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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. mini me clam needs work but... Maybe spoons would be better. I'm only half kidding. add tongue depressors.
  2. thanks. taking your advice on avoiding thread snags. just a slight mod. I'll keep up making never seen before stuff. But with a KISS (keep it simple stupid!) Who needs bells and whistles. I love the shape of this thing and I'm pretty sure they didn't originally have hinges, nor holes and leather straps going through the middle. So you need an attachment for watchstraps but don't have one? Describe what would work. mini clam... what? I've never sewn one.
  3. nice work, I love this detail.
  4. Beautiful work. nice touch with the pink ribbon.
  5. Thank you for that. My jaw dropped and kept open as I read. Very valid observations, and solid advice. What kind of tiny attachment for a watch strap do you mean. Can you show an idea?
  6. 'The Klingon Klam'. minus several more layers of tongue oil. This is were I need help. I can hinge it on the bottom or the side. a leather strap to pull it together. What I want is a hinged opening and a wooden ball that slides up to lock it ( A slit from the bottom of the arc so you raise the knob to lock it). the other option is a hinged wooden bar in the middle that you pull down to open it. Yeah I'm reaching. hope that made sense. suggestions please!?
  7. yeah I watch a lot of you tube.
  8. by adapted do you mean tooling?
  9. I've got a one ton saved on amazon. Do I need it? What do you use it for? Is there a best? Are there modifications to be made?
  10. The older I get the more I appreciate small towns. Mine, like many others has Main St., there you will find the nicer houses. One in particular recently had an addition. Behind this White Victorian a little log cabin popped up almost over night, chimney and all. Again because its a small town I know its a work shop because church going lady's know everything, and they knew about it a month before I noticed it. I think I should stop by tomorrow and see If I can get a peek. honestly I don't care what is inside. Everyday I drive by and my heart skips a beat. Another thought I'm having is how many deer, and other animals are being hunted practically in my back yard. I can't find anyone who cures the leather. They keep the rack, eat the stew, and toss the skin! Not that I need one but I do want one. I'm on a mission of one new toy a month. These shop photos have givin me the itch. Half of this hobby is an addiction to collecting, is it not?
  11. just a thought, my uncle had a night stick in the 70's it was drilled out and had mercury it the center. It would get heavy when you swung it. Like I said, just a thought. He did die from a brain disorder, so maybe that's a bad thought.
  12. stitching clam may be a little big for nipple use. To each his own.
  13. A fair trade. I have a newbie shop. So I'll start by making these for swaps on this site. IM your offer. I might have a first swap so I guess we will find out. I wont say what I get for it. I'll swap back if it's not felt fair. I'm after a working opinion so a post about it is part of the deal.
  14. Funny,... twice I have tried to trade this clam. Fair trade. The moral fortitude of the people here is commendable. They placed too much value on my work. I am in need of a second opinion before I stick these things up for sale. Just sayin'.
  15. What!? That wasn't in your shop pic was it? Would love to see it. Lovin' this store info. Thanks.
  16. it's funny how many 'RR track shaped anvils are on ebay'! Every kid in the seventies found metal signs while hiking. Some said 'Stop' or 'One Way'.
  17. I did notice these Sanch. very cool what was repurposed here? Is there anywhere you can get a railroad track anvil or is it just luck?
  18. I agree with that. I think my first intro to Damascus was the sword from the ' Highlander' films. I doubt it was Damascus but they did describe it that way. beautiful work.
  19. This Idea has a lot of merit and i'm curious about the history. It does have potential for a double sided tool. Maybe different shapes? same weight. I would still think a poly or rawhide would be best. thanks tmwp43. Ps. And never forget as ChasCS pointed out. that an impression can be made just by flapping your lips
  20. I can't find it online anymore but I printed the plans years ago. A wooden staff that breaks down into 3 parts for a stool. It used copper plumbing fixtures for decoration and hidden goodies like storage and a torch. the guy used a metal ring to hold the legs. Ill photo the pages and share found the link. check this out http://www.instructables.com/id/Multi-Function-Walking-Stick-Converts-into-a-Cha/
  21. I'm sure the info is on this site somewhere. I have no intention of bothering to wax thread but if I were. Can someone explain how to make the rosin beeswax and how to applicate? I'd not heard of this mix before. The only rosin I'm familiar with is violin rosin.
  22. going to contact him after Christmas. Any idea what those mauls go for?
  23. Ok I've got to step up and say, ' Please extrapolate on what the heck you are talkin' about for us newbies with a bench!'. 'Is that a burnheart 5 with a slanted jiggle or is it perhaps a sloop slitter six modified to make smores? Merry Christmas folks.
  24. Score! Brilliant. Thanks for the tip BatCity.
  25. As I see it. It can be added to one. I personally don't get it. I'd rather attach it to my couch! Or for $2000 I'll make a recliner clam! As I approach 50 I don't want to sit on a little bench. Adjusting for height and comfort is important. So I have an idea:) for an adjustable leg from 3 to 6 feet.
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