, I'm going to give to you, " I've never seen that before." The knife case is phenomenal.
  17. Just to give an idea or were I'm going with this, I'm adding a bent piece to both sides to accentuate the mouth of the clam. I may be crazy but I can make it work... I hope. Definitely going towards the sculptured look. I spent the whole week looking at it everyday and telling myself to 'keep it simple stupid' before reminding myself I could have scraped that one and built another by now! Time to go for it!
  18. sorry Kulafarmer I replied to your post and it's not here. Anyway. So apparently Mango is a hardwood so I would go for it. After you bend it let it cool to room temp and it should be set. I would go ahead and let it dry mostly or all the way but the cooling is what is important. Also if you have to steam a bit more for a fix. It will straighten out and it also dry's the wood which can cause tiny splits along the grain. Good Luck, I want to see pics! PS I took a thought break from my Clam 2 project, but I started back today and vacation starts tomorrow afternoon. Clam 3 is already planned.
  19. The pics have slowed down, but there is still so much to discuss here! More pics please! going back to the beginning of the thread I thought some pics deserve a little shout out. Look at all of these stamps! And I'm pretty sure my 2nd grade principal bent me over that very desk for a paddlin'! ( Mrs. Montgomery, I still swear I didn't do it.) Is that a slab of granite on its top?
  20. Thank you for the inspiration. I've wanted to do masks. Did you just shape them or use a mold? you've got a niche. Others will tell you how to perfect the craft, I can just tell you the artisanship is incredible!
  21. That space.That light. This is a serious Highlander like loft (on the ground floor). Love the roll aways. Are they repurposed Islands or made?
  22. "Nurse, skiver please." "Yes Doctor."
  23. we can work something out on the clam. The compressor isn't worth mentioning, it was clearance at Hobby Lobby. I need a bigger one.
  24. Funny I think we all must be cut from the same scrap leather. Love the space. Mine also shares the workout machine, and I love my darts
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